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I think there are some things in life that you dont need to experience in order to know what feeling youd anticipate. Do you not know whether or...
After reading this post, truly do want to say thank you for writing this. Sexuality is arguably the hardest thing for men to talk about to each...
Hello, This is actually a much more common problem than you think. This is a typical case of densensitization for sex addicts. What once became an...
I think you are definitely in the right direction. I wouldnt worry about the girlfriend just yet. Focus on your life. Think about it this way, if...
So I am finally going away for the weekend with this girl Ive been talking to and I know were going to have sex. Im nervous about having an orgasm...
Sorry to hear that man. Just letting you know that youre situation is DEFINITELY normal for people recovering from sexual addiction. There is a...
I know it doesnt help, but you have to stay strong. If you are feeling lost, look into sex addiction and create a tool set that will help you...
Just remember that the beginning is the hardest battle. Throughout responses ive posted on here i related beating this to putting a fire out. when...
Hi, this is a case of desensitization. The normal case most men have is they fantasize about being the guy that is with all the girls in the porn...
Hi, This is a classic case of densensitization. What used to turn you on no longer does the trick. Im sure youve heard that addicts build up...
Hi, Just wanted to chime in. Your body is used to shooting and will find creative ways to keep it going. Once our minds are locked in on "sex...