Asking girl out

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by tomandjerry, Apr 30, 2017.

  1. tomandjerry

    tomandjerry Fapstronaut

    Ok there, been doing the nofap thing for about 5-6 weeks. doing well.

    I have been going to a gym class after work for a month or so. I have found one of the girls there attractive. We had some chitchat the other day. I am thinking of asking her out - I know her name, but not her number or anything. I am thinking of asking after the class ends - sometimes she does a bit of post-workout cardio. Any idea of how to phrase things nicely?? Im thinking of a coffee date somewhere the gym - probably say mid week. even when she doesnt talk to me,she usually smiles - so i know that she is definitely noticing me. I have never asked a girl out, but was thinking of a good 'wording'. I have read that it is good to have a convo with a girl, and then subtly ask the question, and then say I have to go.

    Would it be best to try to get her number before asking for the date, or simply ask and she will inevitably give it to me?

    Thanks all
  2. Dark_Lord

    Dark_Lord Fapstronaut

    I don't think this place is the best for relationship advice but here goes: you talked to her before, chitchat. Try again and just invite her for a coffee afterwards. Try to drop it casually but make it clear that it is a sincere question and not a politeness thing. If she doesn't want to right away try to insist, maybe offer her to do it another time. Anyway good luck
  3. Dataper

    Dataper Fapstronaut

    To be honest I'm a 22 year old Virgin, anyway the best way to approach her is on the way going into the gym,for example hold the Door for her say hello how are you start a conversation. Then ask her I really enjoyed talking to you maybe we could go for breakfast or lunch, then give her your number and say if you like to go grab something to eat call me
  4. The Consigliere

    The Consigliere Fapstronaut

    I would ask her out as she is heading to the gym or departing from the gym. I wouldn't interrupt her in the middle of a workout or between workouts as she is probably working on grinding out a good workout. I would ask her out for coffee or something like that and see where things go. But I would just be cautious and courteous in a gym environment.
  5. Joe dalton

    Joe dalton Fapstronaut

    Or just ask her like it is no big thing? Walk to her and ask how about a coffe after the gym or tonight a drink or what ever, just easy.

    I made the experience the more i surprised them with my invitations or kisses the less time they have to think and start playing games like hard to get.

    Just my point of view, allways listen to your inner voice even when you are nervous..when u really want her and shes sending you signals then do it! You will feel like a king after you did it even when she says no :) cheers
    The Consigliere likes this.
  6. tomandjerry

    tomandjerry Fapstronaut

    I have had really good success today. There was a fire alarm at work, and we went outside.I chatted to girl a (who is actually in another department and I dont work with). We were chatting about her trip to see her mum (i have been to that town before). I also told her about my holiday. I am really getting to see women as people and not an object.

    Next girl: in the gym class she smiled at me twice (once when entering, and again when leaving). I wanted to chat to her, but she had to rush off. Next time I will pack up quickly and then go and chat to her. I will chat to her about the class and maybe her gym routine. Then I will casually ask for her number - "we should swap numbers" and see what happens.

    Wish me luck for getting the gym girl. Any more tips?
  7. It sounds to me like you are already on the right track with this. Just one more thing I personally would not say “we should swap numbers” because you have not given a big enough reason for her to do so other than pure attraction. It would be more bulletproof if it was attached to an activity or an event.

    Like for example you could say something like you know what I think you are pretty cool we have been doing this whole checking each other thing out for far too long let’s get a coffee and make it official. Very playful takes balls to say. Or you could say I really need to go but I would like to talk more about your workout I have a few ideas you might find interesting what’s your number lets talk about this later.

    So basically if you are going to ask for her number combine it with an activity or event so she can picture the two of you doing something it will build a stronger first connection.
    The Consigliere likes this.
  8. DrAwesome04

    DrAwesome04 Fapstronaut

    Dude, you are lucky to get a fitness interested girl man !
    Keep it up!
    Post whatever happens next.
  9. Though it doesn't happen to all men, it is a very real condition that results from a prolonged state of sexual arousal. When a guy is physically turned on, blood flows to his penis, which is what gives him an erection. Blood also flows to his testicles, causing them to swell. -

    The pain will go away just try to not get yourself too turned on and aroused. I had blue balls about a month ago. I was getting myself too excited and my morning wood returned. Better stronger, erections. I was not not fapping off but like I said I was getting too turned on, more a fascination that the reboot was working and my ED had decreased.

    It almost caused me to relapse because the pain was bad and I have experienced it before, fapping always made it go away. This time I just let it pass I don’t want to go back to PMO ever again. Just on the path to recovery.
  10. RedPillRebooter

    RedPillRebooter Fapstronaut

    The way I ask a girl out is to have a normal conversation and the abruptly say "but yea we should hangout" and smile.

    They'll mostly smile back and say "we should?" Then just give them some random bullshit excuse to why you guys should hangout. Sometimes I go as far as saying "cause you're sexxxy, and... (Then I go up to their ear and whisper) I like sexy girls"

    9/10 girls will respond well if you don't bs around and just tell them what you honestly want from them.
    kingpietro and The Consigliere like this.
  11. kingpietro

    kingpietro Fapstronaut

    I wouldn't ask her number i would just ask her out for a coffee when you see her. Like hey lets get a coffee after the gym.

    Only ask a girls out through phone if you are not be able to arrange a date that moment because you're ways are seperating.

    this is the best advise i can give you for asking a girl out make sure you aren't needy:

    this is a confident way of asking a girl out:
    hey i want to drink a coffee with you.
    Hey i want to get to know you how about a drink tonight
    Hey this is a pen and a paper why don't you right down youre phone number then after she did it ok lets go out for a drink tonight.
    I want to go out on date with you Why don't you give me youre phone so we can arrange a meeting?

    This is the needy way:
    Is it ok if we go out for a coffee?
    Would you like to go out for a coffee?
    Do you thinx its ok if we go out for a drink?
    I like you do you like me?

    Its ok to want a woman buts its bad if you NEED THEM
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2017
  12. kingpietro

    kingpietro Fapstronaut

    You are 100% Right.

    my first girfriend i met at a bar i asked her what is youre name ?
    she said why?
    I said because i want to get to know you
    she replied oh ok thats cool.

    Be direct woman like that .

    Olso its normal you want woman but make sure you don't need them.
    take the lead and propose something and don't ask something.
    Say i want to go out out for a drink tonight after the gymm because i want to get to know you.
    Needy guy insecure guy : usally says would you mind if we go out for a coffee?

    do you feel the difference here?
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2017
    RedPillRebooter likes this.
  13. Tonie

    Tonie Fapstronaut

    If I were in your shoes, I'd make sure I was fully recovered from addiction before even asking her out. It would be a huge mistake to get into a relationship while still addicted, nothing but pain and sorrow will come out of it. If I was fully recovered, I'd chitchat as you did and ask her if she wanted to get a cup of coffee. If yes, great everything just falls into place after that. If she says no, I'd say, "what do have against coffee?" It's a lame joke but it takes some stress off and lightens her mood. Her number comes or doesn't after that.
    Kenzi likes this.
  14. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    Ugh. This thread....
    OK, from a woman....
    And as a woman, who's also picked up women. Not just men.... Here's my advice, kid....
    Don't say "hang out"
    Be direct.
    Say you want to take her Here, at this Time, on This Day.
    Yes, ask for her number.
    If you can, do it in that order.
    She will be much more impressed if she thinks you planned coffee at 10am on Fri at the Blah cafe.
    She will want to go.
    You will sound smart.
    You are then sincerely into her and she Knows it.

    Don't do anything like whisper sexy into her ear... Even I've been known to punch a guy in the nards after my workout in the gym if he comes up to me and gets in my bubble if I'm covered in sweat and he goes from sweet to jerk in a under a minute. That's got creepy perv written all over it, you don't want to scare her away.

    Yes to whoever said try to catch her going in or out of the gym.
    And if you can pull off funny.... When you get the door, crack a joke about next time she should get the door for u and be the gentleman.
    And yes, I'd sincerely think about where do you want this to go if it does become something.
    Also, good luck.
  15. The Wrestler

    The Wrestler Fapstronaut

    Chat her up for a bit then ask, "Hey, do you have an email address?" When she says yes, because everybody does, as she's writing it down say, "Why don't you write down your phone number, too." She'll likely smile and oblige (I mean, she did already start writing her email, adding her digits is not much of a leap).
    If you get a really positive response from this you can probably go for the coffee ask, no need to wait. #footinthedoor #science

    One other thing I will say, if you get her number don't wait to call or text. That "three day" rule is total bullsh*t. Hell, send her a message while she's in front of you! (You know...maybe a little, "Hey it's blank from the gym. I like the way you've been working those lats, maybe we could meet up for coffee to discuss it. You could give me some tips! ;)")
  16. kingpietro

    kingpietro Fapstronaut

    Best advise ever. be direct and take the lead. There are a lot of man who don't have the balls to ask her out directlly they allways do it indirect by asking her facebook or not saying why they ae asking her phone number
  17. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    I'm just getting sick of bad advice being given.
    It doesn't help any of the women out there or the PAs not relapse when it doesn't work out.
    At least if my advice doesn't work, she genuinely isn't interested and nobody majorly gets hurt or arrested for sexual harassment (depending on where you live).
    People need to get off "screens" and start harboring real relationships.
    It's not like on TV.
    You can't be a douche a keep the girl everytime.
    -before anyone reacts to my sentence, reread it.
    I said EveryTime.
    Some may like it, but others may not.
    The truth is most people, no matter how they appear externally, just want compassion.
    If you can't approach with that, no matter what the situation is, you don't have a relationship. (any relationship)
    It doesn't matter if it's compassion for a one night stand or compassion for the project at work.
    You have to show a parallel interest to ascertain whatever it is you seek if you desire that.
    This means, Approach everything and everyone like this and with mutual respect and you will go very far in life.

    If you want to harbor a relationship, that's where you seek compassion from her.
    You need her mutual respect and compassion back in parallel if she wishes to also have a relationship.
    She might have different ideas, however.

    It's just how life works.
    The Wrestler likes this.
  18. Baroque

    Baroque Fapstronaut

    What does PA stand for?
  19. The Wrestler

    The Wrestler Fapstronaut

    From context: Porn Addict
    Baroque likes this.
  20. acceptance&surrender

    acceptance&surrender Fapstronaut

    DANG I have the exact same shit happening to me. I've been going to a gym class for 3 months (literally) just trying to see this girl again. I like the class too and all, but I've been extra diligent with going weekly to try and catch her there. I've only caught her once since I first met her, and that was like 2 months ago. So I literally went about 6 weeks in a row; she never showed. Now just yesterday I had an opportunity to meet her at the park with the same group of people that do the gym class (we are all in a facebook group). It looked like she was gonna be able to show so I did. Then she couldn't get out of work in time. I think its an understatement to say I'm frustrated.

    But in the group chat she said shes probably gonna be there Wednesday. So now I think my biggest struggle is toning my attitude down. I have to stifle 3 months of frustrated anticipation in attempt to make the conversation sporadic and natural. Which I think is definitely possible, but its just funny, I wish she knew! But she has no idea. I barely know her.

    I like the advice of being straight forward in order to leave an impression of intelligence and confidence. But I don't think I want to exude this just yet. I want to keep the interactions very casual, as I know I am guaranteed to see her for the foreseeable future. I was thinking of catching her a time or two again, and then simply saying something like "hey I was gonna go grab a smoothie if you wanna come," and then going from there, little by little.

    But if any of you guys think that's just procrastinating, I am very interested to hear your opinions.

    So I guess I don't have any additional advice to offer, just would like to say man, I feel you with all the uncertainty. But its exciting.