How to entertain?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Fapstronaut5296, Jun 10, 2014.

  1. Fapstronaut5296

    Fapstronaut5296 Fapstronaut

    I had an opportunity to be alone(Outdoor) with a girl 3 times in last 5 days. But, i guess most of the times they were bored. They didn't complain but they didn't ignore me either. So, the big question is, how to entertain women? I can't be myself. Because, I'll definitely mess it up.

    1) I was on a trek and one girl didn't have good cardio. She was left behind and i chose to trek with her. There were moments where we were silent for long time. Maybe she was not interested to speak with me or she is a reserved person.

    2) While returning from the trek i was with another girl on train. Well, She spoke a lot! But, I wasn't happy with my behavior. I could've tried more.

    3) We had a small cultural tour for summer students(International) today. One girl needed help to get to her dorm. I volunteered to help. Again, there were some moments where we were silent for ling time.

    I don't want to be this guy. How to make a girl like my company?
  2. Ekhangel

    Ekhangel Fapstronaut

    Copy this post and show them, vielleicht?
  3. Captain B

    Captain B Fapstronaut

    My first advice would be: stop caring so much.
    Every time I met an attractive girl I used to think something like "this could be the woman of my dreams, oh gawd I hope I don't mess this up!". After a few times where I actually didn't mess up and thus got to know her better, it turned out she wasn't the woman of my dreams and all my anxiety before was pointless. And if she actually IS the one, there's even less to be afraid off because you can't say anything wrong to your soulmate <3 ;)

    Second: Ask her about herself.
    You meet a girl, you think she's interesting, you want to get to know her better. That means you want to know things about her life. How do you get to know these things? You ask her, she answers. Conversation. Boom. Also, if she senses that you're interested in her, this makes her feel important (and rightfully so!), which will probably make her like your company.

    Third: Everything is easier with a smile.
    Even push-ups. Try it!

    Just a few hints off of the top of my head. Hope it helps!
  4. Haha. I'll reply the same thing guys replied when I asked almost the same question.

    Be yourself.

    When I said almost the exact same words, " I can't be myself. Because, I'll definitely mess it up.", I had some very interesting reactions, and I realised it was in fact really false. If you're afraid not to be yourself, these girls don't deserve you, because we're like you, what we also love the most is when a boy is himself. Otherwise... we would date another guy.

    If you're funny, be funny. If you're quiet, listen. If you talk a lot, interest her. You didn't liked your behaviour? Change it!

    Keep in my mind that social interactions terrify me. So I may talk bullshit.

    Idk, honestly it may be my own personality but the simple fact that you're asking how to entertain shows that you care, and I find it touching. Not in a sentimentalist way. I like you. You try to understand. You don't stay passive. If it's not positive, I don't know what is.

    Ekhangel is right.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 11, 2014
  5. Fapstronaut5296

    Fapstronaut5296 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for giving your perspectives guys. Also, a girls point of view which is really important. I wasn't trying to ask any of these girls out(I'm not ready yet. Still into my ex who broke up with me last week). Well, i wasn't attracted to any of them. I just wanted to be a funny or interesting person instead of a being a boring person. When i speak to my friends who are boys, i don't have this problem. What I'm hoping to practice is, if I'm able to speak to any girl fr long time, I won't mess it up when i meet a girl who I'm really attracted.
  6. Alexander_D

    Alexander_D Fapstronaut

    I've found that an important part of growing up and meeting new ppl is in learning small talk. Just harmless chit-chat, weather observations, maybe a few jokes, try to memorise anecdotes that have happened to you and think about how to tell them well etc. Like a comedian giving a well-honed act, or a politician giving their stump speech. You're introducing yourself and inviting a response - giving the other person the benefit of the doubt. That's the subtext; you're talking about harmless things, but you're really two dogs sniffing each other's butts lol.

    But foundational to that I suppose is a basic level of self confidence - you're just a friendly guy wanting to see what kind of person x is and whether you two could be friends. So long as you're pleasant/neutral/inoffensive, so what if you get shot down? Just proves that x was a jerk or not quite on your level, lol.

    The point is that we all need each other in life and even if we don't like each other, we still need to learn to play nice. Like, I was in an intense college at uni and the whole community was made to spend loads of time together. In practise, this usually meant being seated at a table for meals often with several guys that, on a character level, I may not like, or have much in common with, or they may be girls that were intimidatingly beautiful and I'd be attracted to. But for half an hour or so, you need to be mature enough to put all that to one side and keep to harmless topics, tell some anecdotes, and just pleasantly pass the time. And who knows? Prejudices, misunderstandings and intimidation can get broken down over time and great, unexpected friendships may flourish - all bc you had the patience and maturity to endure their company and a bit of courage to at least give some of your 'stump speech' of standby questions, observations, jokes and stories lol
  7. Mrea99

    Mrea99 Fapstronaut

    Learn how to talk to a woman by touching her emotionally.
    Then she will talk.
    And talk.
    And talk, a lot.
    Nothing wrong with that mind you.
  8. Fapstronaut5296

    Fapstronaut5296 Fapstronaut

    Thanks Dr. Zaius. You are right about small talk. I have to start with it first.
    Thanks Mrea99. I know some girls who talk a lot! :p I wish i could talk like that. :D Or Maybe it looks cute only on girls.
  9. Rewired

    Rewired Fapstronaut

    Aw, it's not your job to entertain :p But I think you've got to be comfortable in yourself if you want to be able to have comfortable conversations so I'd start there.

    I once read a book about about women's conversation styles and it said something about us talking in circles to find common points of agreement (or alternatively, learning what we're unaware of). Maybe you could talk just a little about something you're interested in and see if she shares that interest. If not, move on to another interest, and so on. Good starters are pop culture: tv shows, movies, music, Facebook.

    I find the only time I shut up around guys is when they don't give me space to talk. That is, if they're too busy trying to impress me with all they know, or don't ask any questions, or interrupt me/talk over me, or simply bombard me with stats and figures - it means nothing to me. So make sure you're giving her space to respond, and if she's not responding, ask what she thinks about what you're talking about, listen to the answer and go from there.

    I think maybe the girl you were hiking with was too unfit to walk and talk ;) It takes two to make a conversation work so don't be hard on yourself.
  10. Definitely not XDD But maybe it's just me :eek: And shyness is dead cute.

    Rewired is a billion percent right though, I second everything, and besides I have no experience and I don't like to talk about what I don't know so yo should value her advice more than mine on this matter. Don't forget the girl's a human being too and can actually talk and think and answer and respond.

    Oh and last thing: sometimes silence is appreciable. Maybe you're a quiet guy, and she is too, and she's shy too, and so you understand each other without having to talk. One of my favourite songs ever ever has lyrics that ends like this "Don't speak, I can hear you". (Raphael, CocoRosie) You don't have to say words, I understand what you mean. Sometimes just appreciating the presence of the other is good. Then it's more about body language. Smile a lot, be open physically, etc. You can show your appreciation and interest without words, and it's a blessing for people shy like us. And if you're at the gym, godammit use this!!! Pretend you're stretching casually and then flex your big muscles!! I thought NoFap was increasing testosterone, so use it :eek:
  11. Fapstronaut5296

    Fapstronaut5296 Fapstronaut

    Thanks! And, i guess you are right about the girl from hike. She even told that she wonders how people can talk while hiking. Also, she took a lot of breaks. But, what made me think was at one point she told me i can go ahead if i want. But, i insisted to stay back with her :)
  12. Fapstronaut5296

    Fapstronaut5296 Fapstronaut

    I'm a shy person until i get to know the other person. I mean i take time to get comfortable. And, NoFap has indeed increased by energy. I am more satisfied after working out now. Also, i am able to workout more. :)
  13. Same than me bro! I get uncontrollable when I'm in trust. I'm a hidden party animal haha.

    I'm so grateful to be able to witness you becoming the best version of you. You rock, Fapstonaut5296. You fucking rock.
  14. Zyzz's Witnesses

    Zyzz's Witnesses Fapstronaut

    I am going to give you honest response since i HAD experienced this trouble but got over it.Don't think of what to say, better talk about everything and let the conversation flow its self.Talk about something you find interesting and have passion for it the and the girls will find you more interesting.

    Good luck mate!
  15. Fapstronaut5296

    Fapstronaut5296 Fapstronaut

    Thanks! I certainly am beating my own record every day :)