Post published by Ajar

Whenever you fail, or screw up - never be down on yourself. Never feel angry, or hurt - because we have to understand that we are trying to fight against something that took years to build. It doesn't matter if you fail 1,50, or even 1000 times. The main point is that you keep going. That you brush off whatever emotions, or feelings you have, and honestly within yourself keep trying to the best of your ability. If not today, then tomorrow. Every step you take towards liberating yourself of these chains, is a step of progress that is not in vain. Even if you abstain from one day of porn, that is still ONE full day without porn. It is still some progress. We should definitely, clearly remember though of where we came from, and where we are going. If you used to Fap 8 times a day, then that is ground zero, that is where you work from - that is the low-point. If you want to progress than you need to work away from this low point. The further away, even if you fall, you'll fall miles from the low-point. Keep fighting guys. Its funny because we all contain the capacity to be Super. Life waits for no one, we need to do this today. Today is the day. Never wait until tomorrow, keep fighting for this change today. It is in your hands. Never give up.
ChrisDorner44Mag.4deadcops more_vert
I know everything but maybe it’s too late.
inusualguy likes this.
eagle rising more_vert
eagle rising
@ChrisDorner44Mag.4deadcops Keep going and be available to joy. It is never too late.
ChrisDorner44Mag.4deadcops more_vert
I want to hit myself with the coldsteel war club with the spike over my head because of my wrong thinking about wet dreams and a narcissistic fake friend which deserves to get kidnapped and left alone in the desert without water.
ChrisDorner44Mag.4deadcops more_vert
eagle rising thank you, sometimes death is a kindness that’s what I’m thinking now.
The problem is I don’t live in the USA I live in a dictatorship country and my goal is to escape to USA that’s why I’m even more fucked up in the head now because I’m trapped.
eagle rising more_vert
eagle rising
I have had many episodes of "death is the answer". Death is a continuation, not a cessation. This is probably why many people are seemingly okay with it. It seems like a good alternative, especially when one is in the midst of a huge change.
eagle rising more_vert
eagle rising
Indeed, recovery and abstaining from P is such a huge change. It is probably one of the biggest change that anyone can go through in one's life. That goes for any drug addiction as well. You will not like it for quite some time. I was there many, many months!
eagle rising more_vert
eagle rising
You live in a dictatorship country. You cannot change that in an instant, but if you fight reality you will lose, 100%, you will lose. It is absolutely 100% terribly unfortunate that one is born in such a country, I understand, but you cannot fight against this reality. There are many other ways that won't cost you your sanity.
inusualguy more_vert
is not too late you can still start being useful and not a slave to your lust
ChrisDorner44Mag.4deadcops more_vert
Inusalguy yes I need to become an asset for the United States or I have to kill myself.
inusualguy more_vert
@ChrisDorner44Mag.4deadcops dude, even tho that's a good starting idea to become somthing more than a slave... dont try to become an asset of something it's already an slavery machine, i mean you'll find freedom in something gives freedom for real and love, love for real
m4ng0 more_vert
Thanks for the motivation, Ajar!
Ares44 more_vert
Like the motivation speech.
Mr_h more_vert
Let's go everyone. You heard him. The fight starts todayyyyy !!!
anewera and Bill Shady like this.
cnm258w more_vert
Thanks my friend. Hope every day of your life is a great day, also for mine.
anewera likes this.
Percy98 more_vert
Keep fighting! Die for it! We are soldiers never yielding!
Jojo279 and anewera like this.
amooamir more_vert
guys that was my third day of giving it motivated to going on without limitation
Radioactive Rebooter likes this.
amooamir more_vert
that about a month that I gave up my bad habit but today I really feel like wanted to do it but that's not gonne happen I won't back to first place
alitahir and Saeed Nephew like this.
clan Leader more_vert
clan Leader
is this group still active?
Murmillo likes this.
Dares Greeneye more_vert
Dares Greeneye
Not really. I wonder whether there is a similar group on here that is active though
harajit and King Carlsen like this.