Video Conferencing

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by ZenoStyleLogic, Mar 15, 2017.

  1. ZenoStyleLogic

    ZenoStyleLogic Fapstronaut

    Snapchat? Skype? Whatever else the cool kids use these days for video chats?

    Does anyone do it? I know people join WhatsApp and Telegram groups but those aren't usually video conference type deals.
  2. ZenoStyleLogic

    ZenoStyleLogic Fapstronaut

    I once had sex with a mannequin at work. Or was it twice? Either way I pulled out my penis & I attempted to mate with a mannequin on the second floor of a mall department store which was turned into a storage area. I was alone up there doing some work as an assitant to the store's visual director and was super high and I get really horny when I smoke any weed (so I quit).

    Weed impairs your judgment like that and it gets compounded if you have other addictions.
  3. ZenoStyleLogic

    ZenoStyleLogic Fapstronaut

  4. ZenoStyleLogic

    ZenoStyleLogic Fapstronaut

  5. ZenoStyleLogic

    ZenoStyleLogic Fapstronaut

    Shaming people in recovery is grounds for expulsion from this forum if I'm not mistaken.

    Anyways back on topic, I see alot of people do videos on YouTube about their progress but that's not live interaction in recovery. Sure you can communicate with the author of the videos through comments and email maybe but video conferencing is strictly speaking 'live communication'. There is no time delay as there is communicating through written words even on a screen.

    Published on Dec 16, 2016
    Put aside all the nofap benefits, all the women attraction and everything else I have ever done a video about, this is probably the best, most open and honest video I have created.

    Understand that NoFap is a choice, no one is ever going to force you to do it and no one is ever going to force you not to. You may argue it's a load of bullsh*t, you may argue it's a placebo effect but the only thing I can do is advise you and inform you of my experiences of which you take inspiration from that.

    Self development starts with self honesty and reflection, whether that the self development through NoFap or another aspect of life.

    ► Snapchat: Flocka_tv
    Lazarus Shuttlesworth likes this.
  6. ZenoStyleLogic

    ZenoStyleLogic Fapstronaut

  7. Sorry I can't tell if your trolling or being serious but I agree with a lot of what you said about self development. I just saw you shared a YouTube video about NoFap, Ima check that out! I'm also trying to make nofap videos on my YouTube channel.
    ZenoStyleLogic likes this.
  8. ZenoStyleLogic

    ZenoStyleLogic Fapstronaut

    Dude it's fucking crazy.

    Like I have a sarcastic sense of humor but I feel more serious about recovery than 99% of users on this forum at the same time.
  9. ZenoStyleLogic

    ZenoStyleLogic Fapstronaut

    Ok this thread is getting blown the fuck up due to this shit. I'm sick of people not taking rebooting seriously.

    There's a big difference between humor and a complete lack of respect for your own recovery.
  10. ZenoStyleLogic

    ZenoStyleLogic Fapstronaut

    Ok NoFap video time. I'm going to start with fapstronauts who aren't into science but have some great insight to share and then we'll move into deadly serious content based on research.

    Trolls in this thread will be reported.
  11. ZenoStyleLogic

    ZenoStyleLogic Fapstronaut

    My man Flocka's got that insight man.

  12. ZenoStyleLogic

    ZenoStyleLogic Fapstronaut

    What is crazy holistic humor? I'd link this but the silly spam restrictions prevent me to do so as of yet even though they don't stop spammers from starting threads LOL:


    That would be linked if it wasn't for the restriction, search YouTube for him if you care to.
  13. ZenoStyleLogic

    ZenoStyleLogic Fapstronaut

    Funny. Not really tho.
  14. ZenoStyleLogic

    ZenoStyleLogic Fapstronaut


    Published on Mar 12, 2017
    ► Prove Them Wrong - Motivational Video - troll blocker restriction cannot link
    ► 90 Days Of NoFap Playlist: troll blockage so sorry

    ► Snapchat: Flocka_tv

    ►The making of the Instagram page is in progress my G's.

    What is good is fantastic and what's fantastic is today, thank you for checking into flocka tv and in today's video I want to focus on the statement 'prove them wrong'.

    We live in a world where if you want to shine and succeed amongst your peers, the only way you'll achieve this is by taking risks and so whether it be business, approaching that girl you've been eyeing for weeks or trying out a new exercise in the gym, risk is going to be involved.

    Sometimes what you'll find, especially if you take the time to really dig deep into who you are as a person and what you want out of life, you're going to want completely different things for yourself compared to what your parents or your grandparents had planned for you.

    And so if I was to explain to you my story where, my mother, grandparents, uncles and aunties all wanted me to go through the education system. School, high school, college, university, get a degree and then a decent paying job. Of course the higher factor in all of this is stability and success which of course is what I wanted for me as well.

    Imagine how delirious I sounded when I told them I want to drop out of college, get myself a job in real estate and have something going at the side like a website or a YouTube channel.

    The most difficult thing for me when I finally realised what I wanted to do, when I finally decided, was seeing my mothers reaction. Of course she didn't understand. How can someone turn away stability and the opportunity of becoming a doctor or an engineer, and risk it all to jump into an industry he knows nothing about.

    It was a battle, but I had to stamp my ground. I knew what I wanted to do and regardless of whether my mother or my family understood, I simply knew that by taking that risk, that I would become successful in some way or another. It just had to be, I was adamant and I still am. I always will be.

    Only when the results started pouring in after a year of taking that risk, did people begin to finally understand who I was, who I wanted to be, what I had planned for myself and how I wanted to do it. I simply proved them wrong.

    You're in control of your own life, bearing in mind that it's the one life you have, once you have established your passion, why the hell would you not risk everything to go and get it.

    What I want you to take away from this video is that once you have your own path figured out in your head, don't expect anyone to understand. Expect shock reactions, expect upset friends and family members, expect people laughing at your ideas and concepts, but make sure you go into it with the desire and the intent to proof everybody wrong. Make sure anyone who ever had a doubt looks at you in 10 years time and congratulates you.
  15. I meant to say Snapchat, I apologize.
  16. ZenoStyleLogic

    ZenoStyleLogic Fapstronaut

    I'm sharing videos as this very much is video conferencing in a sense. Just not live per se. Once in a while I'll share a video not directly related to NoFap but still on topic for recovery.

    Streamed live 21 hours ago
    Inner Awakenings helps you heal emotional pain, self sabotage, and stress while awakening to your authentic self. Enjoy as you awaken to living a more meaningful life as a whole person!
  17. ZenoStyleLogic

    ZenoStyleLogic Fapstronaut

    No need to apologize it was just a super duper lame joke.
  18. I disagree, it was a typo
  19. ZenoStyleLogic

    ZenoStyleLogic Fapstronaut
