Post published by Sleax18

I cant understand how does this challenge works. Can anybody help me?
Iasitasya more_vert
It's arbitrary: you set the parameters for success or failure yourself, in NoFap.
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Iasitasya more_vert
In this group, if you wish to embark on the journey up your personal Everest, you just start whenever you want, and once every 30 days you roll a die to see which of the 12 challenges you landed.
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Sleax18 more_vert
Thanks but what can i do now having 35 days without PMO?
Iasitasya more_vert
Your current streak (no. of consecutive days accomplishing your goals) only matters for:
(1) the 12 challenges, or
(2) if you qualify as a "Super Rebooter" (which just means you can climb faster)
Iasitasya more_vert
You can start climbing from "base camp" whenever you like, with as long a streak as you have: 35 or 3500.
Sleax18 more_vert
Okay. I will start soon
Sleax18 more_vert
And what's your level?
Iasitasya likes this.
Iasitasya more_vert
I'd never started, being new to NoFap and only finding about the nature of this challenge a while ago. That's no excuse, I suppose, but I find it inspiring to just help people.