Post published by jobbyj

Anyone thought or used therapy for this, and what has been there experience? i have tried but it wasnt that useful
MerseyPhoenix likes this.
Circleinthesquare more_vert
once i saw a cognitive therapist who said, "you just have to choose that you will stop, and just stop". Easier said than done - that was about 18 years ago and the number of times.....
jobbyj likes this.
MerseyPhoenix more_vert
I see a therapist every week. It has been extremely useful. It's talk therapy, not CBT, which is what I need. Expensive though, at £40 a week. I don't think anyone stands a chance of kicking it unless they seek professional help.
jobbyj likes this.
onthe button more_vert
onthe button
I think unfortunately it depends a lot on circumstance. I am a student and at my campus I was lucky enough to have free counselling sessions, which are part of the reason I'm using nofap now. My counselor was brilliant but it does seem to vary from case to case. While not every one may 'get it', if you have the chance I would say its worthwhile trying to find a counselor or therapist that you feel you have confidence in, because you will be able to get the impartial advice of someone trustworthy who has no further connection in your life other than to help you with your issue.
jobbyj likes this.
jobbyj more_vert
Thanks. I paid for a cbt professional, but as i have underlying trauma linked to my addiction, he wasnt useful as he kept trying to work on surface level stuff when it was clear there were other drivers. now seeing someone else, and its helping but still not fully sure
jobbyj more_vert
Do you think then, there is a need for more porn specialists? or at least men who can deal with it, because i have sat infront of a couple of women, and they dont have a clue