Very little urges

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Deleted Account, Nov 24, 2016.

  1. Hello,
    I've been trying to reboot on and off for the last year or so. Had two streaks which lasted around 21 days, some 14 day streaks and then some around a week and less. During most of them I felt incredibly horny and I was sexualizing every woman I came across. Now I've been PMO free for 22 days and since day 7 or so I started to feel urges less and less. I don't believe I'm in a flatline, for I don't suffer any depressive symptoms. I actually did during the first week, then maybe around two weeks for a bit but now nothing. I'm wondering whether this is due to quitting facebook a week ago and going to the gym very regularly, am I channeling energy? I didn't really believe it but it makes so much sense. Any input is open :)
    Also, I used to go through a phase of wet dreams ( most of the time 2) around two weeks, now not a single one since starting this streak.
  2. GeneralF

    GeneralF Fapstronaut

    22 days bro, continue that way !

    Be focused on your goal and never forget why you started. You also need to know that your brain will make excuses, will try to persuade you that you wont be able to accomplish it, that it finally wont have any positive outcome but dont listen.

    Good luck
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. Dziki007

    Dziki007 Fapstronaut

    Hello Arnold, I am in similiar situation like you. I am on my 22 days no pmo and i have little urges compared to time before no fapp. I think thats good, my brain is changing from constantly looking for arousal looking on girls on streets etc. Now when i look on girl on street i want truly talk to them, no sexual thoughts and that big achievement for me. I think you should look on it in good perspective, forget about flatlines and all that bullshiit. Brain transforms, dont sexualize and objective women i belive and thats good.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. Thank you both guys :) GeneralF I'll keep that in mind. Dziki007 that's wonderful progress, hope you keep it up:) . I'm going through a weird phase at the moment, where I text very few people and am mainly learning a lot about myself. Some people would say I'm very selfish, but I feel I'm focused on myself for the first time ever. I know you guys can probably relate.
    Dziki007 likes this.
  5. Dziki007

    Dziki007 Fapstronaut

    Yes i realized that myself, realized how much i need to change and spend time alone meditating, reading about bad habits. I also never focused on myself very much, i was living in a way like others lived, this is wrong. Its like when friend is saying about some beatiful pornstar and fapped to it multiply times then i was thinking "hey its nothing wrong if someone done this" but its wrong way.
    Deleted Account likes this.