Hi , I am new and today starts my new life

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Stefano_Arise, Jun 26, 2017.

  1. Hello everybody,

    this is stefano from Italy, and I am 25.
    Today is my first day of conscious abstaining from masturbation. I have a goal of 60 days or better. I believe fapping has a very negative influence on my social life, feeling anxiety and social shame. Hope to put my good will in use and reach my goal! If you have any recommendation for a newbie please come by.
  2. Day two... still easy for now :)

    Anybody recommends? I am still very green in this but hey highly motivated , so I will easily learn if some Pro give me some hints
    Flyhigh likes this.
  3. @Stefano_Arise Welcome to NoFap :) I have found very uselful a free app called R Tribe. I keep putting my thoughts at the end of everyday before going to sleep. It is very good and motivational especially at the beginning of your recovery. Get busy when you feel triggerred because you will at some point. Work out, go out with friends, do healthy hobbies, swim, go to a park everything you know is good for your mind and body. Improve your life
    Stefano_Arise likes this.
  4. Tomassee

    Tomassee New Fapstronaut

    Hi, I had tried several times in past but usually relapse after some time... I am 29 and masturbate since I am 10 regularly...I am gonna start reboot for 90 days, it would be great if I am successful.
    Thanks for support
  5. Thanks guys for replying !

    @phoenix91, I will give that app a try!
  6. This is my 4th day.. yesterday was a bit harder, I went in some kinky conversation on whatsapp with a girl and I almost gave up. But then I reminded myself whats my goal and why I am doing it and just turned off the phone :D
    Hardboiled24 likes this.
  7. Day 5!
    This is getting hard, I noticed my social anxiety and somatic symphtomps are worstening and getting harder. Anyway I know where I want to get and I think this is the way.

    But I feel very bad
    Hardboiled24 likes this.
  8. I have never understood how people can like sexting. I don't like talking about sex or something close to, I just pass to action lol. I like getting to the point

    Instead of exchanging pics why don't you cut the chase and have sex with this girl? That's what you want in the end. Have you had something already with this girl? How did you meet her?

    Btw recently i have received a pic from a guy who I sort of knew and he sent me around 11pm a pic of him with his naked chest and trousers full of hickeys from who knows which or how many girls (with caption "Bored :( "). I told him to wear a scarf that go to work like that would have been embarrassing lol. He didn't expect that reaction, I didn't like his body though not enough I mean

    Do you wanna compare having her in front of you in flesh and bones or a photo to masturbate to? Come on

    Do you have only an addiction to masturbation?
    Hardboiled24 likes this.