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One think i dont understand.If i watch soft porn my orgasm feels lower than my pornfetishs.It feels weird because my orgasm feels sometimes low...
I watched a lot transwoman porn or another really dirty shit.I dont understand why iam aroused by a transwoman porn but if i watch gay porn i dont like...
Yesterday i had a bad experience.A man had make up in his face und looked like a woman i was instantly aroused.Suddenly i notice that was a man...
But bro its really hard to NoFap man
I have tryed to masturbate in a fantasy with a girl but its really exhausting to get an orgasm.In my mind i fuck a girl but she changed every...
Man its really difficult to give up to masturbate.If i dont watch porn im really hot to any girls.Its really hard to understand why iam doing...
But one question why i get this feeling like iam gay what it happened with my hormones ?Last time i notice really all man and suddenly i can...
I started before few threads about that topic that iam struggling about me sexual orientation.I started to test me fap on gay porn or gay...
Iam really addicted to hard stuff like gangbang piss and other dirty shit.Normal porn are very very boring.I get an erection for normal porn but...