Question from a wife of a PA

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by ClearChrystal, Mar 23, 2017.

  1. ClearChrystal

    ClearChrystal Fapstronaut

    Hi, I am hoping I post this on the right forum.
    IN short just discovered husband is a PA. wrote to him about it. It's really the beginning of the begining. I now understand what this addiction is, Ihave read and read and read lots about it recently,including the book 'yourbrainon porn'
    Not sur eif this is the appropriate forum because the question reflects my insecurities, so perhaps the SO could be better for it. But it's aot wondering waht men going throuhg this rebooting etc think
    My main fear as a wife/woman is that my husband, in his dazed and confused state of being as a porn user since teen yrs is that he had chosen me as a wife as a trophy, in the sense that it ticks all his aspirations boxes (educated, decent job so able to sustain fnantially,someone other than his race and culture, and altogether a 'new kick'). I am afraid that maybe deeply he never really loved me - as a woman I connect strongly obviously sexual intimacy with love.
    These fears reflect my own insecurities.. I am aware of taht (somewhat heh!). But in time during arguments when he said mean things to me (I'm not sexy to him, so waht if he likes skinny blondes, he still loves me... other times that i am poison to him and he hates me and wants to divorce me) I wonder if they had a hinch of truth in them?

    I guess the question is: did he keep using porn because I just didn't do it for him sexually? If I was a 'skinny blonde', would he have left porn on the side..

    It's confusing because we conected emotionally pretty much always, those fuzzy warm love feelings in which we declared our admiration for eachother... but just not with the hard-on attached...
  2. i_wanna_get_better1

    i_wanna_get_better1 Fapstronaut

    No, no, no, no, NO. Did I type enough no's? Firstly, and most importantly, you are not responsible for his problem. Nor did you cause or give him any legitimate reason to turn to porn. There is nothing deficient or lacking on your part. You could have been his expectation of a perfect wife and he still would turn to porn. If he would have married one of his little blonde bimbos that he likes to look at he still would have turned to porn. The Coolidge Effect dictates that he would eventually tire of them as well. Resist any ideas that you are somehow to blame for any of this.

    I understand the conundrum that you are trying to reconcile. How can he love me and love what he looks at on the internet? One must be true and one must be false, right? And is there any truth to the hurtful things he says?

    Remember our working definition of what addict do... they use objects/events/images to alter, medicate, sooth, numb, or escape from negative feelings. They use the 'trance' or 'autopilot' to build a fantasy world that is pain-free, judgment-free, and gives them false comfort. In order to engage in behavior that both comforts them and is against their moral code an addict must compartmentalize. Here's that definition - Compartmentalization is an unconscious psychological defense mechanism used to avoid cognitive dissonance, or the mental discomfort and anxiety caused by a person's having conflicting values, cognitions, emotions, beliefs, etc. within themselves.

    In other words, an addict will start putting his life into boxes... one labeled family life, one work life, and so on. There is also a box for his addict life. An addict switches roles, behaviors, and morality as he goes through the day. An addict mistakenly thinks these boxes are separate and don't affect one another. This is how an addict can do and say and look at horrible, disgusting things on the internet at night but appear to be a good husband or good employee.

    An addict believes the lies he says when he tells you he loves you but still engages in behavior he knows you hate. This is how an addict can reconcile these two roles in their own minds. Breaking this delusion is one of the hardest steps an addict needs to take before they can recover.

    Another mistake you are making is that you are comparing yourself to the little blonde bimbos. That is not who you are competing against. You are competing against the phantom, fleeting feeling that porn brings him. Can the wife of a drug user compete against the feelings drugs bring a drug addict? Of course not... it is artificial, temporary, and harmful. You are competing against an illness... against something that isn't even real. Even real life porn stars cannot compete with an illusion.

    Next, addicts form relationships with their addiction. It soon becomes the primary relationship in their life and they will protect it at all costs. To what lengths would you go to protect your family or children? Would you do the same things to save your job or save a stranger? Of course not. An addict will say and do anything to protect that primary relationship with porn.

    They build walls to keep others out and keep themselves inside. All those hurtful things he says are to get you to just go away and leave him alone. He doesn't want to dwell on the painful issues you are challenging him to face. Addicts are emotionally immature and will prefer to run and not deal with stressful issues. The fact that he includes tidbits that have just a small taste of truth shows how effective he has become to get you to go away. Right now he is willing to sacrifice all other relationships to perpetuate his relationship with porn.

    The process of pushing others away is not a logical action but an emotional one. Addicts are unable to cope with life and find it unpredictable. The PMO process bring them consistent and reliable relief. It is temporary and unhealthy but the inner addict just wants the pain to go away. The illness is that they keep turning to things that don't work instead of turning to true sources of comfort.

    Only when an addict hits rock bottom does the carefully constructed illusion come crashing down. After taking an analysis they come to prioritize the things in their life correctly. Instead of pushing you away, an addict will use his love for you as one of his motivations to stay clean. That happened in my case.

    Hopefully this restores a little of your self-esteem and self-confidence. I know it's hard but when he says hurtful things think of them coming from a little boy. Our children can say things to hurt us but try not to take them to heart. The way he is behaving is DESPICABLE right now. I hope you will be able to wake up him from the nightmare he is living. But more importantly I hope you can better protect yourself from the emotional abuse he is putting you through.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2017
  3. ClearChrystal

    ClearChrystal Fapstronaut

    I was once a heavy smoker. The way you describe the process resemble the conflicts in my head when I decided to stop smoking, only that of course I could not do it for a long while. But I employed similar tactics for not feeling so lousy about myself.

    THank you for being so kind and taking the time to spell it out. It's starting to click in my head a bit better. I didn't have any relationships questioning my smoking, there was no one else involved or depeding on my choices( just my wish to be happier and healthier), but the inner turmoil and reasoning is scaringly similar. It's the only thing I can compare it to. Alas, a purposeful conscious inner journey and questioning my own mind has led me to quit smoking.

    I had to avoid going out to the pub with friends after work for a while , just to not be exposed to it. I consciously took myself ot of those situations. I replaced it with a positive goal of training for a race, and that I did. At some point it became the new me, plus some new self respect that became more and more cimmented. And a scary awareness that I am prone to addictive nd compulsive behaviours myself, and know my limits and what things to avoid (mostly, ha). Gosh, it sounds actually similar to journeys of rebooting from this forum!

    Addiction is addiction is addiction, regardless of the substance or behaviour. The common denominator is filling the void the easy way then grasping the difficulty of the quit and commiting to it.
    Thank you so much.
  4. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    Let me add to the chorus of no no no it's not you it has nothing to do with you. I totally understand because I am a partner of a man with PIED. He has delayed ejaculation so on top of the porn use it killed my self esteem. Does your partner struggle in bed too? If so this really hurts I understand. You think why am I not good enough? Why don't I turn you on? These are normal emotions. Think of it like this though. Men who are addicts don't see porn as a substitute for sex. He may have originally started that way, he had a high drive he was curious but once he got addicted that changed. He now uses it to cope with emotions or to feed the need for dopamine. As women any attacks on our looks kills us, but you have to try to separate it. One guy said to me on here when I first joined that if the woman on that porn walked off the screen and into his bedroom it still would not change a thing. He would not be able to perform and/or it would not stop his porn use. I believe that you are very attractive. I have men hitting on me left and right but come home to a man that does not want me and think wth? In part I blame society. Even some therapists still recommend that if your partner looks at porn then you as a woman need to spice thing up, or you have denied him sex or you must have put on weight. The picture of the sex deprived man is portrayed over and over and so of course porn is okay and if only his wife was freakier no no no. Just google my husband prefers porn or masturbation and see how many hits you get. The opposite is now true and we have a generation of women being deprived of sex in marriage, because their husbands prefer porn. Him saying you are not attractive is gaslighting. He is trying to move the fire away from him and onto you. And most men would rather blame their wives than admit they need help, because they don't want to get help yet. I hope your husband is doing a reboot and working of fixing things. Good luck!
    i_wanna_get_better1 likes this.
  5. ClearChrystal

    ClearChrystal Fapstronaut

    Hi, you make so many good points! yeah ED here as well.. it truly sucks.
    I've been pondering too over this new phenomena of girlfriends and partners deprived of Sex. It's so sad, heartbreaking, prisoners in our own lives and lucky if we identify the demons in not too long a time..
    I have been sexual active since about year 2000 (no high speed home Internet then!) and I remember my sexual relationships to have been so much more consistently meaningful than the rubbish I got in my current marriage. Even my ex brfore my marriage was half as bad and porn was already part of our kinky sex, but the changes are so incremental and you don't notice you settle for different things. Won't enter into graphic details, but back in the day I felt connected sexually with my partners then because there was almost always foreplay, and a certain level of intimacy and intention had to be produced by both partners in order for sex to happen.. I remember a lot of texting as foreplay during the day as a build up for a NIGHT of 'fun'. A whole night of enjoying eachother, not a 4 minutes give or take to an ejaculation or soul-less mechanical force to sort out an ED. I remember having 'romantic' sex and also quick fun sex and it was exhilarating because well, everybody bleepy orgasmed cos of eachother, cos of the time invested in foreplay, and it felt damn satisfying on all levels. Remember, girls? anyone in their late 30s and onwards must have experienced this different way of 'loving' I think!

    I blame society too and it's clear how high speed Internet is a phenomena swiping off people. it's such a sad state of affairs.. truly an epidemic. Slowly with the fast Internet and accessibility of porn it became accepted and it creeper into our conscious and made us think that objectification means high sexuality and sexuality is healthy and sexy. But we lost our souls along the way. I feel sorry for the younger generation that grew seeing porn first then having physical contact with their partners later.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2017
    i_wanna_get_better1 likes this.
  6. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    You are spot on about how things used to be. I started having sex in college in 1998 and boy were things different. Dating was a lot different too. I will say prior to my current relationship I did have the kind of passionate sex you speak of and that was in the past 5 years, it can happen. But with my addict partner the issue is not just the DE it's like you said there is no intimacy no passion and he's so lazy. Early on he tried at least a bit. He initiates sex (when he does which is rare) by placing my hand on his penis or just asking. There is no kissing no touching. Most of the time he expects me to work on him and does nothing for me. The last few times he did not even remove my clothes! He could care less if I orgasm. Oral on me yeah never! The only way he can orgasm is if he closes his eyes and uses his hand. If he looks at me he cannot. It makes me feel disgusting . When we have intercourse he says he feels nothing. He will comment on the Pimple on my neck or ask about dinner. He is never present at all. I have been screaming at him for months there is no intimacy. Sex to him is not about two people connecting. Honestly I miss sex with my exes and have started thinking about it. I would never cheat but I just want a normal sex life, and to feel desired.
    ClearChrystal likes this.
  7. ClearChrystal

    ClearChrystal Fapstronaut

    omg you just described my husband to a T. it's not similarities, it's the same identical behaviour.... yeah lol... what is that for us! expectations have lowered massively heh? I too have been thinking of how it used to be with my exes and it put me in a right mindf_ck because I knew my reasons of not being with those people anymore, it was clear cut and a definite progress and learning curve at the time! but when remembering the sex, it made me question wtf is going on, how tf am I choosing my life partners! total total mindf_ck!
    GG2002 likes this.
  8. ClearChrystal

    ClearChrystal Fapstronaut

    babe this can't be normal. your story is so identical to mine. I'm working hard at seeing this as a disease now and it's painful and dismaying but he'll it helps. don't you feel vindicated and validated by all these hard truths? and bleepy betrayed as well... what a waste of time!
    can you see how sad they are? sorry I am being insensitive but in those moments of just needing to jerk off with eyes closed and a willing woman by their side that they ignore.. can you see how sad it is.. I'm going nuts going in circles I should sleep now
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2017
  9. ClearChrystal

    ClearChrystal Fapstronaut

    Today in a message to my husband I let it slip in that conversation that the tune of 'maggot brain' by parliament funkadelic (was playing at the time)reminded me of making out on it in the past. I thought he's desensitised of me anyway, it's good to be honest, he couldn't care much about it, many times he rejected me and stuff so it won't bother him mentioning something from my past. I said it as a coping mechanism as we were talking about a movie in which some ppl.were having a threesome with that song on. and I mentioned wow that's a sensual song, I remember I made out on that back in the day. He didn't like it and said I'm his wife and he's my husband and it bothers him me mentioning the things before him, as simple as... I thought 'hell, you'd definitelt tile rub one out watching that threesome and I feel hurt about it, but you feel hurt I mention I made out sometimes in the past?'. But I just said again using his turn of words that 'simple as , he's my husband and I'm his wife and I need more sex in my marriage' to which no reply yet.
    I think this reflects how small and insecure he is. and how sex and me to him in different boxes ha. he could have said that maybe we should try some sensual music next time... I think a healthy sexually attuned man would have said that.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2017
    fuzzywaz likes this.