I have Unzipped My Jeans,

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by FindingAName, Jun 17, 2017.

Go back?

  1. we all know what you will vote

  2. No

  3. Yes

  1. FindingAName

    FindingAName Banned User

    Wondering about going back, urges 2 hard and i got nothing to do.
  2. Going back? There is no going back. You are in your very indiviual learning process, you always may choose joy or something else. And you always have the chance to learn - not to make the same mistake again. There are no urges too hard. Urges are coming and going like the clouds in the sky. Let them pass by. And of course you have to do a lot: posting in this forum, encouraging other users who need to be encouraged, is a wonderful service. It helped me a lot during my periods of strong urges. So stay strong and enjoy the benefits of abstinence.
  3. The_Monk

    The_Monk Guest

    God vs devil. You can choose any one.
  4. LivinginRecovery

    LivinginRecovery Fapstronaut

    Well why don't you find something to do? If you've unzipped your jeans than you have a certain intent and that's up to you. Also, you've opened up a new thread just to tell people of that intent so you're clearly not serious about this and maybe want some attention. You're not getting any more from me. Do what you have to.
  5. That's one way to read FindingAnames words. My interpretation is: he just cried for help to resist the urges.
    In the age of 16 there are definitely strong urges. Let's see what he is able to do to get rid of addiction.
    forksnknives and MrElmo like this.
  6. FindingAName

    FindingAName Banned User

    i just needed someone to tell me not to, nobody wants to go back so thats why they write here when they are in hard times.
    Marcel0404 likes this.
  7. You were able to resist? I wish you could. Day will come you will not be able. We all have our strongness and weakness. The only failure is to give up and run away. You should always consider yourself as a wonderful person, accept yourself, like yourself, love yourself.
    Username1021 likes this.
  8. FindingAName

    FindingAName Banned User

    easier said then done, and yeah the urge has gone now, bieng on this site alot takes attention away from my pp :)
    Username1021 and Marcel0404 like this.
  9. I know. Especially in your age. Biologically I could be your father - and I would be proud of you. I always see the sincere efforts of the fapstronauts and I like to encourage them on their PMO journey. And I always like to say to them -even I am not religious- : God does not judge you, he loves you. There is no God counting your clean days and your relapses - but there is a creator who wanted you to be on this planet earth and who wanted you to be happy. :)
    spin89, Deleted Account and AM141 like this.
  10. Mr.No

    Mr.No Fapstronaut

    Take a cold shower. I hate fucking urges, everyone hate's urges.
    I had some strong urges to day.
    Resist, you can do it.
    MrElmo likes this.
  11. FindingAName

    FindingAName Banned User

    if you believe in god then i laugh at this post but if not i understand anyway, porn=devil nofap=god :) thanks
    spin89 likes this.
  12. FindingAName

    FindingAName Banned User

    i re-read your comment and the *consider yourself as a wonder person, accept yourself, like yourself, love yourself,* i mean i just, how do you do it? xD i dont want to cry *BUT NOBODY SAYS ANYTHING GOOD ABOUT ME WAAHHHHH* but this just seems like something i cant perform???? idk how to change from miserable to great/no problems in 1 moment :)
  13. Ever heard the words of Sokrates "Know thyself!" ? What is my true self? What is your true self? Your are not what your mind is telling you (you are such and such person, such name, such age, such parents, such hobbies, such talents) - you are something else, something much more beautiful. And you are unique. Nobody is like you. Inside of you there is a divine spark and when you feel the beauty deep inside your heart you will know what I am telling about. You have the potential to become a very happy person, full of gratitude for being alive. All this Nofap and porn or M addiction is just one aspect of my life. I can do my little efforts to be lead by my heart and not by my mind. I can get rid of addiction and support others to do the same.
    Of course heartaches can turn into joy. There will always be problems - but I can learn to handle them, not be controlled by them. My life changed when the question why I was born was answered. To feel the beauty inside, to discover the world of my heart. So - it's up to you to choose true love and true joy. You are very young and incredible happiness is waiting for you. It's not outside, it's inside of you. YOU HAVE THE POTENTIAL AND YOU HAVE THE STRENGTH TO MAKE IT COME TRUE.
    spin89 and MrElmo like this.
  14. FindingAName

    FindingAName Banned User

    im sorry but this really didnt help although what answer would have been normal right? haha
  15. Mr.No

    Mr.No Fapstronaut

    There are to ways of changing yourself.
    Nr.1 get rid off something
    Nr.2 get something.

    I also have no idea how to change but i ll try it.
  16. NotSoAverageJoe

    NotSoAverageJoe Fapstronaut

    Stop complaining, start doing. Go for a walk or something
  17. The_Monk

    The_Monk Guest

    Glad you understood it
  18. FindingAName

    FindingAName Banned User

    *walks in dream state :) } btw just curious, is having sex in a lucid dream relapse? {since u can manipulate the dream however you want}
  19. HappyDaysAreHereAgain

    HappyDaysAreHereAgain Fapstronaut

    Yes, continue with 20 push-ups, cold shower, pajamas, sleep. Repeat first 3 steps until sleep happens.
  20. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    The Truth .

    Make the righteous decision .
    Deleted Account likes this.