Are you religious?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Blackenglish2017, May 26, 2017.

  1. Blackenglish2017

    Blackenglish2017 Fapstronaut

    If so why?

    I was forced to go to church by my mum till the age of 16 than I decided to reject religion. Now 29 and I don't believe in a thing (religion) and nothing but positivity has entered in my life.
  2. immortal5

    immortal5 Guest

    Yep, only plausible explanation of how we got here
  3. Waldo101

    Waldo101 Fapstronaut

    Food is my religion. It's all I think about.
  4. I was religious, I even have a theology degree.
    It was my choice, I began to go to church when I was an adult. Have been there for years.
    But Only after a huge period I began to ask some questions and with all this questions I;ve found out that idea of God is absolutely strange for me (That kinda makes sence - how you can accept an idea of all-loving father when you hadn't a father? It's like "Batman vs. Superman" stuff).
    But at a moment my situation is very strange... I can't accept any idea og god, messiah, eternal life or something mystical, but I really do love church services (especially eastern orthodox). It may sound strange, or something like double standrads, but... Think what you want.
  5. LivinginRecovery

    LivinginRecovery Fapstronaut

    It's not strange at all. It makes perfect sense as I see it.
  6. Conrad Aether

    Conrad Aether Fapstronaut

    Amen chewie, Amen.

    I'm not religious, although I find the mythology of religion fascinating, the old testament is like the most METAL book ever, there's some disturbing and awesome shit in there, but no, I was "forced" by family to go to church and get a communion and confirmation but it never really meant anything to me so I guess I'm agnostic, I do believe, or want to believe, that there is more to life after death than just a hole in the ground, but that's just the claustrophobia in me speaking.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. Headspace

    Headspace Fapstronaut

    Hah, the foundation of my personal beliefs relies on logical reasoning as well.

    I was raised in an environment where religion, or any sort of "big questions", just didn't really play any role... but as a teenager I started wondering myself and found some hints in Asian spirituality. Only that influence then made me rediscover the Christian faith, because I became able to see it from a different perspective.

    Now I don't really know how to answer the question whether or not I would consider myself religious. But I certainly do believe there is more, as in a non-physical spirit, an "astral plane" or something, life after death, may be even paranormal occurrences, may be miracles. There is spirit in this world.
    Deleted Account and immortal5 like this.
  8. egoerro

    egoerro Fapstronaut

    yes. Roman Catholic. Baptised as kid, become really religious in college after reading st. Thomas Aquinas
  9. UnorthodoxBox

    UnorthodoxBox Fapstronaut

    I am religious, it is, as a user mentioned earlier, the only plausible/likely explanation for why we are here. The testimony of the Apostles is very enlightening.
    I find it funny how some of the world's most powerful men couldn't keep a secret regarding the Watergate scandal for more than a few weeks; meanwhile, you try to tell me that the Apostles of Jesus were able to create enormous lies that they kept for over 50 years, through persecution and death, through pain and suffering? Hah, absurd. Plus, Pascal's Wager.

    Lastly, the presence of God in my life has more than proved to me that every last one of us is loved unconditionally by an awesome God.
  10. egoerro

    egoerro Fapstronaut

    argument from causality :)
  11. Kennen

    Kennen Fapstronaut

    I was a non-believer before but later on, I suddenly decided to believe. It's not because of I need someone to cling to but because I am thankful for the blessings that I received. I've noticed that the blessings is not coming from my effort or maybe it is just a pure luck, however, I am really feeling thankful and blessed for what I have.

    I just recently started to build my relationship with God though.
  12. egoerro

    egoerro Fapstronaut

    watch interview with bishop Barron for Rubin report, specially begging
  13. Themadfapper

    Themadfapper Fapstronaut

    I think everyone is at least somewhat religious. The faith people put in "science" is IMO religious. When I hear someone who knows nothing about science go on about scientific proof of parallel dimensions and other bullshit I assume associated with string theory they seem more out there to me than someone speaking in tounges or getting faith healed. These guys would believe up is down if "science" told them it was so. So many people go against what they know to be true just because someone in "science" says otherwise.

    modern PC thinking has become religious, sex has become a religion, putting hope in the government, believing that you have freedom. Some people worship famous people [ Athletes, Musicians]

    America voted a con-man as their President and many still have faith in him. This is a guy who did building wealth seminar/scams. America might as well have elected Tom Vu for President.

    My point isn't just that people are stupid. It's that I don't think Religion is all that bad despite the people who attack it nowadays with religious fervor. These people have an irrational belief that religion is responsible for all the world's ills. They also coincidently tend to be the same people promoting immorality and seem to think that virtue and morals are stupid.
  14. Ihatefap

    Ihatefap Fapstronaut

    Yes I am completely religious and believe in god.Science and religion are just the same.You can find all the science already written in Vedas.
  15. Poseidon

    Poseidon Fapstronaut

    Nope, I think some religious people can be nice but a lot of them are bitter, spiteful and judgmental.
  16. Yes, I love seeking truth and learning about reality. This process of reaching for more has lead me to perceive a greater beauty that is always out of reach. Religion has always explored this intangible, mystical element of reality - spiritual reality - and offered guidance around living that helps people to develop their spiritual self. I see religion and science as two complementary tools for divulging the secrets of reality and one without the other is incomplete. Science without religion is materialism, and religion without science is superstition. But together, the truths enshrined in this mystical reality begin to be perceived.

    It's immensely satisfying to live in pursuit of higher levels of material and spiritual perfection. I would be extremely depressed and hopeless if I thought life was just about a physical existence.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 11, 2017
  17. Well, kinda. I'm not sure whether I would call myself religious. All though I somewhat call myself a Buddhist and practice it. So since Buddhism is a religion then maybe I am. But for the most part I would just call myself spiritual. I don't really feel the need to belong to any group or have any "formal" guidance, or set of rules. It just happens to be that what I believe very much falls in line with what Buddhism teaches.

    One think for certain is that I do believe the we are more that physical body. I do believe in things like astral realm, chi energy, spirits, etc. And I do believe in reincarnation. God? Well, in a way. I would call myself a pantheist. And maybe also agnostic. Because I do believe there is some kind of eternal source consciousness from which creation comes from. But what I am agnostic is whether it is an entity that is aware of itself or simply an automatic force of nature.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. LivinginRecovery

    LivinginRecovery Fapstronaut

    If I had to label myself anything I guess I would term myself Taoist but even that is too confining.
  19. Spiff

    Spiff Fapstronaut

    I've been a protestant Christian for a few years now. Didn't grow up that way, although I always had some affinity for it. Went through a personal crisis and found that the message of the bible was the only thing that had never let me down in life.

    I like the things themadfapper had to say. Everyone follows something, puts some philosophy or religion above everything else. Sometimes those people who preach tolerance the loudest and vehemently denounce closed-mindedness are the most closed-minded intolerant people around. Then again, sometimes religious people are the most closed-minded intolerant people around. Believing that there is no objective truth and that all ways of life are equal is a religion in itself, one that doesn't tolerate any other worldview.

    There are pleasant people and unpleasant people in every walk of life. I love the gospel and am not ashamed of it, and it teaches me to love my neighbors (all 7.5 billion of you) and be impartial in all my dealings.

    Any of you can look at my counter and know that I don't claim to be any more righteous than any one else here.
    MartinV and Deleted Account like this.
  20. Bob2132

    Bob2132 Fapstronaut

    I'm Jewish but non-observant. still i do believe in a higher power and draw inspiration from judaism.