Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Mean Machine, Jun 20, 2017.

  1. Mean Machine

    Mean Machine Fapstronaut

    Hi everybody,
    Thought id share my experiences and the mistakes i've made throughout my Nofap journey. First of all, let's get this straight. Porn and Masturbation both damage your sexual health to one extent or another. Don't fall into the trap of believing one is "better" than the other. When i first started Nofap, about 3 weeks into hardmode my sex drive went through the roof and i needed an outlet to release it so i started making up these scenarios and justifications in my head as to why masturbation is completely natural and humans have been doing it for millions of years and what not, THIS led to my relapse. I masturbated without porn, i immediately felt like SHIT. Sluggish, no energy, no motivation and even though i vowed i would never look at porn again i was back to my old habits of pmo-ing 2-3 times a day within a week. Masturbation may be fine for alot of people, just like i can drink a couple times a year and not get addicted but alot of my friends have ended up at AA meetings because of it. What we need to understand is that people are different. Some people are addicted to food, some are to drugs, fapping etc. what might work for someone might not work for you and if you want to beat this addiction once and for all hard mode is the only way to go. NEVER forget it no matter how hard you addicted brains tries to get you to go back, it took me about 4 months to get back to my current streak(27 days hardmode) and i wish none of you have to go through that once you are deep in(for me it is 125 days hardmode when i relapsed). Let's do this !
    Rhys0, fedupist, Sined and 2 others like this.
  2. Truth.
    Sined likes this.
  3. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    Absolutely. In the tens of thousands of times I've PMO'd, I've never once walked away feeling better about myself ... and none of those rationalizations ("It's natural / everyone does it / it actually reduces chances of certain cancers, you know") changed that one bit.

    I personally identify as a Sex Addict. I'm someone who goes to meetings regularly. And I've had that same thought many times: "This is BS. Why do I have to keep coming to meetings? There are 'normal' people in this world who can watch porn for 15 minutes, then shut it off and go do something else. Why can't I do that?" But that kind of talk does nothing for me. It just pulls me away from reality--and the reality is that I'm not someone who can just watch for 15 minutes, so in order to have any hope for my future, I need to stop thinking about how I wish I was, and start dealing with how I am.

    For me, the hardest thing is learning how to redirect that sexual energy toward other pursuits.
    Mean Machine likes this.
  4. justmyusername

    justmyusername Fapstronaut

    Very true man. Some of us (like myself) have been just as enslaved by M alone without ever having an issue with P.
    Mean Machine likes this.
  5. Mean Machine

    Mean Machine Fapstronaut

    What i've learned eventually is that nobody is "normal" perse, it's just that their addiction differs from yours. The earlier people grasp the fact that we as a group will only be able to stay away from PMO if quit cold turkey, the better. Our brains fool us at times to get that dopamine hit but we all know how it ends up eventually, but the good thing is that we CAN change that so let's not lose hope and stay on our path. The journey maybe different for each of us but the destination is the same.