Simply Better - [Nutritional Tactics to Better Mental Health]

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Ajar, Mar 14, 2017.

  1. Ajar

    Ajar Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    This is my realized guide on how to attain a state of mind beyond anything majority of us have ever experienced. From my love of this community, to fellow brothers I give these general guidelines in order to improve our condition. Not only do these guidelines make us feel better about our lives, and ourselves, they improve the quality of mental, physical, and emotional health on all levels. They loosen the knots that hold us down. Keep in mind these are recommendation from my own personal experiences. You should always try these ideas by slowly breaking into them. This prevents withdrawal symptoms. Its a very good idea to take what you like and disregard what you don't; on that same note its also very good to attempt these ideals, and experience them honestly, so you know whether they are real or nonsense.
    1. Intermittent Fasting
    2. Stop Eating Sugar
    3. No more Coco
    4. Cold Showers
    5. Hygiene

    Intermittent Fasting
    This is one of those areas in nutritional research that is lately getting a lot of support. It is essentially the idea of abstaining from food for a certain period of time in order to induce a fasting state. For example what I usually do is stop eating around 9pm at night, and wait to start eating again until the next day at 1pm. This is essentially a 17 hour fast. This approach will help you balance your hormones, as well as rebalance damaged dopamine receptors. In the fasted state the brain repairs itself, also in this state neuroplasticity is a lot easier to get tapped into. "" is a great site to get really into it. The idea of IF is so big nowadays, its sheer idiocy not to try it yourself.
    Some benefits include:
    - Drop in insulin levels - easier to lose weight. (up to 8% in 24 weeks -huge amount)
    - The weight loss is primarily around the abdomen, which can help decrease Cortisol, and maximize Testosterone levels. Also decreasing inflammation caused by things like Gluten.
    - Massive drop in insulin resistance, which means higher uptake of Carbohydrate fuels which means less fat stored due to direct oxidation(usage) of Glucose for fuel.
    - Intermittent fasting has been shown to improve numerous different risk factors, including blood pressure, total and LDL cholesterol, blood triglycerides, inflammatory markers and blood sugar levels
    - Basal Metabolic Rate Increase of up to 14%
    - In deeper fasting states Human Growth Hormone is released up to 1200%.
    Body undergoes autophagy in its cellular matrixes. This causes the breaking down of waste matter into useful components the body can use.
    - Promotes anti-aging through telomerase activity.

    Stop Eating Sugar
    Sugar is a substance which is just as, or even more addicting than Cocaine. Today the world is overrun by obesity, heart disease, diabetes...ahh wth just watch this video you'll understand everything, even how bullshit the low-fat diet is..

    This video gives you an insight into the history, and how the major industries in the country are trying to fuck us over for some cold hard cash..

    No More Coco
    For my friends on Student Fapstronauts, they know I am very much against Caffeine. Trimehtylxanthine(Caffeine) operates in the brain by occupying Adenosine receptors. Adenosine is the thing that makes you feel sleepy.
    From my thread on Student Fapstronauts:
    "....Trimethlyxanthine(Caffeine) produces a dopamine rush, by occupying the brain's Adenosine receptors. Adenosine is naturally secreted by the brain for the body to go to sleep. Unfortunately!!..Adenosine receptors of brain do not discriminate between Caffeine and Adenosine.

    Due to increased dopamine activity, the Pituary Gland starts going off like its the fourth of July..This causes a huge surge in Fight of Flight Hormones(FOFH) such as: Adrenaline, Epinephrine,etc.

    These fight or Flight hormones make us more alert, active. This is great for a cavemen trying to survive a nasty animal attack, but for us Students, and normal people in general its detrimental. Its detrimental because of Caffeine's ability to hold NOT THE FOF HORMONES, BUT THE ANTI-FOFH's, which is Cortisol. Cortisol levels remain high for up to 8 hours after ingestion. This pushes you down back from your high into your original situation, even increasing things such as: Fatigue, Nervousness, irritability, and lower immunity. Caffeine may assist in Gluten intolerance...No, it doesn't stop at this, Caffeines Cortisol response hits you down literally for 6 hours after ingestion. Which means all of Cortisols effects on the body and mind are time released for up to 6 hours, in a somewhat decreasing manner.
    Heightened state of depression - Negative thoughts about life.
    Heightened states of anxiety - Can't look people in the eye. Essentially can't be in public without having somewhat of a panic attack( I can attest to this one).

    Effects of excessive, unnecessary Cortisol in system include:

    Anti-Testosterone Hormone: Which means it kills your sperm count, your body's anabolic(muscle growth) enviorment.
    May Cause Diabetes: "..elevated cortisol over the long term consistently produces glucose, leading to increased blood sugar levels..."
    May cause weight gain:.."Repeated elevation of Cortisol can lead to weight gain.."-
    May cause inflammation, or be caused by inflammation.

    Cold Showers
    There has been alot of hype about that on here. From personal experience, cold showers give me the boost to do what I need to do. I have tried variating between the two.
    Warm Showers:
    Give us a huge feeling of comfort after a long day. They also make me feel a lot warmer. This warmth kills sperm. I am totally about the whole Taoist concept of sexual essence. If I have understood correctly from Mantak Chia, he says that "you need sperm in order to do any kind of sexual alchemy, if the sperm is lost, you must wait until you gain some more". Basically the sperm is like a ball of life, it just donates life to the body. Thats why when a lot of us stop masturbating for a while, you notice that your acne clears up, you feel generally a bit more happy - its because your body is not like "barely surviving". When I say barely surviving I mean that feeling right after you blow a load, and you don't feel like doing anything for the next couple days. You just feel so unmotivated, and you don't care. The sperm gives us life, it gives us drive, it gives us health, passion, and energy. It charges the qi/prana channels if you believe in that stuff. When I am on a good streak generally I get so pumped about everything. I am so happy, filled with life, energy, passion, desire, DRIVE, aggression. People love that about a person, especially women. They love a man with a little aggression...and personally I love to hug women soooo much...they like it too lol. Food taste better, I am less full of shit, and anger due to my past. Its like a ocean of life dissolving my pains. I think ejaculation, or loss of sperm does the same thing as Weed. You don't feel like doing shit, so unmotivated.
    On the other hand...Cold shower's are like literally going Super Saiyan. Sperm is produced in the testicles at lower temperatures. This means the body will product more Sperm during a cold shower. I will tie this concept just now with the Testosterone Concept, giving you a Super Concept..

    This last concept is a little bit different from the rest, as it doesn't directly deal with the internal physiology of the human body, rather its external proponent. I want all my brothers, and sisters to start taking care of their external appearances more. This perspective was actually given to me by my own mother. She used to always curse me about how I dressed, how I smelled, etc. Let me just say that in this shallow world we live in Appearance, Smell, Style...all of these matter much more than you think. People WILL NOT TELL YOU TO YOUR FACE, but they will talk about you behind your back- this can be either positive or negative. It is our own fault people turn their face when they see us, or that they avoid us. It is because we have failed to present ourselves respectfully. Therefore it is always imperative to dress, look, and smell your best. There are certain aspects I definitely would love to touch on...

    1. Clothes - Make sure your clothes fit properly. That they are not too big. If you're wearing a shirt, make sure it stops at mid to upper crotch. Make yourself look neat and presentable in your eyes. The main goal is to look clean and neat, yet not too clean and neat like you're trying too hard. Make it look effortless. Just wear some clothes you feel look nice. If you are dressing your best and still feel you're not feeling it, look up common fashion today. Or just go in public and see what the clean guys, or pretty girls are wearing - try to mimic the concepts in your own way to the best of your ability.
    2. Smell - For guys, smell is everything. Women love when you smell good.
    For girls, I would say smell is not such an issue as I have not dealt with it too much - but it does play a role in attraction. If you're looking to get a boyfriend, smell good. Doesn't matter what anyone else think's smells good, just what you think. Just wear something.
    3. Be clean. For guys clear out your monobrow. Keep your hair, beard, etc. clean. Keep your skin hydrated with lotion. Go as far as you can go to look your best. I used to think people did not like me just because...but honestly it was just cause I smelled like shit half of the time, the other half I wasn't well groomed, and was wearing clothes that did not go toghether. If you're trying to get out of this whole Fapping thing, you really have to put effort to make yourself feel better. Think about it, almost your whole life has been either one disappointment to the next, sexual energy is the drive of life, whether you have it stored or not shouldn't be the hinging factor. You should take care yourself as best as possible. This will reduce anti-social behavior. Because you feel great, you know you look great, then even if you are on only day II, you won't be as sad.

    People generally trust by appearance. Take it from me. I've seen this first hand. I stopped dressing like "I didn't care what people thought", and started dressing how I thought was best, how I thought make me feel like I was good. I dressed in a way that gave me confidence, even thought I was going through social anxiety, and depression, and like a rough time with my NoFap streaks. Honestly, as soon as I started dressing better, people treated me better. They started respecting me, and my boundaries. They will respect you too, but only if you show them you care about who you are, that you respect yourself first. In order to be respected, you must first respect yourself. You overall will become happier, less bothered, more a part of the crowd. Even if not a part, respected. As long as you have respect, and admiration, you might not even need NoFap.

    So guys as Promised I am going to tie things together now.

    Cold Showers+ Intermittent Fasting + Exercising+ No Sugar= Super Saiyan state.
    This is due to the effective higher Testosterone levels. When you have higher testosterone levels, it naturally means you will have a higher sperm count. Higher Sperm count = Higher levels of Jing/Ching= More life energy, aggression, love,etc.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2017
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  2. Capt.

    Capt. Fapstronaut

    Great guide!

    I have been looking into intermittent fasting, and I've heard great thing about longer fasts, especially if you want to get rid of some fat in the process. The fast I'll be trying soon has you eating dinner on day 1 and then fasting until dinner of day 2. Some people warn of overeating on the second day, which may negate some of the benefits.

    I don't think I could go without my morning cup of Java but you've provided a very interesting scientific basis on which I'll explore further. I'm fairly good as far as taking cold showers, lowering (but not completely eliminating) sugar intake and maintaining proper hygiene.

    Good work!
  3. Awesome tips. I didn't knew this about coffee. I've been recently drinking a lot of it. Because collage, gotta wake up early, a lot of studies. It just makes me feel energized. But now you got me seriously thinking about stopping. :oops:

    Also, may I add, I think one another important thing to increase life force is to ate live foods. Cooked food will have less life force than raw food. So for example eating pasta made from raw zucchini with a rare (or even better blue rare) steak as opposed to fully cooked and processed pasta from flour with well done steak. Also eating still alive foods as opposed to dead foods. For example eating an apple (which is still alive) as opposed to snacking with raw fish (which is dead flesh). Or at the very least eating freshly killed fish vs one that has been frozen for days at a food store fridge. Ideally I think it would be raw vegan diet. But since not everybody is willing to do that at least ate more alive foods, make SOME compromises. Just my two extra cents. :)
  4. Ajar

    Ajar Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    @Capt. : I hear what you say about overeating, but honestly I dont think that would ever be a problem. Its nearly impossible to eat the same amount of calories you would usually do in a day, in one sitting. One of the main thing I really like about IF though, is how it makes my mind feel. I feel less angry, less hate. I feel more just relaxed. Which to me is invaluable to NoFap, as well as my mental health in general.

    This guy I follow quite a bit, he is a Ph.D in Neuroscience
    Main points of Video:
    30 days straight Fasting- 180% increase in testosterone Levels
    Leutinizing Hormone - 67% + increase
    HDL + increase
    LDL - Decrease
    Increased insulin sensitivity
    Decreased insulin in blood
    When you skip breakfast - train/exercise - hence you don't eat, energy then comes directly from fat storage - hence oxidized/metabolized to give energy throughout the day as you are in a fasted state.
    Deeper Mechanisms:
    Enzymes/Uncoupling proteins - poke holes in mitochondria cells - muscle cells no longer used for energy, fat cells used instead.

    @Shugi Shugi: I have experimented with the food thing as well. I have not tried it in the context you are hitting on. Rather I have done it using focusing on Sperm Count, Testosterone. Interestingly enough, when you are focusing on these components they also translate into a better state of health naturally. Honestly, I have not observed the difference between Alive or Killed, or Raw or Cooked. I guess that would be a great next step though : P

    Thank you both for your responses.