On days when you feel down

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by AtomicTango, Aug 4, 2017.

  1. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    I've been doing NoFap on and off for 7 months now, and I think what gets to me the most is honestly the loneliness. I fool myself into thinking I just want sex with some hot girl but deep down I just want emotional intimacy and a connection with someone. I dont really feel like I can be 100% honest about any of this with either my friends or family, and when it gets on top of me I can go from being generally fine to feeling absolutely worthless and alone. It seems like all the people I speak to IRL dont understand exactly what I want from life even if I spell it out for them, its like they either arent listening or I'm speaking a foreign language.
  2. We CAN Do This!

    We CAN Do This! Fapstronaut

    In this process, especially in the early stages which is where you are (assuming your counter is correct), having days like this is completely normal.

    I always get days where I feel like this addiction has isolated me. I sometimes feel like it'll never end, and that nobody will ever understand what is really going on with me.

    It is just a side effect, if you like, of the healing process. You'll get through it and there will be great times ahead.
  3. Pmo is in the past

    Pmo is in the past Fapstronaut

    We need to fight this.We will get better.
    rivct10145 likes this.
  4. xXkiller42

    xXkiller42 Fapstronaut

    Same here man, but we can get through this. there's someone for everybody out there.
  5. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    What gets to me about it is that it isnt even rational, its the feeling of being trapped in your own mind, knowing deep down that theres no real reason to feel bad but yet you still do.
  6. xXkiller42

    xXkiller42 Fapstronaut

    Yeah I hear you on that one. It's a affect of the healing process so It's a good sign.
  7. It continues getting better man. Even I still get those shitty days here and there.
  8. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    Yeah I'm trying stay more positive and trying to not let it get to me. Today I started an online dating profile, which is something I wouldnt do when I was addicted to PMO, so even if it doesnt lead anywhere its progress.
    Matrix Intel likes this.
  9. kattskagg

    kattskagg Fapstronaut

    That's what I'm trying to avoid, browsing through profiles might not make me relapse but still be a kind of porn sub. And I would check for messages every 5 minutes, and sometimes get sad when rejected. Still I got to meet some girls during all years of chatting, having sex and even some relationships, still I know it would be so much better for me to get to interact with people in the real world. I have social anxiety, getting better but need to avoid these things.

    So if you want to improve your social abilities, feel more accepted, I don't think online dating is going to help you in the long run, still I don't have any other recommendation at the time of writing and to be really honest to myself now, I will probably choose that route myself, again, someday.. But I'm sure hope not!

    Matrix Intel likes this.
  10. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    My intention with online dating is more to practive interaction than it is to actively search out someone, I'm just talking to women on it casually about all sorts of stuff, even women I'm not all that interested in. My problem with IRL social interaction is all about the introduction, I know forcing myself to talk to strangers online is not at all the same as in real life, but nonetheless as long as I dont take it too seriously its good practice. I can also only check the site on my laptop which I dont use all that much, so theres that.
  11. kattskagg

    kattskagg Fapstronaut

    If you can keep it at that level, it may be beneficial. :) Just be mindful of obsessive behavior, you're an addict so.

  12. Numbanddisturbed72

    Numbanddisturbed72 Fapstronaut

    Loneliness is my biggest issue. I swear its even painful
  13. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.php?threads/yeah-online-dating-isnt-for-me.120577/ I've started a new thread talking about why I wont be pursuing online dating after doing some serious reflection about it. What you said had an impact so thanks for the advice, although that wasnt the main reason I stopped so quickly it still got me thinking.
  14. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    Since starting this thread I've tried to practice a more positive approach, on days when I feel lonely I spend my morning walk purging these emotions from my mind, then when I get back home I usually feel fine. Meditation is also really useful for stopping negative emotions overpowering you.
    Rockyroad likes this.