Consistent relapse issue.

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Dino Daniel, Jul 28, 2017.

  1. Dino Daniel

    Dino Daniel Fapstronaut

    Hello fello nofappers. I've been addicted to porn since I was about 14 years old. It was a really big problem all through high school and now im going to be a junior in college. I would say my addiction HAS come a long way from where I was worst. I use to watch hardcore porn videos everyday. For about the past 6 months I've only watched hardcore porn a handful of times due to the blockers I've put on my devices and I'm talking with a counselor about my addiction. But yesterday I watched a hardcore porn video for first time in probably a month and a half. I now feel really guilty. I want to stop watching porn of all types and consistent masterbation completely! but I keep relapsing after less than a week at a time! I did go through a period of almost two months of no porn what so ever, but i did master bate and It ended when I started having problems with a girl I liked. I need to get back on a long stretch with no porn OR masterbaition! What do I do???
  2. "What do I do?" . Be a man and deal with it. Keep your hands out of your pants , do something productive , and realise the incredible harm you are doing to yourself by MO ing. Its how it worked for me. No tricks or porn blockers or whatever; pure dedication, discipline and motivation.
    There is no secret / magic answer to this. Its all in your hands.

    And why do people call it "master"bate? There is nothing "master" in this act.
    xXkiller42 and Dino Daniel like this.
  3. Dino Daniel

    Dino Daniel Fapstronaut

    I understand that. That will definitely give me motivation for a short period of time. But addiction is engraved in our brains. No offense or anything but Just by saying "be a man" isn't going to help an addict much. I'm definitely motivated to beat this thing, but when I'm in the moment of thinking about porn, thinking about future benefits of NOT watching porn all go out the window.
    ch1234 likes this.
  4. Panda20

    Panda20 Guest

    What are your goals and why are you doing no pmo?
  5. Dino Daniel

    Dino Daniel Fapstronaut

    Whats motivating me is cowardice, or desiring to lack it. I want to be fearless. Essentially pmo is coddling my fear to talk to real women and experience the real world in the sexual AND none sexual realms.
    xXkiller42 likes this.
  6. Panda20

    Panda20 Guest

    There you go remember that goal when you are about to relapse. If you're not going to do something now then you're not going to achieve your goals and I'm sure you don't want that. Know what triggers you and plan a substitute action from what you would normally do so instead of pmo, you can spend time doing what you are passionate about. Create new habits and try on new things. Will power isn't enough you have to form new habits and become a better person.
  7. Drew140

    Drew140 Guest

    Maybe you need some tough love
  8. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    How do you continue watching porn if you have your devices blocked? What outlets are you using that keep you repeatedly relapsing? You have to find a way to keep yourself safe from those outlets, at least temporarily. Otherwise you're just making your recovery 50x harder than it needs to be.

    He's an addict. Addicts can't just will themselves better through self-discipline. The first step is admitting that you're powerless over your behavior.

    ^^^ TRUTH.
  9. Daddyfats23

    Daddyfats23 Fapstronaut

    Go get a partner!!
    Unleash the fury there!!
  10. @SuperFan I was an addict for 10 years myself too. So..
  11. Dino Daniel

    Dino Daniel Fapstronaut

    Well there still sites like youtube/facebook where I can watch soft stuff. But if i wanted to watch hardcore porn I would have to either use my xbox or my mother desktop computer and Im not really sure how to block porn from myself on either of those. Its pretty inconvenient for me to use either of those so that helps, but If I really stong craving I stil have that option