Floating in Flatline symptoms .

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Ghost_Rider, Apr 21, 2017.

  1. Ghost_Rider

    Ghost_Rider Fapstronaut

    Im 49 days into NoFap, I hit my flatline around day 30,
    Since then I'm floating in symptoms. It's almost been 3 weeks.

    I had Depression, Stress, Anxiety, Sweating, Shaking, Insomnia ,Brain fog etc for about 1 week.
    Then, I felt Im completely fine and flatline is over. I had my libido back .
    After 3 days of feeling fine, Brain fog started coming back and my libido again hit zero mark. I have no urge to fap or to watch porn, infact I find it disgusting.

    So I have Brain fog and Zero Libido for about 1 week now, I dont know how long its going to last, But it's good because this means healing is taking place.
    Anyone else feeling flatline symptoms coming and going like this?

    eddie.n.32 likes this.
  2. I_Give_Up

    I_Give_Up Fapstronaut

    Ever seen a cracker right before it bursts? LMAO.
    same thing happening to you my friend, do you get boners when you touch your penis? do you feel horny when you touch your penis or something rubs on your penis ? is it sensitive?
    If yes, then everything is fine, all you have to do is wait, once the brain re-wire itself and once the connection is established between brain and your penis, you will gain your libido back and will have erections just by thinking about sex wherever you are whether in public place or in your bedroom.

    If you touch your penis and it doesn't get hard or get erect then I would say there is a problem , that means you may require more time to reboot.
    Ghost_Rider and eddie.n.32 like this.
  3. Ghost_Rider

    Ghost_Rider Fapstronaut

    I like your analogy , cracker waiting to explode :p :D
    I just hope bro this is the case, I'm so unsure at this point of time, Symptoms come and go and then come and go,
    I know my brain is re-wiring and its the process I have to go through to get permanently cured.

    As far as sensitivity, my penis is extremely sensitive as compared to earlier, And I get 100 % erections if I touch my penis But I have to force it.
    Like I have to jerk my penis for 15- 30 seconds to get 100 % erections but it doesnt feel natural, I want to have natural erections without touching my penis.
  4. Hungry_Shark

    Hungry_Shark Fapstronaut

    Its a process bro, Just hang on to your 50 days damn! 50 days is achievement in itself.
    You are healing and rewiring is taking place, your brain doesn't know what to do so it is still playing tricks on you.
    You have made your brain dependent on dopamine rush by fapping for Years and now suddenly you take back that dopamine all at once.

    How would you feel if your legs have been cut off? You will be desperate right? Same way your brain is desperate right now, although the good things is , unlike legs, your brain has capacity to rewire itself.
    But, it will take some time maybe months , but you have to hang in there without losing hope.
    Brain fog is due to lack of dopamine, once your dopamine receptors get reset , your brain fog will be gone too and your libido will come back .

    Dont worry about libido, im 100 % sure your libido will return back to normal as you said you had high libido for 3 days that means your brain is going back-and-forth between high libido and low libido and couldnt find a good spot so its still searching .

    Now if you don't relase, your brain will upregulate your dopamine receptors (upregulate = increasing the number of dopamine receptors) because your brain will realise that it is not getting any dopamine from PMO, so it will become more sensitive to other dopamine increasing activities like laughing, exercising, music etc and soon you be completely fine.

    And, once your dopamine receptors are reset, your libido will come with a vengeance since you have abstained for so long. And, im pretty sure you will not fuck up again so there is no chance that you can fuck your dopamine receptors again,
    A new life is waiting ahead of you bro, just hang in there and dont give up. :)
    Ashar1997 and Ghost_Rider like this.
  5. Ghost_Rider

    Ghost_Rider Fapstronaut

    Thanks brother :) I really appreciate this reply :)
    I know and I understood your example of legs being cut off but this journey is like a tunnel and Im not seeing light,
    I mean I see light but then again it goes black.
    Im keeping my fingers crossed and just hoping that my symptoms go away once for and all.
    And yeah, today I was going through few phone sex sessions I had with few chics, And BOOM,
    I had an erection without touching myself, it never happend in years, I mean to get an erection I always used to touch my penis but today I got full (100 % erection) by listening to phone sex, but it went down within like 5 seconds,
    But i dont care about that, the amazing thing was I got a full erection just by listening and not touching my penis at all.
    I think thats huge achievement :)
  6. Hungry_Shark

    Hungry_Shark Fapstronaut

    You answered your question . :)
    This is huge improvement, hang in there you are moving exactly in the right decision :)
    having an erection without touching your penis is a huge improvement :)
    Ghost_Rider likes this.