How to stand up.

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by kroon007, Jan 22, 2017.

  1. kroon007

    kroon007 Fapstronaut

    Iam fed up of being evryones carpet. But when a person asks me something i always do it. Mailny its due to pepople taking advantge of my kindness but sometimes i wont to feel accepted.

    ps when some one roasts me i have no combacks does any one know how to overcome this?
    MrPrince likes this.
  2. Dziki007

    Dziki007 Fapstronaut

    You are young, in time you will understand.
    Aiyoshi likes this.
  3. just be your self. don't change who you are. let the haters hate. and the scoffers scoff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. kroon007

    kroon007 Fapstronaut

    uderstand what?
  5. kroon007

    kroon007 Fapstronaut

    I am trying my best man:)
  6. Sailor93

    Sailor93 Fapstronaut

    A lot of people think it's all about being the popular guy, who cracks a joke every break, makes the girls laugh, etc. These people also believe that if they laugh with his jokes and play along, they will also become popular. All good and well, until this guy isn't able to file a report, or complete an exam, or isn't able to do whatever is appointed to him, his popularity will change in mockery for his clownishness.

    A real life story: I worked as an apprentice together with another apprentice in a tight team. I'm no joke maker, I am not good at replying to a joke, have no wit. But I did my job, was polite and showed interest and hard work. My fellow apprentice had a big mouth, made a lot of jokes, but wasnt able to do anything the crew asked of him. On day one, I felt shitty because I couldnt be funny and reply to their jokes and he made the crew laugh. On day 14, they asked me to start working for the company once I graduated, and they told the other guy to shut his mouth whenever he opened it.

    Morale of the story. Popularity is a very shallow thing, and gets filtered from the moment that men (and women) need to do something and prove their worth. I felt shitty too that I couldnt be more popular, but through several similar experiences, I have learned that this is not something to pursue in live.

    I also read your other post about the admiration of girls. Dont put ANY time in this, it wont work anyhow. You're in school, so how do you want to get admired? Highest points? Been there, done that, you are just classified as the nerd. Next, lowest points, you look cool pretending that you dont care, but actually no girl gives you any respect or attention. Average, nobody cares. Dont search approval, especially not from girls! Study hard, for your own sake and career!

    When I was 17, I felt depressed that I wasnt good at anything, I wasnt the best at anything. That sucked, until I realised that the guy who excelled in math, sucked in football, and the girl with the crazy chemistry skills, had a F on her french test, and the amazing baseball player could barely spell his own name. A lot of people don't excell in anything, but they don't suck in anything either. They are called all-rounders, and the world needs a lot of them! I am an all rounder, and since I've realised this, I have focused my study and career on this quality, even my sport (crossfit) is an allround sport! Once you realize this, a lot of doors and possibilities open for you.

  7. kroon007

    kroon007 Fapstronaut

    Thx man even i think iam a all rounder :)
    Sailor93 likes this.
  8. DannyCool

    DannyCool Fapstronaut

    You don't have to stand up for yourself you just have to be happy. Fighting back is just a headache so just do everything you can to help them. Sounds like you have got it spot on in my book.
  9. Aiyoshi

    Aiyoshi Fapstronaut

    Please be careful with this type of advice, if it get's missinterpreted it can cause the person to start living to please others. But the intention to helping is good.
    Remember that we are all human beings, we're all equal, saying no to abusive people will save alot of trouble, and being ourselves and loving who we are is essential in order to live a happy life.
    kroon007, Mankrik and DannyCool like this.