DiazKin Apr 26, 2017 Hi kevtho, is the invitation for the whatsapp group still available? If so this is my number +60136990715
Hi kevtho, is the invitation for the whatsapp group still available? If so this is my number +60136990715
B B Bailes Apr 24, 2017 Hi Kevtho, I saw your invitation for a Whatsapp group and if still available i would like to Join my mobile number is 00353868558026 its an Irish Number and hopefully I can add something to the group dynamic and obviously help Thanks for your help
Hi Kevtho, I saw your invitation for a Whatsapp group and if still available i would like to Join my mobile number is 00353868558026 its an Irish Number and hopefully I can add something to the group dynamic and obviously help Thanks for your help