Are cold showers OK for peope with thyroid/adrenal issues?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by BetaToAlpha, Feb 23, 2017.

  1. OK, I have thyroid antibodies and I've had both hyper and hypo- states before. They say it's Hashimoto. I also have depleted adrenals. Since cold showers are kind of stress, should I start slowly with warm showers (I take hot ones) and then go cool and then cold?

    Right now I take hot showers, but I go to warm and almost cool at the end (here they call them contrast showers). Someone told me that actually cold showers might be good even for adrenals, as hot showers make your hands and feet have worse circulation (I have cold hands and feed and ironically that's the reason why I take hot showers). What's your advice guys?

    Mind that I want to boost my T levels as well. I think my adrenals produce little DHEA that leads to less signalling to my balls to make more T, so I'm low T, but I'm waiting to get tested in march.
    August One likes this.
  2. August One

    August One Fapstronaut

    I read that there is actually no scientific reference for the claim that they boost testosterone. It was some hazy research study that couldn't be validated I read somewhere? I'd share links but I can't. They certainly have some proven benefits and definitely may be an issue depending on one's state of health, not for everyone.

    Thinking they are a cure is like training oneself in the way they would train a dog. Sure you could use them as a discipline/willpower builder type deal and they increase your immunity levels apparently but as for boosting T the science is shady as shit there is an article out there bashing the reference that claimed that.
    BetaToAlpha likes this.
  3. Thank you! What do y'all suggest - fapping before giving blood for my adrenal/hypothalamus/thyroid/T and E test or continuing my NoFap? I know NoFap would show better results, but maybe I want to see how climaxing affects my system? I can't really decide. Or do you think NoFap won't affect my cortisol/adrenaline/T/E/DHEA/Prolactin/LH etc. levels? I deffinitely feel like utter crap for days and weeks even after climaxing, so maybe I have to jerk off in the days before to see which systems are taxed? Haha it's not just the addict in me wanting his fix, but I really wonder if you should be clean or "drugged" with wanking to see how it affects you? Maybe NoFap would make things look better than they are? I need to know how will sex/climaxing affect my body in the future as I don't think orgasming to a hand is different than with sex. I mean obviously my problem is when I don't retain my semen, but I want to see which system is broken in me.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 23, 2017
  4. I don't think it'll do much for your test mate. Only a small small boost.

    However I like cold baths for recovery. Really rate them. I also try to use them to meditate... not for long but for 5 to 10 mins. Along the lines of Wim Hof.

    I do think cold water therapy is good but again it's not the magic test boost yout are after.

    Oh and as regards if it's a stressor to your poorly adrenals... I'm inclined to think it potentially is but that's nothing but my.opinion.
    BetaToAlpha likes this.
  5. Deadlihood

    Deadlihood Fapstronaut

  6. Ok I'll try to go as far as possible. My orgasms are no longer pleasurable anyway, so I've become desensitized. It's depressing how even a single climax renders me prone to mood swings and asexual. Doesn't help with the ladies as they somehow sense my lack of desire. And the brain fog is such that I lack desire to see my friends as well or talk to people. I become reserved and cold as I feel like drugged and everyone avoids me. I hope this year they finally find what is wrong with me and help me become normal. I love the way NoFap makes me feel but I wish to be able to lead a sex life without feeling trashed. :)
  7. Deadlihood

    Deadlihood Fapstronaut

    Sorry. Keep fighting / stay smart!

    Have you identified your trigger(s)?
    BetaToAlpha likes this.
  8. The only trigger is this tingling in my urethra and prostate lol. Like my prostate is so used to being overworked that when I leave it alone it feels like exploding haha. And the urethra feels like it's cumming when I'm doing nothing (no edging). Feel like it's being tickled inside if that makes sense. :D So far I always relapse on days 5-9.
    Deadlihood likes this.
  9. Deadlihood

    Deadlihood Fapstronaut

    Huh. Well, good luck to you! Do you have a journal?
    BetaToAlpha likes this.
  10. Yes, I do. Check the Rebooting section if you like, bro. :)

    I have some autoimmune issues so I pray everyday for a miracle. I think thinking positive affirmations like "My immune system is healthy" or "My adrenals are becoming healthier" definitely helps get me through the day.

    I really hope for a second shot at life as I'm certain I'll be a great dad to my future children. He did answer my prayers for getting a diploma (ivory towers depress me), but more than anything I pray for health and emotional strength so I become my best self fo my future wife and children. I defo think NoFap is the key as it raises your vibration and then your visualizations become stronger and you attract positive energy as you have energy. When wanking too much my life energy becomes depleted. A man has to flow energy from inside out so he gets it back from others. NoFap fuels my energy tank so to say

    When I fap I'm eternally scared by every little thing. On NoFap I feel like I could fight for protecting my prospective family. Heck I even see myself hunting animals and I'm not usually into hunting so I'd say gender roles might be more genetic than nurtured. No one taught me to hunt, yet I get this feeling I want to skin a boar lol. :)))
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 25, 2017