Decreased "brain fog" - dopamine ?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Hungry_Shark, May 6, 2017.

  1. Hungry_Shark

    Hungry_Shark Fapstronaut

    Im around 75 days into Nofap, and I have experienced a pattern in my journey. I have constant fatigue, no motivation to do anything.

    Whenever I fantasize or even touch my penis and give my brain even a "little bit" of dopamine, my brain fog and anxiety and fear comes very strongly.
    However when I dont touch my penis or less fantasize , my brain fog goes away and then,
    "urges" begin to hit me,
    Or you can say my LUST "to have sex" hits me , and I feel desperate for a release.
    This "urge" is the most common reason I touch or "edge" and then brain fog and other symptoms hit me very hard.
    However, if I dont touch my penis, Only tiredness and no motivation is there but no brain fog.
    Is this somehow related to "dopamine hit" that my brain gets with edging or fantasizing?
  2. Fightthedevil

    Fightthedevil Fapstronaut

    Edging Is The Reason For That.Constant Edging but no reaching the climax will make you feel shit.One Minor mistake can ruin your whole streak you know.Edging is bad.It is kinda a sin for true nofappers.I am not judging you but if you were truly faithful to yourself and your journey you shouldn't edge.What you can do is completely stop touching or edging.Don't give a fuck to those urges.Beat your head against the wall.Perform push ups.Cry.Scream.But stop edging or touching yourself due to urges.First thing in the morning,drink a glass of water and go for a run.Workout in the evening.Pick up a new hobby.Just keep yourself distracted.Peace out.Good Luck Brother.
  3. Hungry_Shark

    Hungry_Shark Fapstronaut

    I agree with you, now I realise how worse edging is and how it can really mess your whole journey.
    I wont edge, no matter what happens, how strong the urges are, I just wont touch myself at all.
  4. Ghost_Rider

    Ghost_Rider Fapstronaut

    I read in a thread that -

    "When the urges hit you , and you begin to touch your penis or EDGE, You are literally pushing yourself back.
    If you don't give in to these urges, you have passed the threshold and the brain will further sensitise and increase the number of dopamine receptors because it will get the point that the only way to get dopamine is to increase the receptors and having an erection on its own, the brain will think "the dude just lost his hand maybe LOL".
    So you get the point bro ? , Act as if you dont have hands , dont even fantasize , just make your brain totally absent of any dopamine whatsoever except food and excercise, your brain will eventually upregulate the receptors and you will be fine.
    But if you edge, you give in to the urges, your brain think "oh, the dude is weak let me give him some brain fog and other withdrawal symptoms and he will just give in and give me dopamine hit. I dont need to upregulate the receptors.
    You have to foce the brain to increase receptors by completely abstaining from giving any dopamine which is created by your efforts,
    let brain itself "churn out" dopamine from exercise, food and giving your erections. and then a point will come where you will have 100 % erections ((first the erections will be less maybe 40 - 50 %, but the more you abstain , the erections will become rock hard 100 % ) )
    just by thinking about sex because your brain will set baseline levels of dopamine hit to 100 % erections.
    You are just on the verge of healing, maybe on the last paddle of ladder, dont give in bro. Hang in there, act like you dont have hands, let the erections happen on their own, and then you will be the alpha male who can get erections just by looking at women or thinking about sex ;)
    The more you abstain , the stronger male you will be in bed ;)
    Best of luck bro :)
    Last edited: May 6, 2017
  5. Decade_Old_Fapper

    Decade_Old_Fapper Fapstronaut

    I agree with it ALL. well said man!
  6. ps129

    ps129 Fapstronaut

    edging, fantasizing, arousal, its all slowing and prolonging recovery. its like trying to accelerate a car and tapping on the brakes. dont do that to yourself.

    once you reach past a certain point of healing your brain fog will diminish and you will be in higher states naturally more often. push yourself till you get to this point and the urges will diminish too
    I Free I and Hungry_Shark like this.
  7. Hungry_Shark

    Hungry_Shark Fapstronaut

    @Ghost_Rider Thnx bro :) !!!
    I will keep it in check.

    LOL ok



    Thnx bro, i will try my best :)
  8. Hungry_Shark

    Hungry_Shark Fapstronaut

    Yeah I will try my best this time, not to touch myself or to fantasize even a bit.
  9. Mistakesweremade

    Mistakesweremade Fapstronaut

    I face kinda the same dilemma as you! Either I fap and face fatigue/brain fog or I don't fap and face beastly urges to have sex with every hot girl. The only difference I can't hold it in for longer than a week. Can't imagine how I'd feel in 75 days.

    My level of addiction is on a completely different level....
    Last edited: May 6, 2017
  10. Hungry_Shark

    Hungry_Shark Fapstronaut

    Its extremely difficult, when you abstain you get extreme urges to fap and touch your penis,
    when you fap, you feel good for 2 mins and then brain fog, fatigue hits you on your face for the next 1 week and you promise you wont do it again.
    But i think the key is in remembering that for the pleasure of 2 mins we should not destroy our hard work of weeks and months.
  11. Fap_the_Fap

    Fap_the_Fap Fapstronaut

    I go into auto-pilot mode, when the urges are so extreme I automatically start edging and then I get relief for 1 week and then again urges hit.
    Urges are so worse, as if your mind sits down on sex and doesnt move and refuses to think of anything else but sex.
    But I think this is the stage if we get over it, We would be highly successful in reboot,
    Mose guys cant get over this stage because the urges are extremely big.
    So just hang in there and hopefully we will get over it.
  12. Evert

    Evert Fapstronaut

    Yes, I know what you are talking about. The urges can be of monolithic proportions. In my experience, there is an important link that seems to create the urge or strengthen it in the first place. That link is the act of fantasizing. If I refuse fantasizing at any time: When sitting still or lying down in bed, when being with a woman, or even when watching pictures of naked bodies, my mind remains calm and the urge is weak. You can really watch porn objectively and don't get excited, or even make love to a woman without letting your excitement get sky high and just enjoy her body.. I think it is important to unlearn the habit of fantasizing, which is actually: accepting upcoming thoughts/images and giving them life in the mind. It is a very subtle, invisible habit that seems harmless, when in fact it is a big link to suffering.. well, according to me it is.
  13. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    You dont just brain fog by releasing dopamine. It took me several orgasms after my 113 day reboot for the brain fog to be noticable. Unless your on the first week, That doesnt just happen. You haveto repeatedly release dopamine many times and it will start creeping back in the brain fog.
  14. Hungry_Shark

    Hungry_Shark Fapstronaut

    Yeah, i will try to avoid edging at all, its not productive.
    I have to just finish it if I have to make more progress in this journey,
    I think this is the most difficult process of healing, controlling huge urges.
  15. Hungry_Shark

    Hungry_Shark Fapstronaut

    My brain fog immediately comes whenever I edge or even when i fantasize alot, i begin to have brain fog..
  16. r8js

    r8js Fapstronaut


    I think , triggers is followed by urges . if you break ur trigger cycle , urges will definitely minimise soon.
    LivinginRecovery likes this.