Recent content by Alcuin

  1. Alcuin

    For those of you who're married...

    Thanks you for this post too. This is the first time I’m writing in this forum. Things have been going well between my wife and me. We have been affectionate with each other. I’ve also been more honest with her about sex lately. We are definitely on the mend. I gave my wife oral the other...
  2. Alcuin

    I like your handle.

    I like your handle.
  3. Alcuin

    Dealing with Guilt

    I’m new to the NoFap life. I feel incredibly guilty now, and I did when I engaged in PMO, but my senses were dulled. I do not know if I am emerging from the fog yet, but I have hurt my wife, and for that I feel terrible. Knowing that I’m not alone helps, and feeling confident that I can...