90 days to 2017!

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by maske, Oct 2, 2016.

  1. maske

    maske Fapstronaut

    Hey guys! First of all, merry christmas! Hope you're having a great one.

    @DayOne44 Actually you are spot on with most of the things you said. We already broke up last week, we still talk every now and then, but all those doubts come in my head everyday. Is it the best choice? Am I throwing away the best relationship I could ever have? Am I going to be miserable if I see her with another guy in the future?

    The thing is, the answer to these questions are always uncertain. It's hard but I believe that the most important thing here is to simply stand by your decisions. If you decide something, do not dwell on "could have beens" or "ifs". I'm super anxious and I believe this week I really relaxed and thought this was a small step forward, even though in a foggy direction. I believe nofap really opened my eyes for the idea that nothing in life is certain, things change so suddenly and trying to decide everything based on security is a huge mistake. Even being very controlled and secure on your actions, you're still just like anyone else, and you can die on the street tomorrow. So you might as well do the things that take courage.

    Also, I may be completely wrong with those views, but being a very rational guy with tons of dreams that never came reality because I wasn't sure if they would pan out, always preparing, always trying to be certain.. It's actually very liberating to have a "Just do it" vibe (I'm not paying anything for Nike here :p). Even though it doesn't work out this way, no regrets, only a bigger experience baggage.

    stephanD and DayOne44 like this.
  2. stephanD

    stephanD Fapstronaut

    I know this is an old thread but just checking in and checking up on people. Hope the new year is going well for everyone.

    Keep moving forwards.
    maske likes this.
  3. So far so good but the urges are very strong right now. Hope you and everyone else are doing good.
    maske likes this.
  4. I doing fine, and hope all is well with you. I now 7 months free of PMO. At times it is hard to resist temptation especially when I feel very discouraged.
    maske likes this.
  5. maske

    maske Fapstronaut

    What's up guys. I'm back. After reaching the full 90 days on January, 1st. I slipped three days later and couldn't come back here because if felt so bad. I satyed on and off porn for a few weeks, stayed 13 more days pmo-free and lost it again on Feb 16th. I thought I had it all figured out because I already managed to stay off porn for 90 days twice, but doing it without checking here at least weekly is hard.

    Having a counter to check on and being accountable for something helps more than I thought.

    I'm not sure if any of you are still here, but I'll try to come to this thread as often as possible. I'm trying to reach a bigger goal now, doing the same thing all over again won't help much I guess. So, my idea here is to go all the way to August 16th. It's roughly 6 months/180 days. Let's see how it goes.

  6. Burner1

    Burner1 Fapstronaut

    Hey, welcome back - I remember the quote from your signature. Glad your back, but please never be stay away after a reset. We all have done it countless times - mine as of Sunday after 53 days. We get back up and carry on, together - alone you are sitting duck for PMO. Your among friends here that don't judge, no matter what. We walk through our journeys to gather to gain safety and strength through numbers, support and encouragement. Let's do this!
    maske and Sobriety Knight like this.
  7. stephanD

    stephanD Fapstronaut

    Hay @maske always good to see you around. I still think 90 days is brilliant and I'm hoping to reach it the second time in 30 days, and then I will try and double it again but we don't have to think about the future (and it can freak me out a bit if I do) we just have to think about today. Glad you're back on the path, watch yourself the next couple of days your head might try and mess with you.
    maske and Burner1 like this.
  8. stephanD

    stephanD Fapstronaut

    Hey @Burner1 I haven't been here loads but see that you're also almost at 60 days which is amazing, going to start following you, looking forward to celebrating that 90 day goal with you.
    Burner1 likes this.
  9. Burner1

    Burner1 Fapstronaut

    Sorry Man, I killed my streak on Sunday. However, I will be glad walk with you on the journey for our next 30 days and beyond if you like. I am more committed than ever, and intend to be 53 days this time!
    Username1021 likes this.
  10. K.C_Cage

    K.C_Cage Fapstronaut

    I almost forgot about this thread. As for me, I am nearing the end of day 14 of my sobriety. So obviously not the best, but a solid streak for sure.
    stephanD, maske and Burner1 like this.
  11. maske, well 90 days is a great effort. Like you I did make it to 90 days and PMO not long after in the past. Yet even so I learned from my past failures. Even so now I am beyond 90 days and I see that PMO is not an option. All the best sir.
    maske and Burner1 like this.
  12. Burner1

    Burner1 Fapstronaut

    So are back in on this thread Guys - want to keep track of progress here?
    maske likes this.
  13. K.C_Cage

    K.C_Cage Fapstronaut

    I'm down. Day 16 and going strong.
    maske and Burner1 like this.
  14. Burner1

    Burner1 Fapstronaut

    Checking in here with Day 3, rolling on strong!
    stephanD and maske like this.
  15. Burner1

    Burner1 Fapstronaut

    Day 6 here - how's everyone doing? Sorry for being absent - got a little hectic with work. I hope you are all well!
    stephanD and maske like this.
  16. K.C_Cage

    K.C_Cage Fapstronaut

    Day 18 is finished. Moving on with day 19!
  17. Burner1

    Burner1 Fapstronaut

    That's the way Man - Congrats on your progress!
    stephanD, maske and K.C_Cage like this.
  18. K.C_Cage

    K.C_Cage Fapstronaut

    Thanks man, it feels kinda crazy to be this far along, I haven't been this sober since September.
    Burner1 and maske like this.
  19. maske

    maske Fapstronaut

    Wow, so many replies! Thanks everyone for making this thread alive again. I felt really bad for resetting after almost 100 days for the second time so it took me a while to get back here, but I can definitely see how important it is to interact and get help and also offer encouragement to everyone else.

    I'm officially 10 days in. Hope you're all doing fine. :)

    stephanD and Awakening123 like this.
  20. Burner1

    Burner1 Fapstronaut

    We're glad you are back @maske - team work = success in this fight. Glad that we are all progressing. I'm on 7 days, so lead the way. Everybody stay strong and watch your back!
    maske likes this.