Comments on Profile Post by BoiledEggplant

  1. Grow_out_of_it
    I'm 55 days in and I still sometimes feel like watching P. The bad habit which you continued to do for so many years cannot be just eliminated instantly with 90 days reboot.
    Apr 9, 2017
    BoiledEggplant likes this.
  2. Grow_out_of_it
    It got to be done for a period your brain gets used to it. The flashbacks from your previous lifestyle haunt you from time to time. When this flashbacks are stopped you can assume yourself to be in a safe zone.
    Apr 9, 2017
    BoiledEggplant likes this.
  3. BoiledEggplant
    Yes this is very true. Several years of wanking off to vulgarity and feeding a basic survival instinct won't vanish away. People need to accept the truth that when they're into cutting off the virus, they'll still wrestle with it for a very long time.
    Apr 9, 2017
    Grow_out_of_it likes this.
  4. Grow_out_of_it
    You are doing great progress bro. 3 weeks in 2 days. Good luck with the journey.!!!
    Apr 9, 2017
    BoiledEggplant likes this.
  5. BoiledEggplant
    We don't want to do this to suddenly metamorphose into leading world leaders, we want to do this for the benefit of our personal humanity and to cut off sources of animalistic negativity. Whatever benefits may come let them come. I hate this addiction and I hate this impulsiveness to watch people fuck on camera...
    Apr 9, 2017
  6. Grow_out_of_it
    You've got quiet interesting name though.
    Apr 9, 2017
  7. BoiledEggplant
    Eggplants are good for your health.
    Apr 9, 2017
    Grow_out_of_it likes this.
  8. Grow_out_of_it
    I hated eating eggplant as a kid. Lol!!
    Apr 9, 2017