Asking girl out

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by tomandjerry, Apr 30, 2017.

  1. Born_For_War

    Born_For_War Fapstronaut

    When I met my first g/f I just blurted out, "Will you go out with me," at the prompting of my friends. I was 15 then. She said she had a b/f but about a month later she dumped him and asked ME out. So don't be afraid of rejection! Even if you do get rejected, you gave it your best shot and that's nothing to be ashamed about.

    I'm sure there's a really tactful way to ask her out, but I wouldn't suggest any rehearsed or corny phrases. Just be yourself. Good luck! :)
  2. The Wrestler

    The Wrestler Fapstronaut

    If you have the ability to message her directly through the group, what is stopping you from doing that?
    "Hi ____, I met you briefly in ___ class a while back and have literally gone to it every week for the last 6 weeks in the hope of chatting with you again [(My ___s are so fit!)]. You struck me as a really cool person [or other reason you are intrigued that is not physical] and I would really like to learn more about you - would you be interested in grabbing a smoothie or a coffee together this week[end]?"

    (Edit the contents of the square brackets)
  3. acceptance&surrender

    acceptance&surrender Fapstronaut

    Yeah I've considered that, but I just want to keep it in person if I can. I feel like doing that would be losing out on an opportunity to truly connect. I also want any kind of relationship if there might be one to happen naturally, and I feel starting it that way would kinda be forcing it. But I don't disagree with doing that, and maybe if this takes any longer I'll just have to. But I'm fairly certain I'm gonna see her today, so I'm gonna wait till then before I make any decisions.