Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by IggyIshness, Dec 8, 2016.

  1. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    im feeling guity. i didnt do nothing bad to my reboot even. I feel guilty because I messed up and i fucked up and i got really lazy the past 2 days and i feel guilty because its not really allowed and im feeling guilty because i want to start and once. And just feel guilty without explaination. I feel guilty because i dont really have a 'habit' or whatever other people do there im just not fapping. I feel so hopeless i dont know what to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel so fucking angry about everything! Dont say its withdrawal symptoms because i have been feeling like this for 6 fucking MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP
  2. DayOne44

    DayOne44 Fapstronaut


    This is an interesting rant.

    You, for whatever reason, apparently needed to blow off steam.

    We will help you.

    But, it is not exactly clear why you are feeling so guilty.

    So, you "got really lazy the past 2 days."

    So what?

    What were you supposed to be doing that you didn't do?

    You didn't fap or surf porn. No guilt there.

    Perhaps, you have only needed some rest.

    Taking a break is not laziness.
    Sailor93 likes this.
  3. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    I said in my head that i should stop and just jerk off and now i want to do that or i feel guilty if i dont
  4. DayOne44

    DayOne44 Fapstronaut

    Of course, you want to jerk off.

    That's the easy way.

    No reason to feel guilty because you want to do something--not even if it is bad.

    We can't control those desires and the thoughts that come with them.

    Guilt sets in when you actually do something contrary to your conscience.

    You haven't done anything.

    Feeling guilty because you have not masturbated is ridiculous.

    The voice telling you to just jerk off is not your conscience.

    Don't listen to it.

    The bad feelings you are having are probably not guilt.

    You are conflicted. That is confusing you.

    You want to masturbate, and that is understandable.

    But, you know you must not do that.

    You will feel terrible about yourself if you did.

    All of this is arising out of that inner conflict.

    You've already chosen which side of it you want to be on.
  5. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    I want to restart my streak!! i want to redo it again
  6. DayOne44

    DayOne44 Fapstronaut

    You don't "restart" a streak for the fun of rebooting again.

    For crying out loud!

    You continue a streak!

    Just keep going already!

    You need some sleep.

    Good Night.
    thefaptrap likes this.
  7. Dreadnoughts

    Dreadnoughts Fapstronaut

    (This post may sound condescending but it's meant with good intentions)

    Jesus you're 14, come on kid. I'm 27 and have practically daily PMO since my preteens. You don't want to end up where I am. When you don't explain yourself to the girl you're in love with (I have now and she understands but at the time) and she thinks you don't love her or find her attractive is why you can't rise to the occasion. Wake up. You're obviously here because you want to change this aspect of your life. Don't go throw away something long term for something that's only going to last what 5 seconds?

    Go slap yourself and get back to your senses and man up and solider on.
    Sailor93, Erwin and Frühlingstimme like this.
  8. IGY

    IGY Guest

    I agree that it is not withdrawal symptoms. I think it is much more to do with you as a person (or your personality to put it another way). None of us can psychoanalyse you because we are just ordinary people - not psychologists. Your feelings of guilt seemed much stronger a few months ago, so I think you have made progress with this. Previously, you were quite anxious about almost every aspect of this challenge. But you have dealt with it much better as time has gone on. Maybe you are just experiencing a time when it is dominant again. Try not to panic, as it may not stay this intense for too long.
  9. douggie1962

    douggie1962 Fapstronaut

    How about a good break from all of this?
    When I was 14, I loved to read science-fiction.
    Here is a list of my favorites:
    The Dune series - Frank Herbert
    Ringworld - Larry Niven
    Foundation - Isaac Asimov
    Blue Adept - Piers Anthony

    Nothing like a good book to take a break from your daily existence.

    Be Strong My Friend
    HappyDaysAreHereAgain likes this.
  10. Dreadnoughts

    Dreadnoughts Fapstronaut

    Good point.

    Or even reading books on finance or how to do things will really give you a step up in life.
  11. Frühlingstimme

    Frühlingstimme Fapstronaut

    @IggyIshness I restarted my counter, recently, just for fun. If you want too, you can. Nobody can tell you what to do, it's your reboot, it's your plan.

    All the best!
    Dreadnoughts likes this.
  12. keep pushing.
  13. Try feeling guilty about feeling guilty. Who knows, it might help. Stranger things.
  14. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    No. I because i do feel guilty about me being guilty so i get even more guilty
  15. Maybe some time away from this site, coupled with therapy, would do you a whole lot of good.
  16. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    No. therapy doesnt do shit and i took a break from this site and felt worse :mad:
  17. Have you been to therapy?
    IR254 likes this.
  18. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    Therapy is bullshit
  19. I'll take that as a 14 yr olds way of saying, no.
  20. HappyDaysAreHereAgain

    HappyDaysAreHereAgain Fapstronaut

    I never read Blue Adept, but enjoyed all the others! Asimov got me through early adolescence and then came lots of others. Didn't find Dune until college. SciFi was a great escape for me! I imagine some of the old classics could now be found free or very cheap online, if you prefer to read on screen. Used book stores also are often overloaded with SciFi books.
    douggie1962 likes this.