Today is 90 days that I'm clear

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by green lion eating the sun, Jun 4, 2017.

  1. I'm so happy :emoji_blush: today marks my 90th day that I'm clear of my sex and porn addiction

    My life has improved so much. At the beginning and also 1 week ago I was gonna relapse but I resisted. So glad I did

    I'm restarting to feel proud of myself again and overcoming shame, sense of guilt, self-loathing and suicidal thoughts due to my addictions

    I'm finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks to this forum and people I talk to on here :) I always wanted to be able to talk about my addictions to others who were having the same issues and could truly understand :emoji_dancer:

    This is just the beginning of my happy life with purpose :emoji_princess::emoji_pray: thanks God always on my side no matter what I did :emoji_muscle: I have also been able recently to forgive myself and who hurt me :emoji_bow:
  2. sparkywantsnoPMO

    sparkywantsnoPMO NoFap Moderator & Yeoman

    Congratulations on beating the short battle! Prayers for you on the long one.
  3. jack barnard

    jack barnard Fapstronaut

    Congrats man, God bless!! Earned it all
  4. Crimson

    Crimson Fapstronaut

    Congratulations on hitting 90 days now just need to keep it up :) nofap is a lifelong journey and wish you all the best in this :)
  5. Teddy6677

    Teddy6677 Fapstronaut

    Well done, great stuff just keep going!!
  6. Thank you so much :emoji_bow: I am never going back to that, I am more sure every single day of my healthy choice! :emoji_man_dancing:My porn and sex addictions ruined my life enough :emoji_thumbsdown:God bless you :emoji_handshake: Keep going you too bro :) btw I love the Divine Comedy By Dante, we are going to get out of our private hells
  7. Thank you very much and God bless you too, it wasn't easy as you can imagine though :emoji_sweat_smile: :emoji_hugging: btw I am a girl lol :emoji_nail_care::emoji_ok_woman: Great result for your 47 days :emoji_nerd: Keep going :emoji_v:
  8. GetOver

    GetOver Guest

    Congratulations man,happy to see this is a great day also for others.We can conquer this monster,named porn.God bless you
  9. I appreciate your congratulations a lot, happy for your 42 days, keep it up :emoji_blush: for sure I am at the beginning of my recovery :emoji_footprints: but every day more sure of my decision to opt for abstinence was the best one in my specific case. I realized I used to act out in unhealthy ways easily instead of facing with maturity whatever problem I had to deal with. and loving myself :emoji_crown:
  10. Thank you :emoji_blush: keep going you too :emoji_grinning: we can overcome our addictions :emoji_information_desk_person::emoji_dancer:
  11. Exactly! Thank you :emoji_hugging: and congrats on your 90 days as well :emoji_man_dancing:keep going!
  12. hardik vasant

    hardik vasant Fapstronaut

    congratulations you did an amazing job i'm inspired:)
  13. Yes, we definitely can. I now believe it with all my soul and heart :emoji_grinning: Thank you and God bless you as well :emoji_blush: have a great day :emoji_ok_woman:
  14. Thank you :emoji_blush: I wrote this post also to motivate other addicts in recovery :emoji_nerd: the decision to get sober was the best choice of my life :emoji_bouquet::emoji_sparkles:
    jarvyjarvison likes this.
  15. hardik vasant

    hardik vasant Fapstronaut

    ya i know i understand. people like us kinda have to stick together to help each other out
  16. Crimson

    Crimson Fapstronaut

    It's a good way of looking at it to be fair I don't plan on sticking to the abstain but each to their own :) and cheers I'm gonna try and opt the nofap lifestyle well for ever I probably slowly introduce o once I'm out of the flatline but for now I shall carry on
  17. 4 months without sex so far. Without porn 91 days so far. Being a sex addict it was the only sure way to control myself. I just wanna get to a point when I can have sex in a normal way hopefully with meaning with someone who cares for me
    Buddhabro likes this.
  18. Crimson

    Crimson Fapstronaut

    Sounds like you made a good choice guess when the time come around just have to be careful of the chaser effect but I'm sure by that time you would of built up enough mental fortitude to keep the urges at bay :)
  19. Congratulations. You put in the hard work and it payed off.
  20. laris

    laris Fapstronaut

    Stuff I enjoy reading on this forum.It takes strong will to conquer yourself!Well done!