Any toughts about a new year resolution?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by NF SINCE BIRTH, Dec 6, 2014.

  1. Hi! I have fapped for the last time in 2014 and I wonder what to do with my new year.
    Im yust going to throw out some toughts I have and then I want to hear the toughts from my fellow fapstronauts.

    As for now im finding that I havent participated in social activities the past semester. I do often feel lonely. In 2015 I want to change this. I have barely been to class in 2014 and doesnt really know my classmates yet. So since im a student I have decided to become the student of my dreams. Im going to meet up in every single lecture in 2015 and join study groups. Im going to study every day and participate in social activities. I also have a plan to throw off a party or two in the upcoming year.

    I have a lot more I want to add in my new year resolution. You can read about that in my new journal if you want. Im hoping to get some inspiration by reading the new year resolutions of others :)
  2. Iggy

    Iggy Fapstronaut

    I'm gonna aim to stay true to myself for the whole year and beyond. I'm not going to compromise how I feel or what I believe for anyone and am going to be 100% authentic. That's what I wanna do
  3. Whatever

    Whatever Fapstronaut

    to clear the mind of insincerity

    transcendent absolute sincerity

    to develop transcendent absolute Will,

    to develop transcendent absolute discipline,

    forever transcendent absolute discipline,

    and so
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2014
  4. Anon6918

    Anon6918 Fapstronaut

    My goals are fitness related. Run 100km a month. Ride 300km. Structured around base runs and recovery rides in the week, and a beast interval run/ride and long slow run/ride at the weekend. Do daily bodyweight workout and stretches.

    Oh, and stick with the NoFap. It's starting to make a bit of a difference.

    OP's goals sound awesome. Achieve even half of that, is going places. Good places too.
  5. TotalLifeChange

    TotalLifeChange Fapstronaut

    I don't want to be the killjoy here, but new year's resolutions are 90%+ of the times, useless.

    Your goals are all positive and good, which is awesome of course.

    I tell you all this to bring in some consciousness.

    Read this article, or these stats.

    Only around 8% of people accomplish their new year's goals. And that's considering not all people set life-changing goals.

    My point is, you have to be disciplined. The new year is just an extra boost of motivation, but the true motivation should come from one self.

    The motivation that makes you disciplined enought to do daily goal setting as I do. Not that I'm an example to follow, but I've learned my lessons over the years of trial and error.

    Also I recommend prioritizing your goals, and strive to achieve only the most life-changing one or two, then you'll have time to improve the rest.

    I hope it helps.
  6. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Using an arbitrary date for motivation is pointless. At best it is fleeting and has no effect whatsoever after a few days. Stronger, better reasons are required here.
  7. Iggy

    Iggy Fapstronaut

    Come on man, there's no need to be all high and mighty like that. Although at its root it is just another day, there's no reason someone can't try to set a goal from that date to accomplish something.
  8. IGY

    IGY Guest

    We are not being 'high and mighty', it is a statistical improbability - 8%.
  9. NoBrainer

    NoBrainer Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Perhaps new year's resolutions in terms of goal setting rather than "I'm going to do this in 2015" or "I'm not going to do that" would be more helpful. Decide what you want to achieve and work towards it.

    I agree with Total Life Change. Not many people take new year's resolutions seriously anyway. Besides, if you want to achieve something- NOW is the time to start working towards it- not in 3-4 weeks.
  10. Hi! OP here :) TotalLifeChange thanks for the input. Interesting stats you are linking to. I think what you are saying about goal setting is important. When we make a New year resolution, or make goals in general simply yust saying like I did in my opening post that I will become more social, learn a New Language, becoming the student of my dreams or this and that will probably end up as a failure if I dont have a plan. We have to break the large goals Down into smaller goals and we have to have a plan. It is also important to make a commitment to each of the goals and if you make a lot of goals like I have done then you should consider making a list over Your goals ranged after priority.

    One of my goals in 2015 for instance is to learn all 12000 Words in my Spanish Dictionary. How am I going to make that? This means that I need to memorize about 30 Words a day. This is going to take me about 30-40 minutes. I figured out that the best time to do this memorization is right after my morning meditation. This way I make this a part of my morning routine. Then the last thing I have to do is to commit to my goal on a daily basis.

    Please scream out if I got anything wrong or if you have anything to add :)
    Maybe I even get a waterproof New Year resolution in the end
  11. TotalLifeChange

    TotalLifeChange Fapstronaut

    Yeah you clearly got that right!

    Cuando quieras hablamos en español :cool:
  12. galaxim

    galaxim Fapstronaut

    Hi! I suggest that you start using Anki for that (if you haven't already), and try to integrate each word into a sentence. If you go for Anki, you have
    You have also



  13. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    I'm getting back into running aince becoming a fat slob for the last few years. I've just signed up for a half marathon in june, plenty of time to train to do it justice.
  14. Jamest007Bond

    Jamest007Bond Fapstronaut

    I too struggle with this waiting on the right time to start my change. With smoking for example I will tell myself "Next Monday I will quit." if its a tuesday. The date is just an excuse because deep inside I know I'm not ready. But there is no "perfect" time, the time is now and the battle is long and overwhelming. But I believe we all can stand tall against our inner demons and slay them. Let's try to get a head start on our resoultion!
  15. Tommorrow never really comes ; D If you think about it, today is the only way you will ever experience "tommorrow"