Recent content by teflondreamer

  1. teflondreamer

    Getting started

    Hey man, Welcome to the forum and good luck on your journey! I decided to quit for a lot of the same reasons, especially the time drain that PMO represents! Stay strong, take one day at a time and you’ll do great!
  2. teflondreamer

    A new one here :)

    Good luck man, just take it one day at a time! Hope you achieve the results you’re looking for!
  3. teflondreamer

    First post

    hey all, I’m Eric, 31 and I’m a PMO addict. Tried several times to quit but always end up back on it. I want to channel the energy and the time I waste on PMO into my real life. I have a lot of hobbies that bring me genuine joy (photography, writing, hiking) but they all get neglected and...