Trying out fitness routine

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by syndicate-london, Apr 9, 2017.

  1. syndicate-london

    syndicate-london Fapstronaut

    I am interested in living a healthy life. I am skinny-fat, so it is quite hard to get my muscles to grow. I have a strong metabolism, but small stomach. I want to start out with some calisthenics because it looks awesome, and it is incredible how people doing calisthenics have mastery over their own body.

    One of my friends uses weight gain supplements, which is very pricey. I do not have much money on me, so I think I won't be buying them anytime soon. When I researched on the internet, you can also gain without using supplements. How much can I gain without using supplements, and how long would it take for me to gain at least 50 pounds?

    Currently I'm 100lbs, 5' 4". I don't really mind much about my height, because I think small people do have some advantage. But my body is mostly bones and skin and some belly fat, which, even if my friends say I'm quite slim, I think I'm a little fat. I want to have layers of muscle covering my bones. Any advice on how I can start out my fitness routine without breaking the banks?
  2. fapnaut95

    fapnaut95 Fapstronaut

    Hey i'm 5,65'' and 154 pounds, and I go like 4-5 times a week to the gym.
    I don't know my body fat, but I try to eat pretty healthy : grilled chicken , brown rice and broccoli (standard healthy recipe), to get some lean body mass.
    I've went through Mass gainers and Whey protein for several month and there's a few things I can say about them.
    First : you're skinny - fat and you like calishtenics. So you might know calishtenics dudes are pretty much shreded over hyperthrophy-bulk type.
    So what you want is to be shreded/ripped and have a calishthenics core strength performance. For that purpose I completely don't recommend a weight gainer for you. Because weight gainer you'll be a huge bulk, mostly belly(abdominal) fat-bulk , because that's where fat gets into in men.
    You won't look ripped and you'll be even further from doing your calishtenics exercices. What you want is to replace the fat for muscle, and hopefully gain a bit more of lean body mass in the process. What you want is:
    1. eat enough protein a day (in the training days, which is around 1g or 1,5g for each 2,2 pounds you have (do the maths).More than that it's not necessarry.
    2. eat more healthy carbs than you need (to gain weight): this is essential if you also want to get lean body mass: eating lots of rice (brown if possible) , pasta, sweet potatoes etc, will make you grow.The key here is eat more than what your body needs. You'll need to put alot of effort counting your macros in each meal if you want to succeed. For example: if you need 2200 Kcal a day, you need to plan your meals to eat like 2,4k or 2,5k calories.
    3. eat less fats , so you lower your fat body mass (%) and you'll get fit, and you'll start doing calishthenics easier.
    This is pretty much what everyone says.
    From my experience, I did a OptimumNutrition weight gainer, it was like 1,500Kcal and 50g Protein a serving.It's one of the best mass gainers out there. What were my results from that? I gained like 11 pounds in one easily. What was the problem? My belly was fat. Taking a Mass gainer is like eating alot of candies. You'll gain weight but it will mostly deposit on abdomen and you'll keep looking fat. It's not worth at all, unless you wanna bulk up, look really fat during a period, and then take weeks or months to do a diet- low carb- low fat plan, to cut out later all the fat.

    My advice is that you grow your body mass slower,but do 2 things simultaneously: first is: eat less fats; second is: eat more protein and healthy carbs.
    syndicate-london and Patillitas like this.
  3. ProtoKapiushon

    ProtoKapiushon Fapstronaut

    Check out Reddit's r/bodyweightfitness community and their recommended routine, it is entirely Bodyweight exercise based and the community there is extremely helpful to beginners who have questions. Also check out the r/Fitness sidebar and the nutrition section there.

    The general advice is to eat a calorie surpulus (500+ calories over your TDEE), and to calculate your macros while doing this. Search for a macro calculator or use the guidelines mentioned in the r/Fitness sidebar. As a beginner you don't want to be bulking for too long (no longer than 3 months), and should go on a cut after atleast 3 months of bulking up. You mentioned being skinny-fat, so it is up to you to choose whether you want to cut the fat first, or bulk up, if you do choose to bulk first, then make sure it is clean and healthy foods.

    If you want to track calories then MyFitnessPal comes highly recommended and if you want to plan meals and calculate your macros based on your goals then you can check out Eat This Much, which plans your meals based off of your goals and also dietary choices, not only this, but you can also set budgeting options.

    Supplements aren't just about gaining muscle, some supplements are focused on helping you perform better during a workout, and some are there for general health and some are there for people who are lacking certain vitamins and minerals in their diet. If you do have any money for supplements, 5 are recommended for general health:
    • Multivitamin (make sure it contains Zinc and Selenium)
    • Omega-3 Fish Oil (Make sure it contains both EPA and DHA)
    • Vitamin D3 (if you don't get enough sun then this is extremly important)
    • Probiotics (healthy bacteria) (if you can, get one that contains bacteria from the Lactobacillus family)
    • Creatine (Creatine gets a lot of slack, but is actually quite beneficial and it is recommended in r/Fitness that you take it daily, you can take it as a powder or in a capsule form)
    Sorry if this was such a long post, but nutrition is one of the most important factors when you're starting a fitness regime and accounts for the majority of your gains. I highly recommend you check out r/bodyweightfitness and r/Fitness, they both contain extremely helpful advice and resources.

    Good luck with your NoFap and fitness journey!
    syndicate-london likes this.
  4. syndicate-london

    syndicate-london Fapstronaut

    Thank you for the advice. I appreciate it. ;)
  5. Mankrik

    Mankrik Fapstronaut

    Lift free weights, hit macros, slight caloric surplus, be consistent, and perservere.
  6. 2tochuntra

    2tochuntra Fapstronaut

    I think your diet needs more protein, it helps gain muscles. Try your own exercise or do jogging. It build muscles around your legs and butt