Seeing a new girl. 22 years old, 16 days into a reboot.

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by TheWarrant, Jun 18, 2017.

  1. TheWarrant

    TheWarrant Fapstronaut


    I am a 22 year old man with PIED. I am currently on the 16th day of my reboot. By that I mean no porn, no masturbation and no orgasms.

    The day after the last time I masturbated (16 days ago) I met up with a really nice girl. We went for drinks, had dinner. I attended a house party in the town where she was staying and I went back to hers to sleep after she kindly agreed it was okay. We made out and cuddled in bed but nothing sexual occurred. As I lay next to her, I was soft. I was quite drunk at the time, so this may have had an effect. I generally didn't feel very aroused, but I enjoyed my time with her all the same. Keep in mind, this was the day after I masturbated - so that likely affected softness and my lack of sexual interest in her.

    *Isn't it amazing (and frightening) how porn can make a young man in his prime so desensitised that he's not aroused by a beautiful girl laying next to him half-naked?*

    Anyway, so two weeks passed until I next see her, which was yesterday. I am now 16 days into a reboot. I think I had a week of flatlining and it has just passed. During this time my penis felt very insensitive, and somehow felt smaller and less full.

    The date was a success. We hung out in a field, enjoyed the weather, we made out a lot, drunk some wine etc... As we made out I felt myself getting harder, just by touching her. She looked down and noticed the bulge under my jeans and laughed. It is hard to say how erect I was, maybe 65-70% of maximum. I see these as really positive signs. This time I felt truly aroused and as we made out I really want to have sex with her. (I had very bad blue balls later that evening.)

    On to my question - I like this girl. There is sexual chemistry for sure. I think this will escalate into something more physical. However, I don't want to lose my NoFap progress. I'm absolutely certain that I will cure this PIED, and I do not want to orgasm, or have sex yet. Am I being too cautious?

    How do I proceed with this? Should I not worry about having sex - as it will be with a real girl, who I find attractive and there won't be any porn fantasising going on?

    Or - shall I say I'm not ready to have sex with you yet. I'm more than happy to perform sexual acts on her, it's just I am committed to this. I can tell this reboot will be a success, and I don't want to do anything to harm my long-term goal of getting back to rock hard erections and mind-blowing sex.

    Please do let me know your thoughts.
  2. Code Hero

    Code Hero Fapstronaut

    I have the same concerns as you! I think if you can be in the moment with her and not think about porn, and only her, then you should be okay. The physical evidence about PIED has yet to come through, and from looking around on this site it seems like PIED is mostly a result of how long you have PMO'd. If you end up thinking about porn while having sex, then you are in trouble (this happened to me, and was the only way for me to maintain an erection). This is at your discretion. I am quite new, so take this with a grain of salt, but I wish you all the best!
  3. TheWarrant

    TheWarrant Fapstronaut


    Thank you for your response.

    I think many of us are in the same situation. I have PMOing since a young age - maybe 11. However, from 2012 - early 2016 (when I was always very sexually active) I never had an issue.

    Problems arose after I stopped having consistent sex with my girlfriend, with whom I broke up. It was a stressful period for me so I turned (unknowingly) to pornography, and would masturbate to it 1 to 3 times a day religiously, thereby reducing my sensitivity. Now here I am.

    The logic behind NoFap makes me incredibly confident that I, and all other guys in this situation will be okay, and actually we will better than okay. Sex is to be enjoyed with a real woman - not with a pixelated image and your hand. I get this, and I'm happy to continue my journey.

    I will see how things develop with this girl. I really want to do, at the very least, 30 days no PMO - if possible 60. But I think things will heat up before then.

    I'll update this as of when.
  4. KennyX93

    KennyX93 Fapstronaut

    What's the update? I'd really like to know cause your thread is the exact same position i'm in now. Even your goal is the same my goal is 30 days as well before I attempt anything but in my case I'm trying to have 30 days of non PMO before I even contact her for fear of not being sexually ready. But yeah how has it gone after the 30 days?
  5. TheWarrant

    TheWarrant Fapstronaut


    Hello, and thanks for your message.

    The last time I was in sexual contact with this girl was last Friday. At this point, I was 28 days into my reboot - so nearly at the 30 day mark. We kissed, cuddled and I pleasured her with my hands.
    I was quite aroused and had an erection of about 65-70% of full strength.

    Now, she didn't actually touch me in anyway. If she did, it is likely that I would have achieved a full erection - I'm pretty confident of that.

    However, my erection on this day was up and down - but I'm not too stressed about this - because she didn't touch me in anyway, so it's not like I was on the receiving end of any physical stimulation.

    I'm now going to aim for 60 days no PMO. I really think this is working and want to do it for as long as I can in order to enjoy the results of a complete reboot - with 90 days being my ultimate goal.

    If I do happen to O with this girl before either the 60/90 day mark - then so be it. But I will under no circumstances watch porn or masturbate.

    What's your story bro?
  6. KennyX93

    KennyX93 Fapstronaut

  7. KennyX93

    KennyX93 Fapstronaut

    Like I said your story 95% mirrors mine (it actually freaked me out how close it was). The only difference is I didn't take the girls number because I don't wanna end up leading her on. So I'm waiting on 30 days of no PMO before I even hit her up (we met through friends so that part will be easy)
  8. The Wrestler

    The Wrestler Fapstronaut

    First - félicitations on 32 days! Great work!
    Second - you are really approaching this from a great mindset: you want sex to be more present, you are serious about this process, you are taking solid steps for improvement, and you are asking really good questions about the whole thing.

    To your questions,
    Two possibilities: you could tell this girl you would really like to take things slow. Most girls really like this, and taking your time to really enjoy the physical things you are doing with her - kissing, touching,'s good,'s good. If you have no agenda for taking it further, these can really turn into slow and deep and very, very good things. Plus you get to relax and really enjoy the process of getting to know someone, and doing date-y things you wouldn't necessarily do by yourself! It take all kinds of pressure off and makes it fun again! There is nothing wrong with taking your time, and if you make this clear with her, she will likely feel even more safe and secure in your relationship.

    The other option I see (not to say these are the only two options, just the two that sprung to mind) is to talk with her about it. If things are still too new I would not advise this, but if you feel comfortable enough, sharing something you feel vulnerable about is a really great way to build connection. Tell her how you feel about her, why you are doing this reboot and what you want for yourself, and what you want in your relationship with her. Worst-case scenario, the kind of woman who would reject you for trying to develop yourself is not the kind of person you'd want to hang around long-term anyhow! It is a little scary talking about it (I was terrified talking to my girlfriend!) but it really does allow for a much deeper connection with this girl.
    TheWarrant likes this.
  9. TheWarrant

    TheWarrant Fapstronaut

    Get that number ASAP. Life is too short.
    KennyX93 likes this.
  10. TheWarrant

    TheWarrant Fapstronaut

    Wow, thank you very much for the detailed post.

    My lady friend feels pretty comfortable around me. The main issue is that she wants sex. Whenever we mess around she always begs me to 'fuck her' - she becomes very aroused but ultimately she does respect my decision to not. (although she doesn't know the reason behind my abstinence)

    Regarding the second paragraph. She's definitely not the type of girl that I want anything serious with. She is a very nice person nevertheless. However, we just are not that compatible. But that doesn't mean that we cannot enjoy one another, spend time together and just enjoy life. I've become very accepting recently, in many aspects of my life.

    To me, it appears like this girl has appeared at the right time. Our relationship is temporary - but that's okay, and we'll enjoy it for the time being.
  11. TheWarrant

    TheWarrant Fapstronaut

    Hi and thanks for your post.

    I absolutely agree with everything you are saying. But, the reason for my reboot and realisation is my PIED. I used to have an unbelievable sexual appetite. But once i stopped having regular sex and replaced this with porn it has had an effect on my ability to get hard.

    I want to complete the 90 days before I even attempt to have sex - as I think that will give me the best chance of recovering from PIED.
  12. Dragonnlife

    Dragonnlife Fapstronaut

    Dude yes! Congrats for coming on here to ask about this before sexual intercourse or ejaculation. In my opinion and experience, girls like a guy who is down to give them the good stuff without needing sex. Most guys just want to fuck or get one off so if you get into that situation and resist it's an A+ for the relationship and you become someone respectable and un-selfish in her eyes. I just went through this and it's a sure fire way for the girl to become ten times more interested in you. They become curious and it's attractive for them. This isn't cut copy for every girl but if she's interested then I think you'll find it's a win win situation where you can stick to your NoFap goals and she can um... how do you say, feel fulfilled? Haha
    pranav02 likes this.
  13. TheWarrant

    TheWarrant Fapstronaut

    Thanks for reading my post, your comment and the support!

    Also, congratulations on your 30 day milestone. Things have cooled off a bit between us - I'm sure I'll see her again. But if I don't - it's not a big deal to be honest. I'm focused on my goals. 36 days in - not repaired yet, but I'll get there.

    How is your reboot going?

    With best wishes,
  14. Dragonnlife

    Dragonnlife Fapstronaut

    That's the best kind of mindset. You have much more important things that need your attention and things that you can control as opposed to wasting time chasing some chick. They come and go. Also best to not build them up too much in your head. Thanks! I'm excited to be this far along. My reboot is good but I'm very taxed at the moment. I've got expectations from a lot of different areas in my life right now. Things that I want, sure, but it's overwhelming as hell. 5+ hour singing rehearsals daily, my S.O. wants to have sex but I'm not sure I'm emotionally or mentally ready, and I've got myself to take care of too (sleep, workouts, eating well, etc)
  15. Addictedsince13

    Addictedsince13 New Fapstronaut

    wow you're lucky the day after you start with the reboot,this girl may motivates you to start the reboot,i'm glad for you but honestly i feel really jaundiced too
  16. Prog13

    Prog13 Fapstronaut

    Same problem,PIED for a year and a half and still going,11 months abstaining from PM and i started a counter of PMO free,i am on day 7.I asked a woman out today and she agreed,i like her and she likes me.I also believe that kissing,cuddling,talking and eating her out is a good way of making her forget the PIED am i gonna tell her the truth about PIED and keep her with me?Will i ruin my streak?I am on a dead end
  17. TheWarrant

    TheWarrant Fapstronaut

    Don't tell her yet, there is no need. Continue with the PMO journey and don't force sex upon her too soon. There is no need for things to escalate physically yet. Let yourself heal and enjoy the time with this girl.
  18. TheWarrant

    TheWarrant Fapstronaut


    I am no longer seeing this girl. She said that we lacked the connection and to be honest, I agree. While there was physical attraction, we were on two different intellectual levels. She is very childish, has an immature sense of humour and hasn't got her life in order quite yet. I feel as though this had a negative impact on our interactions overall and we began to run out of conversation topics. I will miss her, but I guess that's life.

    I have matched with a girl on Tinder who lives some distance away. We exchange text messages now and she sends me sexy photos (of her boobs) - i'm going to tell her to stop. While I don't consider this pornography, I still think it's dangerous. It's unlikely i will meet her, she lives far away.

    When I was in my previous relationship (and have good sex without issue) my ex would frequently send me sexy photos which never had any adverse effects. Presently, I have no women with whom i'm speaking with seriously or likely to have sex/intimacy with. Which is good for me I guess, as this will allow me to complete 90 days no PMO.

    Feeling good overall and i think that my penis is regaining life and the ability to reach a full erection. Morning wood is frequently present when I wake up.
    nofepper likes this.
  19. Prog13

    Prog13 Fapstronaut

    The date was yesterday and it went really well,at the moment we are texting.
    Of course i will not force sex on her soon,flatline is also here.
    There will be a time when she will want to have sex with me and i will have to try to avoid it again and again by telling her excuses?until when?
    I won't tell her about the PIED yet,but for how long?Should i tell her the first time that we will try to have sex?
    I don't know how to handle it.
  20. Searching4FreedomITA

    Searching4FreedomITA Fapstronaut

    It was really helpful to read your experiences guys. I'd like to have your opinions about my sexual problem. I've been together with a girl I loved for almost one year without doing absolutely nothing (yeah I know...), anyway 3 weeks after we dumped each other I had the chance to have sex with a friend of mine and we directly had sex (she's a little bitchy). I didn't love her but I limed her phisically so I said "fuck it that's a one-in-life chance" so we did it. Of course it was fast and she had almost no pleasure for that but it was my first time so I was prepared for that. We had sex 3 more times and I was always anxious about it and had not great performances of course... Suddently I discovered she was going out with someone else, but I knew it could happen: we were not a couple after all, and we didn't want to be. Anyway when I found out he was way older than us I was shocked and the last time we had sex I couldn't get hard at all for anxiety and disgust. Since then I had almost 0 interest in girls and had lots of PMO and I really think I have problems to get hard but I don't know for sure if it's because of that experience or if it's for porn. I haven't got close to any girl since than because I was (and still am ) sure to fail. 8 months passed. I want to be free to live my youth so I started this experience and I found really helpful all the stories I read on this community. I think I can do it. Now comes my question, because oc 2 reasons: I'll have holidays soon, should I try to do something with girls or not? And another reason is that I'm writing daily with a girl I may lime, she's nice and may understand my choice and help me to get rid of it. Last but not least, I am a guy who uses to think too much and act too little; I can't do anything without considering EVERY aspect of each decision I made. Sorry for the long post and sorry if I made some grammar mistakes but English is not my first language. Hope to read your answers soon' thank you and good luck!