Can you guys help me with being more productive during the day?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Stefan Anevski, Jun 20, 2017.

  1. Stefan Anevski

    Stefan Anevski Fapstronaut

    My biggest problem here is that i didn't stick with what i had planned to do today for example. Yesterday for example i say i will exercise, meditate, socialize more, i will not very much on social networks but tomorrow i say to myself i can't exercise right now i will exercise later and later i will say okey, of tomorrow i will start exercising and i will not quit but and tomorrow same story for all things not just for exercising. Also when i say i will read that book untill i read it but i will read for example 2 or 3 days and after that i quit it and i say i can't to read it anymore and search for another book... I think that all of this shits i do are because i'm not motivated anymore to do it. I'm motivated for 2 or 3 days and i'm full productive that days, but after it my days are like shit, i'm not happy with what i do but however i do it. If you guys have some tips how to stick with what i said to do i will very appreciate your comments!

    - Greatings!
    Patillitas and !Roman like this.
  2. A41:14A

    A41:14A Fapstronaut

    Hey bud, you really need to look at ways to improve / increase your willpower and self-discipline.
  3. Stefan Anevski

    Stefan Anevski Fapstronaut

    Do you have some sources like books or something else about this?
  4. A41:14A

    A41:14A Fapstronaut

    Yeah sure, no problem.. try Google searching "ways to increase your own willpower" and "ways to increase your own self-discipline".. (good thing you're starting early, don't wait ten years) cheers hey. Good luck.
    Stefan Anevski likes this.
  5. Stefan Anevski

    Stefan Anevski Fapstronaut

    Thank you bro, i'm 17 years old now but that's great that i found for that things that early i think
  6. Rottan malk

    Rottan malk Fapstronaut

    One of the things that works for me is to start small, because usually I start with grand plans. Start small, and have it be measurable like I'll read for 30 minutes a day, and Saturdays my day off. Or I'll read a book a week.and don't be hard on yourself when you stop, keep trying. Or maybe that habit isn't one you enjoy then feel free to try something else, you shouldn't force yourself to enjoy running because it will make you live longer when you hate every second of it.
  7. RationalBrody

    RationalBrody Fapstronaut

    Ask yourself how to build a habit of doing those things. And make it easy.
    Say to yourself: 10 push-ups a day count for a workout session.
    Not that hard to do 10 push-ups a day.

    Since it's easy, doing 10 push-ups over the course of a week will feel almost as effortless. If one day you don't feel like, push yourself to do it. Since you're pushing yourself to do something easy, the act pushing yourself will also be easy.
    Once you've done 10 pushups for 2 weeks, doing the same for the next 2 weeks will also be easier. But maybe this time you'll want to hit the gym for a proper workout session. Keep doing the push-ups routine everyday and go to the gym once a week.
    Soon you'll be wanting to be doing more than one gym session per week. And it will feel easy to do it because you enjoy it and made a habit out of it.

    Also, keep in mind the 'Do Something' Principle (credit to Mark Manson). Don't wait to feel inspired or motivated. You'll stay stuck. Instead, take small action towards your goal. This in turn will create the inspiration / motivation. Which in turns leads to the Massive Action

    Action → Inspiration → Motivation
    Stefan Anevski likes this.
  8. Stefan Anevski

    Stefan Anevski Fapstronaut

    Thank you very much friend, this helps me a lot. I will try this way!
    A41:14A likes this.