Second day is an all-out war

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Quezatolah, Aug 1, 2017.

  1. Quezatolah

    Quezatolah Fapstronaut

    Today for the first time since I made this thread: and posted my strategy of abstaining from porn and masturbation every other day.

    I have attempted to not masturbate two days in a row and it's really hard because on the second day which I'm still in, I was expecting the reward of porn and masturbation for my efforts yesterday(which is fucked up I'm actually calling that fucking shit a reward) and suddently because it's the 1st of August I decided to go another day and since morning at 9am untill now 2pm, I've been in non stop conflict to the point I haven't been able to do anything I wanted to do today.

    Some people say porn and masturbation stops them from being productive but for me the opposite seems to be true at the moment.

    To be completely honest I made this thread to give myself an advantage over this monster.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2017
    djmotion and noonoon like this.
  2. its hard, I am still trying to get past 2 days.
  3. JakeWoods

    JakeWoods Fapstronaut

    "Some people say porn and masturbation stops them from being productive but for me the opposite seems to be true at the moment"

    Have you ever thought that maybe you can only function "normally" after you've used porn because your brain has become accustomed to it? You've become dependant on it just to get through the day?

    I too am on day 2. I know I'll get through it you know why? Because it's all up here^ (in your head). If you think you can do something you can, if you think you can't, then you most likely won't.

    I'm making day 2 my personal bit*h
  4. Quezatolah

    Quezatolah Fapstronaut

    Fuck this shit, I'm doing it too.

    I've never thought of that actually, do you want to compete to see who can go the longest?
    JakeWoods likes this.
  5. JakeWoods

    JakeWoods Fapstronaut

    You're on. :p
  6. sparkywantsnoPMO

    sparkywantsnoPMO NoFap Moderator & Yeoman

  7. Quezatolah

    Quezatolah Fapstronaut

    My record is 12 days, what is yours?
  8. noonoon

    noonoon Fapstronaut

    Addicted much? ;)
  9. JakeWoods

    JakeWoods Fapstronaut

    My record is 21 days. But that was over 2 years ago. Ready to obliterate that.
  10. Quezatolah

    Quezatolah Fapstronaut

    Let's fucking go.

    My record was over 3 years ago.
  11. djmotion

    djmotion Fapstronaut

    I'm on day 2 and the exact same. Meant to be in library doing university work because deadline on Friday and instead I came close to fapping and ended up napping all day instead. Just got up and still getting urges, this shit sucks. It feels like the only thing that made you happy is gone and now you never gonna feel happy again.
  12. lantti

    lantti Fapstronaut

    Day two is a bitch. Nothing good in it.
    Atlanticus and djmotion like this.
  13. Quezatolah

    Quezatolah Fapstronaut

    Day 3 has ended, entering day 4 which will also be a breeze.
  14. Imtrying

    Imtrying Fapstronaut

    I'm on day 5. I was good until day 4. Then I just felt like something was missing. I pushing through it day by day. My record is 18 days.
  15. Quezatolah

    Quezatolah Fapstronaut

    How are things coming along? I'm on day 4.
  16. Leeuwenhoek

    Leeuwenhoek Fapstronaut

    Leonardo Da Vinci figured out how to stop fapping, that's how he became such a genius.
  17. Leeuwenhoek

    Leeuwenhoek Fapstronaut

    Blaise Pascal practiced mortification of the flesh to reduce sexual urges, i forget exactly what he would do but as I remember it was something very painful. Pascal invented the computer, the entire field of meteorogy , plus a whole bunch of other major shit the industrial world uses everyday.
  18. Quezatolah

    Quezatolah Fapstronaut

    Today day 4 has been really difficult so far, I'm doing all I can to keep my urges at bay but it seems hopeless.
  19. Drew140

    Drew140 Guest

    It's always the hardest at the beginning. It's a test man. Suck it up.
  20. av_2905

    av_2905 Guest

    Even for me, getting past day 2 was next to impossible. But this time, I just visualized myself at the gym after work, instead of going home and jerking off, because on day 2, the urges would strike so hard, I'd leave work early, go home and have at it for 2-3 hours. It's a huge waste of time and energy. This time, I went to the gym, and worked myself to the point where I couldn't feel my arms, rendering fapping undoable, and now I'm on day 4.

    I hope you're able to figure what works for you! If nothing comes to mind, just go and work out. It really helps. :)
    Nouvel Homme likes this.