Post published by Sleepingwarror

I had an awesome phone call with another courageous Fapstronaut @Ankit2Life over the weekend. We shared our struggles, victories and hope. I was inspired to learn that he once had a 4-year streak of no PMO.

I felt very refreshed and joyful after our call. I do not know why.

During the conversation I learned that I was the first person he has ever talked about his PMO journey. This made me recall the first time I ever shared this with a friend who was supportive and engaged in personal growth. I dropped a lot of shame in my first every conversation about this.

Both of us wondered what if there was a group where we can chat in real time or have phone conversations with whoever is available using some mobile App. I see two possibilities:
1. WhatsApp group - More popular and easy to use.
2. Telegram group - More private and people do not reveal their phone numbers.

I am open to both possibilities and willing to set it up. Please comment below to let me know which option you prefer. Or if you have any alternative suggestions that would be fantastic to hear as well.
Rk@love more_vert
Ready for WhatsApp buddy
Sleepingwarror likes this.
Born2DefeatPMO4ever more_vert
How to join this group tell me i will do everything just to say no pmo
Sleepingwarror likes this.
Ankit2Life more_vert
First of all really thanks a lot for that awesome intro @Sleepingwarror :)
Deleted Account likes this.
Ankit2Life more_vert
Secondly it's really an awesome idea. I'm in for the Whatsapp plan, and I feel we can have some weekly meetings on Skype as well.
Deleted Account likes this.
Ankit2Life more_vert
And Yeah I recalculated, the streak was from 9th standard to beginning of 2nd year of engineering (I got into this Fapping hell right from my 6th standard), so it was actually 5 Years lol :)
Born2DefeatPMO4ever more_vert
I am eager to join this group waiting........
Sleepingwarror likes this.