Trying to decode "Flatline"

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Ghost_Rider, May 9, 2017.

  1. Ghost_Rider

    Ghost_Rider Fapstronaut

    I am 67 days into NoFap,
    I did a post 2 days ago, basically feeling happy and content with little to no brain fog and partial libido was also there . Also feeling alot of energy and feeling happy in general.

    And now, I am feeling like shit again and this is a pattern, I am now having massive panic attacks , severe anxiety , sweating, zero libido, i also felt not full morning wood today and my progress is going zig-zag.

    This may be the reason -

    • Our brain is in PANIC MODE right now because dopamine is ESSENTIAL for survival and to progress in life and succeeding and mating.
    • Our brain doesnt re-sensitises/Upregulates our dopamine receptors or increases the number of receptor cells in an INSTANT, as if our brain automatically knows that from now on we are never going to do PMO.
    • Our brain slowly re-sensitises/Upregulates the brain (like 5 % ) and then sees/checks if the sensitisation/Upregulation is fine or not , and if not then it further sensitises/Upregulates the receptors.
    • So, this is what I think , When the brain re-sensitises/Upregulates the receptors a little bit to see if that's fine , we feel completely fine because our receptors have upregulated and we feel libido, start to enjoy little things etc and we feel we have reached our goal. And if you edge in this stage, your brain think Ok this much sensitisation/Upregulation is enough and it stops further work because now it has started to get that dopamine rush that it is so used to in the past. However if we avoid edging or giving our brain any sort of dopamine whatsoever,
    • Then, our brain will not be content (this is the TRICK here), our brain wants to sensitise/Upregulate more (this time 6%) because it is still not content with the amount of dopamine there is in the body, and then shuts itself for 1-2 days to further re-sensitise/Upregulate the receptors and after 1-2 days again we start feeling happy and content. (because our receptors have been upregulated by 11%)
    • This is a cycle of " Brain shutting off - Re-sensitising/Upregulating receptors - Brain turning On"
    • "Brain turns ON - Checks out if the sensitisation/Upregulation is enough or not , if not - Brain turns OFF again to resensitise /Upregulate receptors even more and turn ON again"
    • The key here, is to stop all dopamine giving activities (except exercising and meditation), they are actually going to help brain by increasing number of dopamine receptors.

    So guys, don't give in to edging or relapsing PLEASE, because all the work that you have done to reach this stage/cycle , where your brain constantly turns off - resensitises/Upregulates your receptors a little bit - and if the sensitisation is not enough - it shuts off again to further upregulate/sensitise the receptors.

    This is the cycle you want to be a part of, and Im sure I have found a pattern of my NoFap journey,
    I have also seen, If you edge even a little bit, the brain that used to take 1-2 days in shutting off and again resensitising /Upregulating receptors , now it will take longer maybe like 4-5 days and the more you edge and relapse, the longer your brain will take to resensitise /upregulate receptors.

    Guys, if you want quick recovery, don't EDGE please. Fantasising is also bad but Its extremely tough to not fantasise because we are humans ;) But try to avoid it (specially porn fantasising is horrible) , however its not that damaging to your recovery as EDGING is.

    Keep doing NoFap brothers and if you also have seen patterns or cycles in NoFap journey , please share your experiences.
    Best of luck, love you all :)
  2. Shane1985

    Shane1985 Fapstronaut

    Hey man congratulation to 67 days. I think this is a general cycle that everyone experiences.
    All good and same. Hope you heal completely which i think you will seeing your progress in 90 days,.
    Noelle and Deleted Account like this.
  3. Ghost_Rider

    Ghost_Rider Fapstronaut

    Yeah its kinda same for everyone I guess, hows your reboot going?
    83 days is a heck lot of a time :) Good luck bro :)
  4. Hungry_Shark

    Hungry_Shark Fapstronaut

    Hey bro, nicely depicted!
    Yeah thats kind of what happens but Im confused since -
    Ok if you fap and give in, and you are obviously going to feel Chaser effect, and then you binge fap like 4-5 times a day.
    Then where is the stopping? Or if you fap once a week, so will your baseline levels be set at once a week level?
    I mean, there has to be some stopping somewhere.
    Or if you make nofap a habit and never fap and only orgasm through sex , then is it a different story or what?
    Im confused!
    Ghost_Rider likes this.
  5. Heeey! We on the same days!
    Noelle, Shane1985 and Ghost_Rider like this.
  6. TonyJones1970

    TonyJones1970 Fapstronaut

    I also feel that this goes on specially if you are severly addicted and always used fapping out of desperation.
    So, if you are feeling such extremes like totally fine and then totally out of control, then you need more time to get in balance. It's one of the events that are bound to happen with chronic addicts.
    Did you see a difference in withdrawal symptoms like the more you feel them , the more you can handle them.
    And also, do the severity of the symtoms also going down? I mean the intensity is going lower and it is getting better day by day. Or you still have these extreme symptoms?
    Regarding your anxiety and panic attacks, did you have them before PMO addiction? like when you were a kid, did you feel them at that age too? because if you did have them at that time then I think it has nothing to do with PMO ,
    you just used dopamine rush to cover those panic attacks and anxiety and now they are coming back.
  7. Ghost_Rider

    Ghost_Rider Fapstronaut

    Thats why its said bro, that NoFap is a lifelong process, Its like we have destroyed a building and the people who used to live in that building are running around.
    And now, we are building a new building , its going to take time.
    And then, we will shift people in the new building and they will settle down there.

    You see, you have destroyed PMO addiction and now your dopamine receptors and brain are running around not knowing where to end and what to do.
    If you make a habit of fapping once a week or once a month or once a year or never, you are building a new building on that level. And your receptors will set accordingly.

    Its always going to happen, even if you do NoFap for 10 years, when you will orgasm, you will feel chaser effect because you will want those dopamine rush again and again, however the chaser effect will not be that much but its still going to be there but you can control the urges with your self discipline and willpower.

    Now, when you have sex and when you fap, a marked difference is , right after orgasm, PROLACTIN is released.
    After sex, PROLACTIN is released 400 % more than after fapping. (I read somewhere)

    PROLACTIN dramatically lowers dopamine , so you see when you have less dopamine, your receptors will be sensitive again, Hence the same principle, sex will increase more PROLACTIN (400 % more than fapping) and that will reduce your dopamine more than fapping , so the damage to your dopamine receptors is not that much after orgasm from sex, as compare to fapping.

    As far as sex, I would still prefer to limit it to minimum, A study published said that more orgasm actually reduces the attractiveness of your partner, so why have orgasms.

    Practice sex without orgasm, KAREZZA to make your love and bond forever ;)
    Last edited: May 9, 2017
    Shane1985 likes this.
  8. Ghost_Rider

    Ghost_Rider Fapstronaut

    Yeah I guess this is the case with me, Im a chronic addict for a decade, I guess my dopamine receptors will be recovered soon but in order for things to completely settle down, and find a nice balance, i will need more time.

    I dont see a difference at this point of time in the withdrawal symptoms, However I have seen a difference during flatline,
    Earlier I used to have sever depression, and zero motivation but now when FLATLINE strikes, I feel these symptoms with little less intensity, social anxiety was already severe and even now, No difference in social anxiety.

    I used to have panic attacks even when I was 8 years old, I had social anxiety even then too but not so extreme.

    My panic attacks used to be associated with Fear, Fear of losing in exam, Fear of losing a friend, Fear of losing a bond with someone, Fear of being left alone.

    It is my childhood problem.
  9. sparkywantsnoPMO

    sparkywantsnoPMO NoFap Moderator & Yeoman

    Very well said.
    Ghost_Rider likes this.
  10. Shane1985

    Shane1985 Fapstronaut

    Yes, best of luck man!

    My reboot kind of sucks cuz I have been edging not knowing how bad it is for me and my healing before reading this.
    I will not edge and I guess now I know what was blocking my progress . But still, Im improving.
    Libido comes back sometimes and then goes away, feels good 1 hour in the morning 1 hour in the evening, sleep is getting better . So yeah overall nice progress and now no edging will certainly act like a boost in the recovery.
    Ghost_Rider likes this.
  11. Shane1985

    Shane1985 Fapstronaut

    Ghost_Rider likes this.
  12. Decade_Old_Fapper

    Decade_Old_Fapper Fapstronaut This basically means that we can have 4 times more sex than fapping.

    Damage done to dopamine receptors by
    Having 4 orgasms during sex = 1 orgasm by fapping, right? Since prolactin gets released 400 % times more.

    Or is it 400 orgasms from sex = 1 orgasm by fapping? Im weak in mathematics.
    petercoiled and Ghost_Rider like this.
  13. Ghost_Rider

    Ghost_Rider Fapstronaut

    I saw it on your brain on porn or some youtube video, i dont remember :p
  14. Ghost_Rider

    Ghost_Rider Fapstronaut

    Im weak in maths too.
    But my guess is, Its not about orgasm from sex to orgasm from fapping bro.

    Its about level of prolactin released after orgasm, You see if you have 5 orgasms during 1 night during sex , and then 5 orgasm by fapping other night.

    And suppose level of prolactin released by fapping orgasm is 5 mg. (Im just assuming, i have no idea about this)

    So the prolactin released by sex orgasm would be 80 mg. (400 % more)

    You see, the more prolactin is produced the more it will lower down dopamine, Not saying having too much sex is a free intel and you can have sex orgasms like a machine, but damage done by sexual orgasms to dopamine receptors is less than done by fapping.

    Not to say, that if you have sex every night and have 5 orgasms everyday, its just a matter of time before you get sexually exhausted and wouldnt be able to satisfy your partner anymore, and she might line someone else up for her appetite. :p

    So if you constantly want to keep your partner attracted , limit the number of orgasms, start practicing karezza
  15. Hungry_Shark

    Hungry_Shark Fapstronaut

    Karezza would increase dopamine like edging, then how its beneficial?
    I mean you said, prolactin is released right after orgasm so wouldnt it be nice to orgasm rather than edging/karezza and keeping dopamine levels elevated without having an orgasm and then prolactin released?
  16. Hungry_Shark

    Hungry_Shark Fapstronaut

    Poor guy thinks that he is satisfying her by banging her all night , just to find out that 1month later, she is hanging all over some other dude.
    Obviously the dude is not a fapstronaut, and doesnt know the value of ORGASM OF A MAN, and DOPAMINE. ;)
    I think NoFap can also help in our relationships too, since we now know the value of orgasm and its effects on receptors,
    we wouldnt binge orgasm because we dont want to get exhausted completely and then get dumped by the chic.
    Noelle likes this.
  17. Ghost_Rider

    Ghost_Rider Fapstronaut

    Coolidge effect - search on google, if we keep on having orgasm with 1 person, we lose interest in that person, but humans are pair bonders.

    Since, dopamine is released and you get a high, you will associate pleasure and high with that partner , thats what I read but your point is valid, its just a matter of time before such high dopamine downregulates our receptors again :\

    So what if we dont even get an erection by downregulated receptors , forget sex :D :D
  18. Ghost_Rider

    Ghost_Rider Fapstronaut

    We fapstronauts have an edge over sexual life and how erections occur,
    I have seen it myself, a woman just dumping a dude because she has literally exhausted the dude from her sexual appetite, and a man can never fulfill sexual appetite of a woman, its like the more she gets it the more she wants it.

    Give her less, but give her quality. Have sex once a week, but when you do it, rock her world ;)
    She will be anticipating whole week about that 7th day, if you do it every night, she will get bored and will probabely dump you soon.
    Hungry_Shark likes this.
  19. Fap_the_Fap

    Fap_the_Fap Fapstronaut

    Receptors dont get downregulated through sex bro.
    You can have sex as much as you want , its the orgasm that increases dopamine to extremely hight levels.
    If you do karezza, you wont get extremely high dopamine rush like you get during climax,
    you will get dopamine rush just like when you get when you eat a delicious food, or when you sip a whiskey.
    So, karezza will not mess with your receptors.
    Ghost_Rider likes this.
  20. Shane1985

    Shane1985 Fapstronaut

    Karezza releases Oxytocin, and oxytocin receptors are not like dopamine receptors, they dont get downregulated.
    Infact, the more oxytocin you give them the more they want.
    Thats why karezza is so good because it gives you oxytocin. Oxytocin make people bond and be monogomous .
    So even if things are not going well with your partner, if you can produce more oxytocin in her, its very unlikely that she will cheat on you.
    Noelle and Ghost_Rider like this.