Recovery stages (With each stages benefits)

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Combatfearitself, Jun 18, 2017.

  1. Combatfearitself

    Combatfearitself Fapstronaut

    (I do not claim this to be mine. It helped me understand, and I would be a fool not to share this with the community.) Be great, Love, Z)

    Stage 0 (Pre-NoFap)
    You're a functioning human being, but you have no idea why you lose the energy that you "used" to have. The enthusiasm, passion and purity of heart. You know you're capable of more, but when you act as such, people tend to not take it seriously. Your opinion is weak and people may step all over you. Additionally, you being single is just a part of life, just like the sky being blue. Having a girlfriend would be the oddity.

    Also your grades aren't terrible, but they kind of suck. You probably balance out your D's and get B's in your other classes. It's weird, despite your intelligence, you're not capable of accomplishing more. You have an inconsistent sense of excellence. Sometimes you impress people, sometimes you let them down, it's hard to know for sure.

    You're kind of out of touch with people. For some reason you can't relate to anybody. Is it because "I'm different?" You say. Probably not, it's because you're awkward. If you saw a lion that snuck into the cave and pawed itself to naked pictures of other lions, would you expect that lion to relate to the other ones?


    Last but not least, women are fucking difficult to attract. For whatever reason, they don't want you. All the good women are taken or very stuck up, which is probably why nobody wants them. (Which is false by the way). There's like this invisible barrier, for whatever reason, you are not seen by the opposite sex.

    Stage 1 (Hell Yeah, Let's Get It Crackin!)
    You made it to the olympics. You haven't won any medals yet, but you feel like a bad ass. You may even get a lot done this week and attract a couple of ladies, if you want. This isn't the norm, but you have so much pure enthusiasm and energy right now and the people around you feed off that, even if it feels very temporary.

    This immediate effect is the 7 day boost

    Stage 2 (Still Pumped Bro!)
    You're not as pumped as before, but you are still getting things done. At this point, you'll notice the effects wearing off, and the temptation to fap will be getting stronger with each passing moment. This is the time where you'll be using the hell out of the NoFap emergency button. This is probably the most difficult phase and can last for quite some time. This is the point where you also may feel stressed. Your body simply doesn't know how to cope without a sexual outlet. In fact, you may hop on Tinder and sleep with the first chick you match up with just to get past the frustration.


    You will also have trouble sleeping, so you'll have to get an ice pack from the freezer and put it on your balls so that you can finally fall sleep.

    You may also, start seeing women glance at you for the 1st time.

    Stage 3 (Flatline, NoFap is a Myth?)
    This is the stage where you still have some confidence, but you're no longer seeing any type of benefit from NoFap. Everything is back to normal, nobody really sees you, and you pretty much have no advantage in life. You are still attracted to women, however, you really have no interest in any specific woman. Your eyes will want sex, but your body.... "Meh."

    Also you don't have more energy. You'll probably oversleep a couple of times, you'll still have difficulty getting over your ex (if you're still in that category). Most of all, you'll start doing stupid shit to regain that momentum again (even fapping so that you can hit that 7 day boost.). People sense your lack of energy and super self-confidence so they'll start criticizing you over bullshit. Which may further escalate your need to fap for that 7 day boost. And to make sure you don't "lose it" from not "using it".

    Please Don't.

    This flatline is temporary. It feels like your life is back to normal, but it's not, your mind is just resetting itself for a crazy turn around. Faith is the big word here

    Stage 4 (Post Flatline, Okay, So I Wasn't Wasting My Time)
    This is the stage where you start rising in confidence again. During this time, you'll have some significant private victories. This private victories will give you a great deal of confidence. You'll be celebrating things for awhile, so when you do reach your major goals - everyone else will probably be more shocked than you.

    This stage is like putting gas back in the car and starting the engine. It just feels good to be driving around with a full-tank again, it gives you tremendous confidence and people can sense it.

    Stage 5 ("Holy Shit You Just Turned Your Car Into a Spaceship")
    This is the stage where you hit your major goals. Starting a business, landing a nice job, getting your 1st customers, and losing a lot of body fat. I know the recommended amount is about 2 pounds of fat per week, however, just throw all that shit out the window during this phase. You'll have a lot of energy to burn, you'll lose a lot of fat rather quickly and it'll be completely healthy. You'll lose more fat in this phase than all the previous ones combined.

    Your grades will go up, you'll start going on more dates. You'll have more money in your bank account. Your family will be proud to claim you as a son again (or daughter), and overall, the quality of your life will be way different. Hence the analogy. People will start to believe in you again because they've seen that you've turned your car into a damn spaceship.

    Stage 6 (Colonize a New Planet)
    You're not even from this earth anymore. You're a completely different person, and although you still kept your friends, they barely recognize you but if they are your best buds, then you will raise the prestige of your inner circle. In fact, you raise the prestige of nearly everybody that you know. When I say colonize a planet, I mean, you've started a completely different life.

    At this point, you assume pornography is an outdated concept. You may accidentally click on a link and see a provocative act. You'll either respond with laughter or utter disgust.

    The old you is a person that you don't even recognize. It's similar to living two separate lives.

    (The reason why I don't put days or timelines, is because it varies for everyone), but this entire process for me, on average, took about a year, each time. Also, another comment to add, just because you relapse once doesn't mean you start at 0. Messing up is OK. Just introspect why you relapsed and try to fix the issue or re-mediate it. Always love yourself, don't hate yourself for fapping or relapsing, its not something that is inherently bad. Its expression of sexual desire, through stopping of fap, your sexual desire will eventually find other ways into life and help you, you just need to break the habitual cycle of fapping to get rid of that energy. Nofap is a choice to help yourself. Cultivate a positive attitude.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 18, 2017
  2. True life seeker

    True life seeker Fapstronaut

    Awesome post,ill definetly save it for later motivation.Thanks a lot mate and good luck!
    max9292 likes this.
  3. Combatfearitself

    Combatfearitself Fapstronaut

    Thank you, will do.
  4. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    Welcome to NoFap where you are amongst friends who are here to encourage you and sometimes challenge you but not judge you.

    The enemy is here to steal, kill and destroy. What are your current strategies for combating the enemy called PMO?
    The Pacific Life and Fap5tr0naut like this.
  5. Combatfearitself

    Combatfearitself Fapstronaut

    For me DJ is really about 2 things:

    1:st --> Being the kind of person I would let my own daughter to date.
    2:nd --> Being someone my children would be proud of.
    The Gentlemen and Fap5tr0naut like this.
  6. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    To help you reach those goals, check out In Case You Didn't Know for strategies and tips which may help you along your journey.
  7. Combatfearitself

    Combatfearitself Fapstronaut

    Be great brother.
    Itsmehimanshu likes this.
  8. Combatfearitself

    Combatfearitself Fapstronaut

    How long ago has it been D.J and in what way have you evolved since your journey?
  9. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    Lovely .
  10. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    It has been 571 days of MO sobriety and 309 days of P sobriety.

    The greatest gains of my journey have been wisdom and hindsight along with clarity. By clarity I mean I understand even more the "why". Those who have the best success I have seen on NoFap have drilled down past the staying busy and distracted phases of NoFap and and done some digging and understand that there is an emotional reason we have an addiction. Sure, many of us are predisposed to being susceptible to addiction but more often than not, there is an emotional issue we have not dealt with which manifests itself into something we choose for escape and/ or comfort. What we choose numbs the pain instead of us dealing with the issue, whether it is porn, masturbation, other sexual issues, alcohol, spending, etc.
    max9292 and Combatfearitself like this.
  11. Combatfearitself

    Combatfearitself Fapstronaut

    Exactly, this is a year of facing, not running. I realised somewhere down my drug addiction that you can't just numb the bad feelings without the cost of good ones as well. This site was kind enough to accept me and my flaws, therefore I feel an obligation to help people out since I've dove deep into this with a psychologic perspective to it all since thats my major. Best of luck DJ, but im sure by now you don't need it. Love, Z.
    max9292 likes this.
  12. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    One may think since I've gone this far, all is well. One would be wrong. I am only one horrible day from being back to Day One.
    It only takes allowing my guard to fall or me getting lazy concerning what I allow myself to view or a perfect storm of events occurring and me being overwhelmed and I could cave in like a sink hole.

    I pray that doesn't happen. In addition to those sobriety stats, I have about 4 1/2 years of celibacy going for me as well.

    Prayer and focus keep me going.
    Loizaman likes this.
  13. Combatfearitself

    Combatfearitself Fapstronaut

    Wow DJ, I appreciate the honesty. I'll pray for you later today. Whats your major goals at the moment?
  14. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    I am in continual maintenance and strengthening of my resolve to continue this lifestyle change.
    I share the wisdom I'm have acquired through my journey and the knowledge I have attained through others on NoFap so that hopefully others will have it easier than I had it.
    Combatfearitself likes this.
  15. SkyFallBack

    SkyFallBack Fapstronaut

    nice one man!
    Loizaman likes this.
  16. Loizaman

    Loizaman Fapstronaut

    Guys who made it this far, you are a true inspiration. Im on day 3 and mixed up between flatline and struggling to get some
  17. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    How is your progress today?
  18. xXkiller42

    xXkiller42 Fapstronaut

    How long did stage 2 and 3 last for you? and how long till I get there?
  19. Combatfearitself

    Combatfearitself Fapstronaut

    Inspiration is good. Aspire to be an inspiration to others and perhaps by then your "struggle to get some" will be no more. Also this "challenge", I'd rather say lifestyle change can only be if you're story is good enough. Before you begin, have a good story that reminds you why you started. Love