Post published by Existential Nightmare

I'm new to this NoFap thing. I used to be a confirmed Roman Catholic but after joining the Marine Corps I lost my way. After getting out and a few years had past I have made considerable strides to bettering myself. Masturbation seems to be one catalyst that does not help with the other problems I have and I've been wanting to stop for a while now. I've actually been able to go a month before reseting but now I feel I'm on the edge of full relapse. I used porn last night and literally spent hours scrolling through things before finally relapsing and using three times this morning. My problem that keeps leading me to relapse is that I have too much energy. I work out to the point of failure but I still get large amounts of energy an am unable to sleep. How do I get to sleep? I also have mental health issues with Sever PTSD, Psychotic Depression, and Manic Depressive Bi-Polar Disorder. I want to stop. I don't want to d;o this anymore.
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Welcome! My advice is simple: remember who you are - a Child of God, Roman catholic! Use that energy for Him!