failed again....but for strength

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Lost_knight_returning, Mar 14, 2015.

  1. Lost_knight_returning

    Lost_knight_returning Fapstronaut

    dammmm....this was my longest strek...6 days.... and i relapsed in shower...
    but now i know what the real problem is.....
    its only and only porn... i dont think always about sex if i am away from porn ie from online porn...
    i dont have any other problem ... and i will kill this one also:cool:
  2. pics

    pics Fapstronaut

    Hey Good luck to kill this !!! Porn is a real shit thing. Hope that next time you will take a very quick shower !! No way we can't defeat porn and PMO !!
  3. cheece2001

    cheece2001 Fapstronaut

    u gota keep trying to succeed. just like anything.

    never give up.

  4. Ics2000

    Ics2000 Fapstronaut

    Well done for realising your triggers here - 6 days was an awesome streak, well done! You can reach that again.
  5. Lost_knight_returning

    Lost_knight_returning Fapstronaut

  6. Sick

    Sick Fapstronaut


    if you are younger then you don't remember the old days when the only place you could view porn was at a drive in theatre. Of course porn has always been around, artist carved nude statues thousands of years ago but I think if you jerked off to nude statues they would immediately recognize you were crazy. just kidding , masturbating to your own dreams of love is probably more satisfying because they are your own.

    but the point I was going to make is that obviously the more beautiful or sexy the women are the more erotic it is. there has never been so many super beautiful women in porn but have you ever noticed how fast that thing in their eyes, that you're really masturbating to fades from these 'porn stars'?

    that living energy that's in their eyes, that's coming out of their brain but also every cell of their body. You want a healthy body and a beautiful mind, that's what the sexual lust is.

    Animals feel the same thing, a Toucan feels exactly the same energy or 'lust' when he sees a female Toucan with totally, beautiful health feathers. Animals actually have more impulse control though, they never, ever breed after spring because their children would suffer the cold of the winter, they know they need the warmth of spring and summer and fall for their best chance.