High Quality Women

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by bboyownz, Jul 20, 2017.

  1. bboyownz

    bboyownz Fapstronaut

    How do people get those beautiful women when I can't seem to get a single date. I'm 21, never been on a date with a woman. Feels bad man.
  2. pranav02

    pranav02 Fapstronaut

    Tinder? Or just grow them balls are talk to strangers. May be awkward but would give you experience and make you stronger socially and mentally.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2017
    faplordxd, dopecry, SuperFan and 3 others like this.
  3. CrumplyCrumps

    CrumplyCrumps Fapstronaut

    You just fail, fail, and than fail again. Then one day, you succeed.

    And no I don't mean you get stuck on one girl, you moveon to others. Girls don't like it when guys are persistent.
    Hopefulgirl likes this.
  4. jest

    jest Fapstronaut

    Tinder (or any other dating app/site) is absolute trash and people there are just as lonely as you, so remember that. You don't want to date a loser, unless you consider yourself one.

    My advice is: work on yourself (physically and mentally) until it gets to a point where women will just randomly pop up in your life and you won't have to chase them or a relationship because you'll have several options.

    Oh and don't rush anything.
  5. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    The Truth .
    dopecry, vibemaker, Lucky1 and 2 others like this.
  6. bboyownz

    bboyownz Fapstronaut

    Do you speak Japanese? XD
  7. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    lol no , I'm actually Dominican . :emoji_flag_do:
    vibemaker and Kenzi like this.
  8. Are you confused and hurt because you need knowledge on how to attract the attention of someone you consider desirable?
  9. pranav02

    pranav02 Fapstronaut

    Well that's some advice I didn't know. Thanks guys, sorry if I misguided anyone.
  10. bboyownz

    bboyownz Fapstronaut

    Maybe, also just the fact that perversions and only thinking about sex has caused me to push people who liked me away. :(
    Lucky1 likes this.
  11. Work on yourself first.
    You're just 21 & you've a long way to go.
    ElJeffe263 likes this.
  12. don't look at porn, don't masturbate, and don't look at girls buts. they don't like that.
    Hopefulgirl likes this.
  13. jaybo

    jaybo Fapstronaut

    Yes improve yourself, become the person that the type of partner you'd like would want to date. But there's nothing wrong with dating apps, they work fine for some people. There are problems with them but you don't lose anything by giving them a go.

    Not everyone on dating sites are lonely, that's absurd. Anyway so what if they were? there's nothing wrong with admitting you're a bit lonely. Don't go around thinking 'well I'd like a date, but all the other people who want a date are a bunch of desperate losers' that's ain't gonna be helpful is it, ludicrous.

    Find some fun interests where you meet people, talk to the women like they are people and get to know them. If there's one you like ask her out, without being creepy about it. If she knocks you back carry on. This will build your confidence and your experience with people in general, you'll become more social and have more fun and Opportunites in your life.

    How many people have you asked out on a date Boyownz?
    ElJeffe263 and jest like this.
  14. If I may say, and I hope it's ok with you is that, your desire perhaps is to have a way to grow and learn so that you can improve your life so you attract and re-connect with people that you want in your life?
  15. señor

    señor Guest

    so true man. people really internalize success as a number but never take into account the number of attempts it took them to get there. if you flirt with 100 girls over four weeks and only get two of their numbers for it, then you're doing a whole lot better than most guys in a month's time. no one notices failure but everyone sees success
    Slothman likes this.
  16. bboyownz

    bboyownz Fapstronaut

    Last edited: Jul 23, 2017
    Lucky1 likes this.
  17. NightReaper775

    NightReaper775 Fapstronaut

    Man, that thumbnail is triggering and shows the clickbait sh*t that governs YouTube.
  18. bboyownz

    bboyownz Fapstronaut

    It's just a comedian talking about how women don't need to have game to get a man.
  19. NightReaper775

    NightReaper775 Fapstronaut

    That does not refute my hypothesis. That image is triggering, put a spoiler on it or something.
  20. Drew140

    Drew140 Guest

    Failure is part of the game. If YouTube triggers you that's a bigger issue.