Post published by Existential Nightmare

I'm new to this NoFap thing. I used to be a confirmed Roman Catholic but after joining the Marine Corps I lost my way. After getting out and a few years had past I have made considerable strides to bettering myself. Masturbation seems to be one catalyst that does not help with the other problems I have and I've been wanting to stop for a while now. I've actually been able to go a month before reseting but now I feel I'm on the edge of full relapse. I used porn last night and literally spent hours scrolling through things before finally relapsing and using three times this morning. My problem that keeps leading me to relapse is that I have too much energy. I work out to the point of failure but I still get large amounts of energy an am unable to sleep. How do I get to sleep? I also have mental health issues with Sever PTSD, Psychotic Depression, and Manic Depressive Bi-Polar Disorder. I want to stop. I don't want to d;o this anymore.
miXhal more_vert
Welcome! My advice is simple: remember who you are - a Child of God, Roman catholic! Use that energy for Him!
Sleepless island more_vert
Sleepless island
You can do it! Keep praying and trust God!
As for how to sleep, I am not sure but what works for me is relaxing my body and breathing deeply. Also, exercising before sleep might keep you awake because the blood starts flowing through your body, keeping you awake.
thatsingleindividual#K-13 more_vert
The problem then is not that you have energy or an excessive amount of it, perhaps. The problem is is how you "channel" that energy, how you 'funnel' it. I go through a similar problem myself sometimes but it is something that many of us do. The objective is, easier said than done, is how to find the proper channel to let that 'energy' escape. There are of course, good channels and bad channels.
thatsingleindividual#K-13 more_vert
By bad channels, one can channel that 'energy' through negative implements, such as for example, alcohol, drugs, excessive eating, sex, masturbation, and porn. They make the bad go away for a little while but in the end they're still there, and it causes a chain reaction of dissatisfaction, frustration, shame, and the urge to do it all over again to make that pain go away, even despite knowing that you're only digging your own hole a little bit deeper.