How do you guys feel after a wet dream?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Deleted Account, May 20, 2017.

  1. I had one last night and to tell the truth I don't feel that much different. I know people say the feel like relapses and they feel horrible afterwards but this has not been the case for me. What do you think?
    dreamwalker555 likes this.
  2. salil

    salil Fapstronaut

    i feel nothing strange during wet dreams it is just a common process
  3. Is this your first wet dream in your NoFap streak of 21 days? i haven't had one yet in my 11 day streak, so cant say.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. I think my first or second, not too sure. Had them every couple of weeks during my 5 month streak.
  5. Rizwan khan

    Rizwan khan Fapstronaut

    It's not big deal..
    It's my 59th day..and i had atleast 4-5 wet dream..and i feel nothing.. It never make me feel use less ..
    This is completely normal..
    Stay strong guys..
    FormerFapaholic likes this.
  6. Lol
    Yeah, I can relate.:)
  7. Sonical335p

    Sonical335p Fapstronaut

    I had one last night as well, haven't had one in like a month or 2. I usually feel tired and drained throughout the day but they're natural and the bodys way of cleaning itself. It's a part of the reboot so I don't think about it too much. Peace & good luck m8
    max9292 likes this.
  8. Kevmart87

    Kevmart87 Fapstronaut

    I have never had a wet dream and about 7-8 years ago a few friends and I had a conversion and desired to quit M for a bit to see if we could induce one. I never ever had a wet dream and I'm curious. Do you actually have a sex dream that ends in an O and you wake up wet, or is more you wake up in morning with Jizz in your pants with no memory. The former sounds awesome and worth the mess, the latter sounds just terrible.
  9. I think for everyone its different im not sure.. but, for me it wasn't a sex dream it was just a woman who was partly showing her cleavage and i orgasmed and I had memory when I woke up. It felt great to be honest, can't wait for my next one, haha.
  10. Kevmart87

    Kevmart87 Fapstronaut

    When I have a sex dreams its usually very passionate sex. I get close to orgasm (It really feels similar) and then the girl leaves me in the dream. Wake up with blue balls everytime.
  11. FappyFapIsAFreak

    FappyFapIsAFreak Fapstronaut

    Well I am new to this site. The last one I had was when I was 15 year old and it was the most amazing experience. It was almost realistic :)
  12. a1c3.77z

    a1c3.77z Fapstronaut

    What actually happens when you wet dream?

    I think I've had it twice where I was dreaming of sex and I was erect then it felt like i pissed myself and woke up. Is this what it is or do you actually ejaculate?
  13. FappyFapIsAFreak

    FappyFapIsAFreak Fapstronaut

    You ejaculate...
  14. Kevmart87

    Kevmart87 Fapstronaut

    Sounds fun. Worth the clean up?
  15. hangugin

    hangugin Guest

    In my streak of 21 days I had my first wet dream in years. I can't even remember, when I had one before. Actually it was great. It's a healthy sign of your body, showing that you're getting away from porn. Nobody should feel guilty for that.

    I guess this is different from person to person, but in my case the wet dream was a very strong and beautiful experience (no hardcore stuff, just pure sex). It felt completely different to what I was used to when watching porn. Somebody could say "well you relapsed after that, so I can't be that good", but I actually willfully relapsed to compare both feelings. Now I'm pretty sure that I don't want to watch porn again (ever!), because the feeling isn't even half as strong as it felt after starting the reboot and experiencing that. I know it sounds crazy, but for me wet dreams even help me to get away from porn

    but like people here said, it's different..
    some people wake up the next day and don't know what happenend. I had it 2 times now, and always woke up immediately after it happened
    Last edited by a moderator: May 22, 2017
    FappyFapIsAFreak likes this.
  16. Kevmart87

    Kevmart87 Fapstronaut

    I'm kinda stuck sharing a room right now with another dude. It would be awkward with a roommate to have a wet dream.

    My luck I'd be shaken awake at 3 am by my room shouting quit "moaning you freak!" Thus ruining my wet dream but saving me the awkward walk to the bathroom.
    Bnnybnny likes this.
  17. Really? Wet dreams are totally normal, why would your roommate freak out at that? Is he Amish or something? :rolleyes:
  18. I'll never consider a wet dream being a relapse. Nonsense! In fact, if a dream is lucid enough and fantastic enough to produce an orgasm during sleep, then that kind of entertainment makes even the best of internet erotica obsolete and laughable. The wet dream was created from your own consciousness and it was involuntary. The very notion of it constituting as a relapse is absurd.