Well, I submit.. Sean wins

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Sean Begone, Nov 17, 2016.

  1. Hello,
    I am going to use the Alias Sean. Why Sean? Because that name has become like an alter ego that I seemed to have adopted in chat rooms and stuff like that.

    I hate who I have become and I always thought I could beat, ahem.. defeat this on my own, but I realize I do not have the strength to go at this alone. I need you guys. I need my wife, I need my life.

    I am hoping that as I get stronger, I can proverbially kill Sean, and just be me! Let's do this! I have had three relapse in the three days, each time I swear it would be the last, but it has not.

    I do not know where to start, please help me out.
    AndySky180 and D . J . like this.
  2. AfricanDude

    AfricanDude Fapstronaut

    Hey buddy welcome! I'd recommend setting yourself a counter to keep track of when you last relapsed. It helped me a lot to publicly say "This is how far I've gone and this is how far I plan on going". You can get it by clicking on a counter of anyone else on the site (I just haven't set mine up yet). I last relapsed a few hours ago and I'm not joking when I say I will never do it again. I hope you feel the same man ;)

    Oh and good luck killing Sean (a sentence that could be taken out of context)
    D . J ., Sean Begone and AndySky180 like this.
  3. Frühlingstimme

    Frühlingstimme Fapstronaut

    Hey. My current name is Frühlingstimme, and I have had several other personas. diromedes, itornael, etc. Just pick a new name. I find it fun.
    AndySky180 likes this.
  4. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    What strategies are you using to combat PMO?
    Sean Begone likes this.
  5. Thanks for the encouragement African Dude! I will set up my counter today! In fact right now, because I already almost had a relapse. Oh man, how I hate myself at times.
  6. Hey D.J. I have tried so many straggles in last 20 years or so and all have failed. Honestly, I don't know... I think this site is the best option, because it is something I can do on the internet that will replace the porn on my screen. Oh, and I started knitting! my wife and I knit now, its great quality time spent with her, its bringing us closer together and, knitting is HARD! is uses all your mental powers to concentrate on what you are doing, it really clears my mind, when I have PMO urges, i'll go knit for half hour and my mind is clear. Plus, I'm making a nice scarf for my wife, so I'm giving instead of being selfish
    D . J . likes this.
  7. Thanks for the idea, but my plan is to no longer use my fake name, this person has become my evil twin craving sex 24/7, I want him to just go away, so I will be me, the real me. The man my wife fell in love with.
    D . J . likes this.
  8. Meshuga

    Meshuga Fapstronaut

    First and most important, does you wife know? For single guys, it's a pretty fair fight. Maybe they'll be able to climb out of addiction, maybe not. For married guys, it's a little more predictable. Those who tell their wives have more support and something great to live for, and they are more likely to succeed. Those who don't almost always fail. Despite your misgivings, there are many other great reasons for disclosing, which you can read in the thread attached to my signature. If you have questions or concerns not addressed in that thread, let us know and we can help you more.

    Second, understand this addiction and what is really happening. Read people here on NoFap, and the articles from yourbrainonporn.com. Learn about the dopamine cycle, what makes you crave PMO. This can help you avoid it, and develop a powerful appreciation and hate for what porn does to you and your relationships. In this vein, spend a little time in the Relationships section and liste to the wives and girlfriends who are watching their relationships being shredded by the porn monster. It will help give perspective on how terrible this addiction really is.

    Develop a plan, and form the resolution in your sane moments for how you will fight in your insane ones.

    Start a counter, to track progress, and a journal to do the same. The more detailed you are in your journal, the more information you will have to look back on later, and potentially find triggers and patterns that make life tougher for you. Your journal is more for you than for other people.

    Realize that you will probably reset a few times, and that's okay. People don't just run a marathon on a whim, nor do you they break long standing, deeply ingrained habits all at once. If you reset, the temptation is strong to roll over and say "I already looked at porn, might as well go the whole nine yards" or even, "I can't do it. I'm just a miserable being who will always be this way." Lies. A misstep on the mountain trail does not mean a free fall down the face.

    Develop relationships here, set down roots, be around people who understand your struggle and can share it, and help you through.
    D . J . and Sean Begone like this.
  9. AfricanDude

    AfricanDude Fapstronaut

    When I tried to set up mine now it wasn't working, there was an error message displayed on the screen. I think the service is down right now
    D . J . likes this.
  10. Good to know, that is what has been happening with me too, I log on, then nothing. Stops working. :_(

    Great advice. Yes, my wife knows and she has been my biggest support. We have blocks set up on my phone for the web, for apps, for anything really, only she has the password, if I need to do something, she has to input the password.

    I have been reading the yourbrainonporn website, that is what lead me here. I feel any help I can get will boost my self confidence to completely kick this once and for all.

    I have tried the counter, but the service seems to be down, I put in my id and stuff, then the tab stops loading )_:

    How I begin a journal? do I just write on site, or is there a spot just for journals?

    Thanks for your support everyone!

  12. Hey I tried again with the counter, it didn't work. But there was a spot to send the server guys a message, and they have a line that says they are aware of the problem of starting new counters, and are trying to get it fixed. So I guess a little patience will be in order. Once its up, i'm ready to go!
  13. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    Here is a growing collection of startup strategies compiled from myself and I've added some from others on NoFap. Keep these in mind. This is by no means a be-all-end-all list of suggestions but it is a list for you to use and add to for yourself and modify to meet your needs.
    1. Delete all of the P that you have from your computer and smartphone including the browser history and cookies. This will not stop you but will slow you down.
    2. Identify your triggers. What are the things that you happening in your world to cause you to turn to PMO for escape and comfort! This is the most crucial step in the process.
    3. Once your triggers are identified, determine healthy ways of dealing with those triggers such as exercise, running, leaving the stressful situation and going outside for air.
    4. Go to http://yourbrainonporn.com/ to learn more about the effect PMO has on you. Do this also to educate yourself on the damage you are doing to yourself.
    5. Guard your eyes. Be careful of what you allow yourself to see. No, you cannot live with your eyes closed but you can determine how long you look at something.
    6. Masturbation... do not keep your hands to yourself. Unless you are bathing, changing your underwear or actually using the bathroom, your hands should be nowhere near your penis. YOU ARE BANNED FROM TOUCHING YOUR PENIS FOR RECREATION!!!
    7. Your bed is limited to only the time you are sleeping. No laying in bed other than that. As soon you awake, you should get out of bed. Can't sleep, if awake for more than a few minutes, get out of bed until you are sleepy enough to go to sleep.
    8. Keep doors open unless necessary. You need to be isolated as little as possible. You're less likely to M when people can see you.
    9. Keep curtains and blinds open as much as possible. Similar reason as above and also allows light inside. Many time M'ing is more likely in dark places.
    10. At night, keep lights on as often as possible. Similar to above, lights on may lessen your desire to fap.
    11. If you are a naked sleeper or a boxer sleeper, consider sleeping in a in jockstrap, cup or briefs or compression shorts, something more constrictive so that you are less likely to feel movement while falling asleep or when awaking. They may provide a better barrier to prevent those that subconsciously reach for their penis at night or in the morning. They may also be a visual barrier for those that have morning erections too irresistible to not touch.
    12. Begin a journal so that others can encourage you and connect with you.
    13. Become active in this community. The more active you are, the less time you will spend focused on you. The less time focused solely on you, the faster time goes. There is an old saying, "a watched pot of water doesn't boil any faster", which means for this example, focusing solely on yourself and your issues won't make them go away sooner. It's OK to track progress but when spending more time doing other things that were once important to you and encouraging others, you will notice the time of your sobriety will go so much faster than if you didn't.
    This a journey. Unless you began your addiction yesterday, don't expect to have complete victory by tomorrow. It takes time. We are here for you for as long as it takes.
    Sean Begone likes this.
  14. Thug Life

    Thug Life Guest

    Transfer your dick touching addiction to a weight lifting addiction.

    Sean of the Dead.
    D . J . likes this.

  15. You are so right! Honestly, my wife left for work half hour ago and first inclination was porn, chatrooms, fapping. I guess this was my first relapse, but I managed to stop! Stop much sooner than normal. This is a good feeling, but also feel sick in the stomach that it hit so fast. This is going to be tough... Thank you for your advice
    D . J . likes this.
  16. NO PENIS TOUCHING!!!! I have cut myself off, well I didn't cut my penis off, but well you know what I mean :confused:
    D . J . likes this.
  17. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    Your penis is not a toy! :D
  18. Well, I really screwed up my knitting, had to reverse on three rows, :mad: ugh! But! Cravings and urges are gone. :) Now I'm just thinking about how really stupid porn even is. It is just stupid pixels on a screen, the same ones that make what I am writing right now, the same pixels that would show me my wedding photos, or play me a wholesome movie. I cannot believe I had been enslaved to this for so many years.

    I know that with trying to break this habit there are ups and downs, but I want to fight through the downs now. One day at a time. Day one almost over and feeling good. On my own I have never been able to go longer than a week without PMO, but I am taking a 90 day challenge, I have never tried this before. Here goes nothing, and everything! :eek:

    Thanks everyone
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 18, 2016
    D . J . likes this.
  19. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    After the brain fog clears, and you can see clearly, we all have the epiphany of the lives we could have lived if we had not invited PMO to stay in our lives.
  20. Yeah, well said DJ. It just angers me I guess that I let it get this far. I know I cannot change my past, I can only learn from it. So time for me to live and learn and stop being so mad at myself.
    D . J . likes this.