10+ days easy!! How I did it.

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Connor21, Jul 18, 2017.

  1. Connor21

    Connor21 Fapstronaut

    I discovered nofap 4-5 years ago and I have been trying to quit since. While I've gone longer than 10 days before (hit 20 a few times and 60 once), none have been as easy as this time. Here's how I did it.

    Steps that I have taken on this streak different than my other attempts:
    1. Posting on my journal every day.
    2. Going to bed and waking up earlier.
    3. Working out in the morning when I can.
    4. Cut ties with my long time but toxic friends
    5. Not looking/reading at benefits of quitting porn
    6. Having the mindset that I don't need any nofap super powers. I doing this for myself.
    7. Consistently meditating.
    8. Doing affirmations about me being alpha (no longer beta).
    9. I have a long term plan for my life that excites me.
    10. Doing my best to help other people out on this site (not get help for myself).
    11. Maximized my porn blocking potential (covenant eyes on computer and ubhind on phone)

    Good luck guys! Let's finish this thing!
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2017
    R.I.I.P.E.R, Alk346, Eleanor and 5 others like this.
  2. NightReaper775

    NightReaper775 Fapstronaut

    This is mandatory, if you have toxic relationships they are not going to help you to get motivated nor to have the temper to fight your problems.

    Yeah, I stopped reading NoFap subreddit because it is just another waste of time, full of fake stories and giving me dopamine rushes for nothing.

    However, I do not agree with the alpha/beta mindset, it would be better to think it in terms of "being yourself" or "being happy with who you are", it all sums up to that after a while, or at least that was my sensation after a long streak: I need to stick to my own standards and not feel intimidated by what current society thinks I have to be doing at my age, of course, I prefer to be sticking to what I think is virtuous, like being nice to others and pursuing my own dreams and a peaceful life.

    Greetings, great to read you are moving forward.
    Connor21 and Alk346 like this.
  3. Connor21

    Connor21 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the input! My reply is that I feel like I was made to be alpha. Not everyone has to be an alpha male. I understand that, but I do. So by becoming more alpha, I feel like I am becoming more of my true self every day.
    NightReaper775 likes this.
  4. Fighter834

    Fighter834 Fapstronaut

    Awesome that you've accomplished so much already Connor21. You're well on your way to long term sobriety. You've made some very positive and healthy changes for yourself that were necessary for you to accomplish this milestone.

    Just a word of caution...these lifestyle changes you've made are the foundation for what you've accomplished. If they start to fall, your sobriety will be put at risk. Your plan is missing a key, and pivotal, component...accountability. It's the toughest part of a recovery plan to establish but it solidifies your foundation. If your self-care starts to slip having someone to rely on who is aware of your struggle and is able to get you back on track can stop the downward spiral and get you back on track. I won't say everyone needs this accountability but I would bet 99% of people attempting recovery from any addiction do. It's very easy to will-power through the first 14 or even 30 days...but there will be challenges that shake that foundation. I want you to accomplish years of sobriety and I hope you have this accountability in place to do it. Confidence in yourself is a big part of recovery, but having humility in admitting your addiction to someone is even more important. Keep fighting ;)
    Connor21 and Alk346 like this.
  5. Connor21

    Connor21 Fapstronaut

    I agree that accountability is great. The problem is a lack of people in my life that can act as an accountability partner. I will continue to look for an opportunity build an accountable relationship but until then, this site will be my partner.

    It's not really the same but I have talked to my dad about porn and we have conversations every once in a while (he quit porn 5-10years ago) but that situation is a little messy. Also In the past, I went to a counselor once a week but that didn't help (I could resume once I go back to college). That's the best I got lol.
  6. Oliver3140

    Oliver3140 New Fapstronaut

    Hey just wondering, which stories are fake on the subreddit? I just recently deleted Reddit because I go on it too much and just signed up on here, although I've been trying to do Nofap for months. What can I expect over here that's different to the subreddit?
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2017
    Connor21 likes this.
  7. NightReaper775

    NightReaper775 Fapstronaut

    There are many stories about superpowers, some believable, other just crazy. Yesterday a guy posted how he went from being a 32 years old kisssless virgin to being approached by a "10/10" in the street, who grabbed his hair and asked him to be with her; earning a 6 figure income and solving every problem by doing NoFap. Everyone was asking what he did, and he did not answer the difficult questions about the streak, seemed fake from the start. Apart from that there are another exaggerations like that or troll posts. Overall it is a waste of time because we just need to convince ourselves that NoFap does good things for us, not stare at 245835 different benefits from other people expecting to become little less than Superman.

    Connor21 and Oliver3140 like this.
  8. Oliver3140

    Oliver3140 New Fapstronaut

    Ya you're right. Although I think many people interpret superpowers the wrong way. What a super power really is, is just becoming more sensitive because you're no longer being numb by porn. To me a super power is being able to laugh and cry and be able to actually enjoy the small things.
    Connor21 and NightReaper775 like this.
  9. NightReaper775

    NightReaper775 Fapstronaut

    Of course. Enjoying the small things and being concious of the world are the real subjective beauty of NoFap: the inner peace it brings is beautiful too.
    Connor21 and Oliver3140 like this.
  10. I thought this forum was specifically only for 30+ day success?
    Connor21 likes this.
  11. Connor21

    Connor21 Fapstronaut

    Yeah, I figured that out after I had already posted.