Post published by pjain261

Relapsing a day after another . My life sucks i am away from family and career is in danger now
u376 likes this.
Kratos_GOW more_vert
Think what happend and why you did it. Search reboot material and read them everyday.
Determinant_20 likes this.
Determinant_20 more_vert
determination brother.....feed this to your subconcious everyday multiple times that you are going to break this habit once and for all
kelsiermistborn likes this.
Determinant_20 more_vert
remember always that your career is at stake....and nothing momentarily pleasurable thing is more important than it
johnf19 more_vert
go run a marathon and sleep
Walter White SR more_vert
Walter White SR
if you relapse eat something tasty and high in protein and activities you like.
Walter White SR more_vert
Walter White SR
also for consistency try reading something and use subliminal messaging . helps me