Post published by s-eeker

hello everyone,i am a male aged 24 years.I have been preparing for exams[for jobs] for the past 2 years.well,I started using porn when I was 14 years old.But I stopped it when i was in my 16th year and restarted it in my engineering and struggling to quit this habit till this day.
MY PROBLEM:I started going to prostitutes bcz of porn addiction and now i started frequently going to them[span of 2 to 3 weeks].This has become an uncontrollable urge for me and it is affecting my entire daily life.I just want to stop it!!!
MY CURRENT STREAK:I have started from 11/11/20 and would like to continue for next 3 weeks.
MY PREFERENCE:I would prefer to watch porn when I am stressful and exhausted at night or when I fell like rewarding myself.MY TARGET WOULD BE TO ABSTAIN FROM THESE THOUGHTS AND DELAY GRATIFICATION.

FINALLY very big thank you for the founders of NOFAP WEBSITE and COMMUNITY.I hope you will support me in my journey and i am looking forward to support others in their journey
quit@porn more_vert
Exams and not busy in life is major reason that will compel us to remain addict. Journey will not be easy but dont give up brother, I am in similar situation like eaxams for jobs and I know the stress and frustration. Be strong you have to have give up on pmo and hookers....
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