Changing from school

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by MuslimNoPorn, Apr 25, 2017.

  1. MuslimNoPorn

    MuslimNoPorn Fapstronaut

    The Belgian school system is weird not going to explain that in here, would take me days. But what do you guys think of changing from school, putting myself in a weird environment lol (maybe that's why I put this in self improvement, idk if it is wrong)

    I am considering to change because my school is enforcing some really bad changes and it is better to change now before I'm in the bad system, isn't it? It could affect me badly, my school had a normal-good reputation but with these changes it will worsen really hard which will affect me if I want to study at an university outside Belgium (the Netherlands for example). For Belgium universities it doesn't matter where you went to school.

    I still have two years left, which are the most important years. First till thirth year it was good, fourth year my school went downhill and in fifth and sixth year it goes really hard south with my school.

    But, it could also be good (really 1% chance) and I'm known here in my school, respected here in my school,..., it is hard to say goodbye. :/

    What would you guys do if you were in my place, to change from school or to stay there?
    tiredofbeingtired likes this.
  2. I can't imagine that the quality of your school will worsen so much in a few years. If you have passed the exam in the school you are just attending (baccalaureat) it should be possible to study also at a German university. Some new challenge: learning German. ;)
  3. Hmm, strange. o_O Could you give one or two examples of these bad changes. Otherwise it is difficult to offer good advice.
    tiredofbeingtired and Marcel0404 like this.
  4. stygian

    stygian Fapstronaut

    Too vague. What do you mean bad changes? What grades are we talking? What would you do if you left? And what in the world do you mean by a "weird environment"?? Every person has a completely different idea of what a weird environment means, so no one can give you advice on this, my weird environment might be very good but yours might be very bad.

    Probably it's best to stay in school.
    Marcel0404 likes this.