Addiction is toxic

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by futurewoman, Apr 17, 2019.

  1. futurewoman

    futurewoman Fapstronaut

    hello! I am a 25 year old man that went trough a LOT of things in life. Im unlucky and have very bad genes. My mother is very perfetionistic and have ocd, my father and grandfather are addicts to alcohol. Ive been struggling with perfectionistic behaviour and ocd an of course addiction to both porn and other things. From time to time I could handle it. But it has beaten me up. So it a very destructive life for me. I just wish to get on the road to a healthy life again. My days look like stress and anxiety and porn and other destructive things from morning to evening. Where do I Begin? Im also so fatigued...I suffer from various physical conditions also.... so on its like im 70 years old but im just 25... please help please write /thanks
    RightLane and nef like this.
  2. Welcome to the community. Take a deep breath, you are not alone.
    RightLane likes this.
  3. futurewoman

    futurewoman Fapstronaut

    Thanks. How do you began to handle your life. To Begin a New life. Handle stress anxiety addiction...
    RightLane likes this.
  4. nef

    nef Fapstronaut

    Hello Sir stay strong I listen to some heavy metal to handle all the stress , pressure and BS in my life It doesn't solve the issue but it gives me strength to fight my way through it
    RightLane likes this.