Porn Isn't The Bad Guy

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by OneWithTheUnderdogs, Jul 14, 2017.

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  1. OneWithTheUnderdogs

    OneWithTheUnderdogs Fapstronaut

    Now, I've not been a member of this forum for very long, but during the time I've been here, I've noticed a major trend in many of the recovering addicts here, and that is a victim complex.

    Many users here deem porn the ultimate "evil"; the sole destructor of marriages, social skills, health and wellbeing, and lives in general, and while porn has indeed contributed to these issues, I don't think it's fair to point the blame.

    The problem isn't porn, the problem is you. Your weak mind has been moulded around something which you derive pleasure from. Porn is your vice, your escape, your go to drug of choice. It's not porn's fault you've become dependant on it. It's not porn's fault you've become a social recluse; choosing entire nights spent in dim light in front of a screen with your dick in your hand. It's not porn's fault that you feel like you cannot live without its thrill. Its lure tempts you in, and you're not strong enough to say no.

    Porn, like many other things that people become addicted to, is entertainment. Enjoyed in moderation, there's nothing wrong with it. You've spent so many years abusing it though, that you've fucked yourself up to a point where you feel you cannot ever watch it again without ruining your life. This is the same reason people who abuse(d) alcohol cannot ever return to it. You don't hear them blaming the drink though. They blame themselves, because they're the only blameable party. Temptation isn't a tangible thing. It can't literally force you to do anything you don't want to do. You use porn's attractiveness to justify your actions. "I couldn't help myself" is a phrase used a lot within addicts. The thing is, you can help yourself, you're just making a conscious choice not to. By doing this, you're removing all blame from porn. The only one calling the shots is you. Porn on a computer screen isn't real; it's not sentient, it doesn't know that it's creating a life of misery for you. Only you know this, and you're letting it happen. Porn can't be blamed because it isn't acting out directly against you. The porn industry is a business, and like any business, its primary goal is to make money.

    Casino's make millions every night; much of it coming from the pockets of addicts. The casino cannot be blamed though. It hasn't held a gun to the head of the addict, and neither does porn. In order to PMO, you have to seek it out. It doesn't happen because of a force of nature, or a paradigm shift, it happens because you wanted it to happen.

    There are many people who enjoy porn and have no trouble with it whatsoever. The same can be said with drinking and gambling. Moderation is key.

    So stop blaming porn. it's not "evil" or "a monster". Want to cast blame? Look in a mirror.

    This post isn't meant to cause any offence or upset, I'm just sick of people looking for something to blame other than themselves. In the case of addiction, the problem and solution both lie with the afflicted.
  2. Border_

    Border_ Fapstronaut

    I agree with what I believe the central thrust of your post is; that addicts and even people in general often shift blame and minimize the role of their own decisions and actions in the problems they've caused. I notice even with some non-drinkers; they demonize alcohol as poison. They personify it and blame it for derailing their lives. And we need to look first and foremost at our own role because that is the only thing we can control.

    I would say that there is shared responsibility for evils done in a lot of these cases, even though the burden falls on the individual to overcome the odds regardless. I believe that sex is a good thing; when experienced in its proper context. Pornography is an abuse of that, and preys on a natural weakness that many people have for companionship, sexual pleasure, etc. Porn is bad, imo, but it's still ultimately our decision to use it. Casinos can go too far advertising to hook people particularly weak to gambling, and get them inebriated so they make poor decisions, etc. There can be some responsibility for wrong-doing in certain cases, but as you say no one puts a gun to the gambling addict's head and forces him to go.

    There is a small kernel of truth people are hitting upon when they want to blame pornography producers or casinos for their problems. They can sense that there is sometimes something insidious trying to make profit from their existing weaknesses. But the victim mindset grossly distorts this in an effort to justify one's own actions or escape blame. And this is very counter-productive to recovery and living a mature life. Good post to point this out.
    LavaMe, thorswrath32 and The Rezistor like this.
  3. At OP, totally agree. The key to overcoming the addiction is to accept using is, and only is, a personal choice. That does not make the choice easy, but, it must be understood, using is a choice.
  4. Millenial

    Millenial Fapstronaut

    Sorry but I gotta disagree with you. If you say the addict is to blame... then you are basically saying the provider is blameless.
    I think it would be fairer to share the blame 50/50... for some reason this seems too complicated for many people and they feel they have to blame one thing.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2017
  5. kingpietro

    kingpietro Fapstronaut

    I agree that people shouldn’t blame porn for their problems its a "escape" just like any other drugs. Stopping the drugs will not magically solve you're problems. Stopping the addiction will cause you to get healthier but you still have to use you're mental health to achieve things. Stop porn and go out socializing. Go out and get new friends. Start talking to girls. Get a life.. Or get a better job focus on career.

    However i don't agree with you on this. Porn is a hard drugs just like cocaine, or crack it does really fucked up things with you're mind. So you are saying cocaine in moderation is good.. No its not why? because just like cocaine porn is really adictive you start out with only 1 video and you end up getting hooked...

    So i would NEVER say to my kids porn is good in moderation. because of the same reason i wouldn't say drugs is ok kids.

    Its scientific proven that porn is as addictive as cocaine to our brain. So that would make you thinx twice before saying moderation is ok.
  6. HappyDaysAreHereAgain

    HappyDaysAreHereAgain Fapstronaut

    I can't stop the flow of crud, but I can change my way of thinking so that I do not want to get back into that mucky stream. Then, maybe together we can do something to slow and stop the muck.
    Years ago, when I was a kid, the town creek smelled like a rotting cesspool. We were not allowed not play in it or go near it, but we did what kids do. They have since cleaned it up, added walkways, and made it beautiful. Out of town they have a sewage processing plant, but the main stream is safe and enjoyable for all. Some businesses were not happy about the process, but the results shout success.
    Yes, the muck is bad, but the first step is realizing that I need to get out of it, stay out of it, and then work to clean it up.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2017
  7. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    I don't compare porn to crack or heroin the types of drugs that everyone would become addicted to no matter who, they are physically addictive. I compare it to alcohol or food or marijuana. Most if not many people can use it in moderation on occasion and not have any issues. But some do. It believe the disease of addiction is usually hereditary in the sense that you can be more prone than others. I think most addicts also have an underlying mental health issue which is due to brain chemistry. I don't think all porn is evil. There are plenty of men and women who use it and never get addicted or have issues I was one of them and many men watch porn but not all are addicted. As addicts I think it's hard to imagine how someone cannot be addicted to it and I think many addicts think that's just not fair! How can they watch it in moderation and I can't! So deeming it to be evil to all is easier to accept. Also blaming porn won't help. It will always be there. It's not going to be illegal. So sure it's bad okay but in your recovery blaming the producers gets you no where. All addicts have a choice to choose to get help. And to me either you do or you don't. That's not the fault of porn.
    Road2Recovery likes this.
  8. saneagain

    saneagain Fapstronaut

  9. There are some valid points in your post but porn is still evil. It might not be the ultimate evil but it is still very evil and as long as porn is around, issues such as the exploitation of various groups will be around.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 14, 2017
  10. Protagoras

    Protagoras Fapstronaut

    You are buying into a big lie when you say porn is not evil in it self. You are correct that we all make decisions, and can make bad decisions that lead to bad consequences. We should not run away from this and tried to put the blame on someone else for our poor choices. However, your argument is like saying that methamphetamine is not an evil in itself. Yes it is. Just like porn, it is primarily used as a mechanism of a escape and destroys peoples lives. The world would be better off without methamphetamine and pornography. They have no valuable uses, and to the extent you can conjure up some proper purpose, the benefits of this are far outweighed by the detriments.
  11. Drew140

    Drew140 Guest

    Watching porn is a choice. I don't need the morality police watching and regulating people behavior usuallu if anything it backfires. Its called the iron law of prohibition. Not everyone who watches porn becomes addicted.
    OneWithTheUnderdogs and GG2002 like this.
  12. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    I agree with you. If the case was that it was pure evil than everyone who watched would get addicted and we know that's just not true.
  13. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    But that's the thing it will always be around. Just like guns and drugs and booze. The solution is education.
    LivinginRecovery likes this.
  14. YngwieWanksteen

    YngwieWanksteen Fapstronaut

    I said it in another post, you don't have to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
  15. For me, understanding that porn is a tool, a means to an end, that we use to give ourselves a dopamine high, was necessary for me to overcome the addiction. That said, during the reboot, I encourage people to hate it, to defriend it, to divorce it, to make it the enemy, and if feeling it is evil helps keep away from it, then feel it is evil. I know this, what it does to an addict's brain, that sure as F is evil.
    LivinginRecovery and kingpietro like this.
  16. Themadfapper

    Themadfapper Fapstronaut

    I think this kind of thinking is dangerous, at least it is for me. Now that I struggle with this habit when my mind is in that weakened state craving whatever it is that it craves[escape, safety,?] it will try to convince me of the things OP said that porn and masturbation in moderation are fine and healthy. Even though I have years of experience telling me otherwise. Even though one single relapse will lead me to feeling absolutely horrible even though it has devasting effects on me the lie that it is harmless and natural is something my mind will cling to in order get me to relapse and get what my malfunctioning mind desires. For me, there is no upside to porn and MO, and it devastates me emotionally affects me negatively mentally and physically.

    To paraphrase what OP said " Casinos, drugs, porn, can't be blamed " This is a naive way to look at human nature or a deliberately devious way of looking. These are predatory elements meant to corrupt people, harm them, rob them of wealth, freedom and ultimately destroy them.

    You say Gambling/Porn can't be blamed. As in no action should be taken against them, they are blameless and should be allowed to do as they please in the name of freedom? Yet when a Casino moves into town people start becoming homeless, people start prostituting themselves, crime goes up, families become unstable. You can say the same for porn and drugs to varying degrees. Drugs lead to tons of crime, porn does tons of harm to families, children, youth, society.

    Yes, you are responsible for your own actions, but there is no good reason to condone these harmful destructive habits and society is better of without them. Freedum* to corrupt and ruin my society is not something I want you or anyone else to have.

    * intentional misspelling.
  17. kingpietro

    kingpietro Fapstronaut

    Last edited: Jul 14, 2017
    The Rezistor likes this.
  18. Yes sir. Thank you.

    Wonderful analogy.
  19. kingpietro

    kingpietro Fapstronaut

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 1, 2017
  20. sparkywantsnoPMO

    sparkywantsnoPMO NoFap Moderator & Yeoman

    Let's not berate each other please.
    AM141 and Deleted Account like this.
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