Back to porn

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by AhmedKandil, Jun 19, 2017.

  1. AhmedKandil

    AhmedKandil Fapstronaut

    Hi All,
    I'm married since about one year, i used to watch alot of porn movies since i was 15, i decided to stop that after my marriage, I have a great life with my wife, but i don't know why i'm thinking those days in porn, I opened porn sites twice since my marriage and i'm afraid to back to them :( i don't know why, i just have something internally keep telling me let's just check pron sites, please help me, i don't want to fall off this again, really i hate porn and i love me life more, but sometimes i feel like i'm weak and i just want to lock and see alot of nude girls and then seeing porn,
    LivinginRecovery likes this.
  2. Struggle Bug

    Struggle Bug Fapstronaut

    Start by deleting your porn stash if you have any, delete bookmarked sites, and clear your history.

    Set a blocker or a filter on your computer, K9 or Open DNS would be a good way to start it. Set a password and give it to someone you can trust.

    Find an accountability partner who will check up on you daily and you can do the same to him, you both could message each other whenever you are having urges as well as discuss things you can do when you are having urges. If you don't have an accountability partner, you can find someone on the accountability section of the forum.

    Start a journal, I see you are 28 years old, you can start one in the 25 -29 years old section of the reboot logs to document your reboot, you can start by creating a thread and naming it to whatever you want to name your journal, introduce yourself , state your goals, and commit to it daily or weekly.

    As far as these basic steps, try to start a new hobby which you'll replace PMO with in your life :)

    Hope this helped. Message me if you need any more help :)
  3. John_Smith

    John_Smith Fapstronaut

    Porn users are twice as likely to get divorced. Do you want to get divorced? Do you love your wife? Quit PMO for her sake if not yours.
  4. AhmedKandil

    AhmedKandil Fapstronaut

    Thanks alot for this great advice, i will try
    thanks a lot for this :), will try to follow step by step
  5. AhmedKandil

    AhmedKandil Fapstronaut

    you're totally right :(, i have to save my marriage
    Buddhabro likes this.
  6. AdLunaRex

    AdLunaRex Guest

    I'll be more harsh with you, because you have 2 sins: lust and greed. Why greed? You have greed because you have a wife and you desire other females. You made a choice you must live with it.
    Mixtec, David K and LivinginRecovery like this.
  7. AhmedKandil

    AhmedKandil Fapstronaut

    i'm not thinking in this way, the issue is that from long time i used to think in alot of females, sometimes i can't even show porn movie twice!, i love to see new sex :(
  8. There are fapstronauts who write "I will do this" and there are fapstronauts who write "I will try".
    Only group no. 1 I consider as serious persons. "I will try" means "I think I don't like to do it".

    I would like to know why you married at all.

    It's your life. When you are caught in your addiction that's concerning you. Unfortunately you betrayed your wife. Or did you openly talked with your wife about your porn addiction before the marriage?
    Hardboiled24 likes this.
  9. AhmedKandil

    AhmedKandil Fapstronaut

    I mean by trying is to do it not just thinking on it!,
    before i got married, I stopped seeing porn for a long time! but i'm about to back watching porn, that's why i asked for help, thanks for your post!
    IWashMyHandsOfIt and Marcel0404 like this.
  10. LivinginRecovery

    LivinginRecovery Fapstronaut

    Hi @AhmedKandil. As someone whose marriage was destroyed by my porn use I can tell you right here that no amount of new videos on any Tube site is worth the feeling of utter desolation as when my marriage hit the wall. I chose an endless supply of stunning looking women to fap to when I had a good wife who was there and who was really into me. Okay so she was not a stunner (in the way porno and P subs women are) but she was a good woman and I threw that away for an ever increasing hit of dopamine. I would do anything to go back and rewrite that particular script but I can't. You have that chance. So ask yourself. "Do I want to shoot my seed out to fantasy and get an amazing orgasm thinking about a bevy of stunners or do I want to use my energies expressing myself to a real person who is there for me and who can give me a million times more than any pixellated image of a woman could? Do I want to feel guilt and shame every time I release or do I want to feel warmth, love and a kinship with that other person who is now laying in my arms?" If you choose porn then so be it and I won't judge you because it's your choice but in my opinion it will take you nowhere good.
  11. I think your attaching too much meaning to one's lexicon. I'm on day 2 after a relapse. I tried very hard. "At first you don't succeed, try, try again." Those in the beginning stages shouldn't be chastised. Nor should his choice to marry. That's just not right.
    LivinginRecovery likes this.
  12. LivinginRecovery and Marcel0404 like this.
  13. I agree. There was a reason I wanted to confront him. "I love to see new sex" might actually be the fact but Ahmed shouldn't put it in words. Would be much better for him to write "I will quit porn completely because I hate it". I will , not I will try.
  14. LivinginRecovery

    LivinginRecovery Fapstronaut

    You're very welcome.
  15. AhmedKandil

    AhmedKandil Fapstronaut

    I mean by this sentence that i feel like i have curious of seeing porn, i don't know why i tried to gave up and not to, but when i set on the internet and found anything related on Porn even if it's not porn i feel like i need to see it
  16. David K

    David K Fapstronaut

    Bro find a hobby or try to work on retiring early. Find a drive and talk to your wife about it. She will support you. Trust me dude, i was living with my ex for 2 years and didn't talk about it, now im in a different city all alone with only my thoughts to myself that tell me how stupid I was for LEAVING and not being honest about any of my problems during the relationship until it was too late. Not gonna lie. 42 days in and i have days where im horny and then days when i can't even listen to songs about sex. Not a good feeling. Understand you have something that alot of us want. Dont let something digital ruin. You gotta be a MAN and do what you gotta do. If that means therapy than so be it. I start my sessions in 2 weeks. Youre stronger than you think bro
    AhmedKandil and Mixtec like this.
  17. I will win

    I will win Fapstronaut

    As I see that you're a Muslim, well, you need first to know that this is a sign from God which tells you that you aren't near from him.
    AhmedKandil likes this.
  18. chabi

    chabi Fapstronaut

    go on you'll do it. it's normal that the idea of watchig porn come back to your refkexiin from time to time. all you need is talkingabiutthatwith your wife, tell her everything, your past. tell her that you love her so much and you can't let anything ruin your relation. she 'll understand and give you support you need.
    wish you all the best ahmed
    AhmedKandil likes this.
  19. w95chris

    w95chris Fapstronaut

    What i suggest is talk about this with your wife so she can understand and support you.Then after that i want to tell you to set up a blocker and block every website with porn.The next step is to keep yourself occupied so the last thing you think about is to watch porn.There will always be a little voice in your head that tells you to watch porn but you must not listen to that voice because if you do then you will never get past your addiction.

    I understand that it is difficult but it is the beginning that matters the most because you need to have a solid plan to deal with the addiction and learn to control your urges.Once you have done that then it is all about applying the things you learned
    AhmedKandil likes this.
  20. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    The most important thing--especially in early rebooting--is to block yourself from even being able to access porn. Of course you're going to want to view it--the addicted brain isn't going to go down without a fight. But if you have a filter set up and your phone is restricted with a code that you don't know, that will go a long way toward keeping you safe from your own impulses.
    AhmedKandil likes this.